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   The 2011 LIFE Institute Jack Brown Awards go to....
Rheta Rosen and Louise Brousseau, with Jack Brown Award Recipients
Gintare Ragainyte, Third year, Interior Design
Mary Doran, First year, M.A. Nursing/Primary Health Care, Nurse Practitioner
Jeannette Kobelka, Fourth year, Disability Studies Program
Justin Zelasko, First year, Public Policy & Administration Masters Program
Michelle Luk, First year, Biomedical Engineering
Dexter Roberts, Gerontology Certificate,
            who received the Continuing Education Jack Brown Award
       Read the report in LIFElines
Day Student Application available here, LIFE, R.S.U. or Student Financial Assistance Offices.
Completed applications must be received by the LIFE Institute office, 3rd floor, room 306,
Heaslip House, 297 Victoria Street Friday, February 10, 2012
Each recipient will receive a cash award of $1,000 to be deposited directly to the student’s tuition fee account.
Day Student Awards will be presented at "Mingle in March".
click appropriate box (Day) or (Con Ed) for PDF form

Continuing Education Student Application, Information and Guidelines. $1,000 Awards.
Applications are due each September.
A formal presentation of this Award will be made at a special ceremony in October.

Return completed Application to:
LIFE Institute, 3rd floor, Room 306,
Heaslip House, 297 Victoria Street
RSU Office, Student Campus Centre,
55 Gould Street

Application Information and Guidelines

What is the LIFE Institute Jack Brown Award

The LIFE Institute Award was created in 1996 in order to recognize and reward students at Ryerson University committed to studies and activities designed to improve the life of seniors in the community at large. The name of the Award was changed to 'The LIFE Institute Jack Brown Award' in 1999 to honour Jack Brown, Past President LIFE Institute and advocate of lifelong learning for seniors.

What is the value of the Jack Brown Awards?

The recipients of the LIFE Institute Jack Brown Award will each receive a cash award of $1000.00 to be deposited directly to the student's tuition fee account.

What are the criteria and the selection process?

The LIFE Institute Jack Brown Awards will be granted to:
  1. Continuing Education Students: currently in a Certificate program at Ryerson
  2. Day Students: currently in a Degree, Diploma or Certificate program
    Awards go to Students who:
  • ...are permanent residents of Ontario
  • ...are in financial need
  • ...can demonstrate an interest in and or involvement in studies or activities which enhance the quality of life for seniors.
The selection committee will choose the Award winner(s) based on the above criteria.
A formal presentation of these Awards will be made at The Chang School Awards ceremonies.

How to apply?
Jack Brown Award application forms are available by clicking the orange and blue boxes above, or from:
   The G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education,
   Heaslip House Reception,
   297 Victoria Street.

  • Day student deadline will be the first Monday in February 2012.
    Awards presented at Mingle in March.
  • Applications for Continuing Ed students are due each September.
    Awards presented in October

Who was Jack Brown?

Jack believed passionately in lifelong learning and after his retirement he became involved with LIFE Institute. Jack was a very successful businessman, politician and community leader and was a president and official of LIFE Institute. He was instrumental in developing effective courses; he was responsible in the development of the partnership with Ryerson; he was a leader in the development of computer education for seniors and in helping to create the first interactive educational website for seniors in Canada through Ryerson. Jack loved learning and he was keen to promote further education for students that would reflect the reality of aging today.

Jack held high hopes for undergraduates - both full and part time - and believed that seniors and students had a lot to offer each other. Jack died in September, 1999, but not before he was honoured with the Walter Pitman Award of Merit for "academic excellence in Continuing Education programs and contributions to the Ryerson community".