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BVZ Launch

Launch is a virtual 4-month, non-equity-based incubator program designed for MVP-ready health technology startups to launch in the market. We provide Canadian startups in the health and wellness sector with access to Brampton/Peel-based industry partners for early market validation, as well as opportunities to secure potential pilots. In addition, founders will have access to TMU (Zone Learning) resources, be eligible for a non-dilutive grant, go through venture development workshops, and receive integrated mentorship that supports them with their goals. 

We are now accepting pre-application interest! Please register your interest using the link provided below.

Entrepreneurs working

Accepting pre-application interest!

Why BVZ Launch?


Early market validation from industry partners and executives within your customer profile


One-on-one mentorship from pre-vetted, best-in-class entrepreneurs in residence


Curated problems to solve for in your industry, validated by industry stakeholders


Personal brand building opportunities and access to exclusive perks across the BVZ network


Access $12K in non-dilutive funding and up to $5K in in-kind services with no strings attached - no equity or IP


Access to our exclusive growing alumni network and community 



What you get

Program overview

Expected program outcomes

  • Venture Development (Leadership to Operations)
  • Market Development (Research to Go-to-market Strategy)
  • Technical Development (Proof of concept to Market Ready)
  • Customer Development (Sales and Marketing)
  • Capital Development (Startup Finances and Fundraising Strategy)
  • Industry Deep Dives on your chosen sector of focus (Health and Wellness, Food Sustainability, or Smart City, Mobility and Logistics)
  • Define organizational structure 
  • Develop your go to market strategy
  • Create a pilot-launch plan 
  • Refine product roadmap
  • Acquire your first customer or complete your first pilot
  • Establish a fundraising strategy

Meet our EIR's (Entrepreneurs in Residence) here!


What our alumni have to say:

Check out more of our alumni companies here!


This is a competitive cohort with a limited number of companies being admitted into the incubator program. This program is open to applicants from across Canada. Applicants must:

  • Be 21+ yrs of age (and not a current student)
  • Have a legally incorporated business in Canada
  • Have a working, demoable MVP (minimum-viable product)
  • Have some form of market validation data (market research, user interviews, market feedback, POC/LOI/Pilot, customers, or investors)
  • Be able to commit atleast 4 hours/week to the program
  • Have min. 1 dedicated full time founder
  • Have <$500K in private capital raised
  • Have general commercial liability insurance

Global supply chains affecting food security

We have come into a time where the demand for food will exceed the supply in an imbalance we have not seen ever before on a global level. For the modern supply chain to stay fluid and consistent, there must be relative stability in the world. The lack of domestic suppliers for the food sector and a tremendous reliance on US and European Union suppliers presents cost and service barriers.

Plant-based/alternative ingredients and extending shelf life of products

As consumers lean towards healthier lifestyles and proactively care for their health, food is increasingly being seen as medicine. Consumer demand for alternative ingredients is growing, whether it be plant-based or insect-based proteins, low glycemic index carbohydrates or food sources with higher nutrient value. By influencing consumer perspectives to be more focused on ingredients, we can change the quality of diets and the sustainability of diet. 

Food certification and traceability

The great deal of certifications and traceability requirements imposed on companies makes it difficult and complicated to administer them. More quality control professionals in companies are spending time managing the various compliance rules around certification than actually managing quality control measures. Although consumers want to see more traceability information, they are not actually willing to pay for the additional cost incurred by the industry.

Consumer perception and knowledge

At present, consumers have minimal understanding of the importance of sustainability. Part of the goal of any food campaign should be educating the public on how important sustainability in the food chain has become. A record number of people are showing up in food banks, however, the food processing industry is still throwing out large portions of food every day.

Food Processing - Labour shortage, process improvement and use of technology

Some food is grown in Canada and sent outside of Canada to be processed and then imported back into Canada for consumption. A new breed of vertical farming companies are rising in the country. Vertical farming/efficiencies can make use of urban space and empty warehousing for food production. Could reinventing the food processing industry at a local level through vertical farming or biomanufacturing enable us to process more of the produce we grow here in Canada?

Driver Retention

An increasing shortage of drivers and retention of drivers may be linked to the lack of tools and systems available for them to perform their best.

Smart City and Infrastructure

As the demand for mobility of goods increases, the ability to streamline infrastructure, whether it be physical infrastructure, internet connectivity or policies/regulations, become important to enable the city to run smoothly.

Supply Chain Management

SME’s require inventory management systems while managing their cost on technology implementation, whether it is at the warehouse or communication with suppliers and customers.

Mobility of Goods

With the increasing number of online purchases, the mobility of goods, whether it be first, middle or last mile, are all experiencing increased stress. There is an opportunity to decentralize inventory deployment and streamline the mobility of goods

Managing the Health and Safety of SML Employees

Employers are struggling to manage the protocols needed for the health and safety of their employees. This includes checking temperatures in premises, regular rapid testing as well as vaccination protocols.

Healthcare and Health Services Delivery


Navigating the Canadian healthcare system with diverse communities in mind. (For example: New Canadians understanding their health care options and government programs).

Supportive Homes and Communities

Community accessibility for the aging population. For example: aging new Canadians accessing resources and creating a local network for newly developed lifestyles in their new home country.

Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness


Self management, physical fitness, tracking and monitoring with barriers because of language and tech usability in mind. For example: helping households monitor, track, and analyze chronic health conditions that are more prominent in the Brampton region such as diabetes, cholesterol, and high-blood pressure.

Reinvent Home-based Care

Developing turnkey infrastructure for seamlessly connecting home-bound seniors to resources, services and assets in their communities. For example: enabling home & community-based health workers, patients and their informal caregivers to seamlessly scan and contact relevant resources in order to help their clients meet their goals for aging.

Retention of Future Home Healthcare Workforce

Home is and will be the desired setting for nearly all healthcare procedures and experiences. Demand for the home healthcare workforce - health aides (“personal support workers”), nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists and social workers has been soaring. However, the turnover rate in this workforce is challenging both service providers and the receipt of these services. Through leveraging new HR technologies, particularly in artificial intelligence, how can we optimize talent retention for the home healthcare workforce?

Mental Health & Wellness (Young Adults & Early Career Professionals)

Developing solutions to provide care and attention to mental health and wellness for young adults and early career professionals. For example: mental wellness has taken centre stage for both young adults and early career professionals amidst adapting to new COVID norms. How can we support these groups in connecting with their peers, mentors, and professors despite being in a virtual setting? Are there better ways to support one another through these difficult times?

Solutions for the Home-caregiver

Developing turnkey at-home infrastructure to further support elderly care given by informal caregivers (family members). For example: how do we inspire them to live well while caring for others by making caregiving easier and more enjoyable? How do we support the independence of our elderly as they age in place for as long as possible and lessen the burden on their caregivers?

Are you ready to launch your startup?