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Donate to BVZ

To ensure the success of every venture, entrepreneurs in the Brampton Venture Zone have access to a network of mentors, state of the art workspaces and technologies, as well as skills and business development through workshops, lectures and classes. In this supportive environment, passionate and talented entrepreneurs are empowered to build successful and resilient startups.

But accessing crucial financial support remains a challenge for many early stage startups and often prevents them from getting off the ground. Our industry, community, data and professional services partners play a crucial role in scaling and supporting the growth of startups at BVZ in different ways. Our founding members contribute to our operations and the BVZ Entrepreneurship Fund.

Now, for a limited time, the St. George's Society Toronto will match your tax deductible gift to the BVZ Entrepreneurship Fund.

The St. George's Society Toronto believes that every entrepreneur with a dream should have the same opportunities for success. Their support - together with yours - will position these promising new enterprises for success. Please join us and make a donation today. Your support could launch the next great Canadian company.

For more information, please contact:

Michelle Hounslow, CFRE

Director of Development

University Advancement
