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Startups are more than just a vanity metric, they're key players in our ecosystem.

Brampton Venture Zone by TMU is a purpose-driven, non-equity incubator launching early stage technology startups in Brampton. At BVZ, startups are more than just a vanity metric- they're key players in our ecosystem.

By bringing together key players in the local industry, we understand the most pressing problems that need solving and invest in groundbreaking technology startups to build solutions for the greater economic and social impact of the community in Brampton.


What makes us unique:

Addressing hyperlocal issues in Brampton


Focused on Brampton's most prominent industries: community health and wellness, advanced manufacturing and supply chain, smart city, mobility and logistics, food processing and packaging, and media and entertainment.

Uplifting local talent


We do not take any equity in the companies we serve and do not own any of the intellectual property they have created.



Upskilling Innovators


We provide experiential learning opportunities to corporate emerging leaders and individuals interested in working alongside startups through our corporate and individual intrapreneurship programs. 


Financial support with no strings attached


We understand the financial risk, time and energy associated with starting a business. The BVZ Fellowship is a grant designed to provide financial relief to founders.



We connect our startups to work directly with key industry partners in the community to build viable customer solutions and bring them to market.

Our Impact

Discover why we're in Brampton and our significant contributions to the community in Brampton Venture Zone's Impact Report (2020-2023). Brampton Venture Zone has graduated 39 startups with $2.2 million in revenue, securing $9.7 million in dilutive funding, and $6.9 million in non-dilutive funding. Learn about our diverse target demographics of founders, spotlighted founders making impactful strides, media features highlighting our startups, and our robust community engagement through events and partnerships. Meet our esteemed Board of Advisors and the dedicated team propelling us forward in creating lasting impact in Brampton. Access the full report (external link) .