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Classic interface videos

The following videos illustrate how to use the Responsive Templates using the Classic Interface (will be deprecated by September 30, 2021):

What is CQ?

How to login

Explore the AEM interface and find files

Create and delete webpages

Move and rename files

Add content to your page using the sidekick & components

Learn how to edit a component

Activate pages  

Deactivate pages or files

Locate and modify a file's page properties

Manage assets and uploads in the Digital Asset Manager (DAM)

Create asset renditions   

Create a version of your file for rollback purposes

Responsive homepage template

Create navigation in responsive templates

Display common content using the inheritedContent template

Responsive templates

Use layout components to organize and display content

Image specifications

Create simple tables

Add news and events to your site

Lists, grids and calendars

Biography template