IWRET Workshops (2017-2018)
Urban water management on a new calibre
There are so many options available to water managers and developers while planning water management in new developments. To assist decision makers in selecting optimal water management strategies, Urban Water TMU researchers proposed the development of a modelling tool. The tool supports evaluation of numerous scenarios to predict the best strategy for managing water for a given precinct depending on its individual characteristics and needs.
The Integrated Water Resources Evaluation Tool (IWRET) is benefiting from the strong engagement and consultation of the sector from end-users such as developers, engineering firms, municipalities, and conservation authorities.
In 2017, Urban Water TMU hosted approximately 50 leaders from the sector including water managers, planners, municipalities, developers, and conservation authorities and consulted them on the proposed tool and its functionality. The sector strongly supported the need for the tool and prioritized the parameters that should appear in the tool.
In 2018, Urban Water TMU hosted another 50 potential end users to test the beta model and interface of the tool. Testing criteria included housing, commercial demands, water demand, water efficiency, and energy efficiency, to name a few.