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AquaHacking team being presented with cheque for winning

This year, the theme focused on four issues affecting Lake Ontario: Water Crisis Prediction and Adaptation, Real Time Reporting of Sewage Overflow and Untreated Sewage Spills, Tackling Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals, and Phosphorus Capture and Recycling in Farming.

Prizes include up to $25,000 in cash and 360° mentorship for the finalists. Although the Ryerson team did not make it to the finals, we look forward to the final competition at Ontario Water Innovation Week in November 2018.

Urban Water TMU partnered as a recruitment facilitator to secure student participation in Aquahacking 2018. Eighteen Ryerson students signed up for the event, which kicked off on March 21st at Ryerson's DMZ.

Every year, over several months, AquaHacking brings together multi-disciplinary teams of engineers, programmers, marketers, designers, environmentally-conscious people and other creative minds to collaborate on developing environmentally sustainable engineering, web and mobile solutions to help solve water issues.

two individuals looking through blue pipe