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Urban Water Student Leadership Committee Hosts Quiz Night!

February 07, 2023

Urban Water Student Leadership Committee Hosts Student Quiz Night

On the evening of February 6th, the Urban Water Student Leadership Committee hosted a student trivia night at the Centre for Urban Innovation. The event was a success, attracting a small and intimate crowd of students who were eager to showcase their knowledge and have a fun night with their peers.

The questions were designed to challenge the participants, but also to make sure that everyone could find a topic they were familiar with and could enjoy. The questions were centered around the UW themes- water management & governance, natural systems & green tech, and freshwater science & governance. The atmosphere was lively and energetic, with students cheering for their peers and shouting out answers.

The winning students were awarded with prizes, which were mugs and reusable water bottles. However, the real reward of the night was the opportunity for students to socialize and connect with each other, as well as to learn something new. The committee members expressed their delight in seeing the students coming together to participate in this event, and they are already planning to host another student event in the coming months.

The Urban Water Student Leadership Committee is a student-led organization dedicated to promoting water education and sustainability. The committee organizes various events and activities throughout the year, including guest speakers, workshops, and community service projects. Their goal is to engage students and the community in water-related issues and to raise awareness about the importance of water conservation and build a supportive research environment. 

In summary, the student trivia night hosted by the Urban Water Student Leadership Committee was a success and a fantastic opportunity for students to have fun and learn something new. The committee members look forward to hosting more events like this in the future and to continuing their mission of promoting water education and sustainability.


If you have event ideas that you want to share with the Student Leadership Committee, send us an email at