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Student Leadership Committee hosts first event with Swim Drink Fish Canada
November 09, 2022

On Nov 9, 2022, the Urban Water Student Leadership Committee hosted a student-event in collaboration with Swim Drink Fish Canada. 

The event was held in the Atrium of the Centre for Urban Innovation and hosted approximately 10-15 students. The event facilitated positive dialogue and discussion on water research and project opportunities. Students attended primarily from the EnSciMan program, while the event also welcomed students from a variety of other disciplines. Events hosted by the Student Leadership Committee place emphasis on community engagement and development of relationships outside of research as well. 

Swim Drink Fish Canada is a registered non-profit organization that promotes swimmable, fishable, and drinkable water through active community-based water monitoring and engagement programs. The event featured speaker, Isabel Fleisher, who presented on community-based water monitoring hubs and the Blue Flag Canada Program. Isabel completed a Bachelor’s in Marine Biology at Dalhousie University and has always held an affinity for water (fresh or salty). She is passionate about supporting initiatives that connect and protect the people and the waters that were formative to her. 

Following Isabel’s presentation, HQP from Urban Water presented their research projects through 90-second style pitches, enabling further dialogue and positive conversations around water research and management. Thank you to all HQP that shared about their research!

The event concluded with pizza and snacks! A very special thanks to the Student Leadership Committee– including Jannatul Islam, Zanina Ilieva, Diana Paredes, and Brieanna Limkilde for hosting this event. And thank you to Swim Drink Fish Canada, including Isabel Fleisher and Megan Coad for collaborating with the UW team!

If you have any questions about the event or an idea to share with the Student Leadership Committee for your next event, get in touch with us at