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Nicholas Reid Memorial Award 2024 Awarded to Tanjot Grewal!

We are pleased to announce that this year’s Nicholas Reid Memorial Award is being awarded to Tanjot Grewal, a Master’s student in the Environmental Applied Science and Management Program at TMU.

Tanjot Grewal has a spectacular academic record and is currently completing her Master’s thesis on the regulation of persistent, mobile, and toxic (PMT) substances in Canada. PMTs are not regulated in Canada yet are accumulating at an unprecedented level and pose a threat to human health and the environment. Tanjot is undertaking a comparative analysis of the regulations in the EU which do regulate PMTs and bridging with Canadian policy makers in order to provide guidance to future Canadian policy.  

Tanjot has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to water conservation and protection for the last decade with her volunteer efforts with several non-profit organizations. Currently, Tanjot leads a volunteer organization called the Youth Water Advocates (YWAs) Initiative (external link)  that engages and empowers youth to take meaningful action in water stewardship. Tanjot has dedicated countless hours and mentored hundreds of youth. 

Tanjot has successfully secured grants and funding from organizations like TakingITGlobal, the David Suzuki Foundation, and Ocean Wise’s Ocean Action Grant to help finance past and upcoming YWAs events. These funds have been instrumental in organizing workshops, purchasing equipment, and facilitating events, enabling greater participation and impact within the Credit River watershed. By engaging youth in hands-on activities, Tanjot has fostered a sense of responsibility and connection to local water ecosystems, thereby promoting long-term conservation practices amongst future water leaders. As well, Tanjot has brought together several community and public sector organizations that wouldn’t otherwise connect, including Credit Valley Conservation, SwimDrinkFish, Water for the World, and Ecosource.

Way to go Tanjot! We are pleased to support her with the Nicholas Reid Memorial Award 2024!