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Alumni Associations

collection of photobooth images with people wearing hats and props

Discover how easy it is to stay connected to the Ted Rogers School of Management and Toronto Metropolitan University through one of our many alumni associations.

Alumni groups provide graduates of the Ted Rogers School with the opportunity to stay connected and engaged with the University and fellow alumni through: social events, volunteering opportunities, mentorship and networking. Explore the groups listed below to learn more about how you can stay connected socially and professionally to the Ted Rogers School of Management and Toronto Metropolitan University.

Human Resources Alumni Asspciation Logo

Welcome from the Human Resources Alumni Association! We support the interests of alumni by providing information, resources and recognition relevant to your careers. We’re here to challenge, support, and provide valuable networking opportunities for HR professionals.  All by connecting passion with opportunity.

Chair, Joshua Go

 (opens in new window) 


The Ted Rogers Alumni Leadership Association (TRALA) serves over 1600 alumni leaders and graduates of the Ted Rogers School of Management. Our mission is to engage and connect the Ted Rogers Alumni community with events, alumni resources, and career-focused opportunities.

Chair, Jayden Pereira


 Website (external link) 

 Facebook (external link) 

 Instagram (external link) 

 LinkedIn (external link, opens in new window) 


Headshot of man in suit

Welcome to the Ted Rogers Hospitality Alumni Association! We're a vibrant alumni community, connecting past and present Ted Rogers School of Hospitality and Tourism Management students. Together, we share experiences, network, and foster industry bonds. Whether you're a fresh graduate or seasoned pro, TRHAA offers lifelong learning and invaluable connections.

President, Cyrus Cooper 

  (opens in new window) 

 Website (external link, opens in new window) 

 Facebook (external link) 

 Instagram (external link) 

 LinkedIn (external link) 

Welcome to the Ted Rogers MBA Alumni Association! We are a community of ambassadors for Toronto Metropolitan University business alumni, connecting alumni to each other and the industry through networking events and virtual channels.  

Chair, Hashim Khan



Headshot of man smiling

Welcome to the Ted Rogers Retail Alumni Association! Our focus is on building strong and mutually beneficial ties between the university and its alumni, promoting goodwill in the community and creating a dynamic alumni program, building loyalty and generating continued support for the university.

President, Abby Forsyth


 Facebook (external link) 

 Instagram (external link) 

photo of woman with blonde hair smiling
Ted Rogers Sales Alumni Logo

Ted Rogers Sales Alumni was founded in 2022 with the goal to bring together the Ted Rogers School of Management sales community. Our mission will be to strengthen the Ted Rogers Sales Alumni network by engaging and connecting TRSM alumni in the sales profession.

Chair, Sheniese Van Heer


 Instagram (external link) 

 LinkedIn (external link) 

Headshot of woman with dark hair smiling
Top 200 logo

Welcome to the Top 200 Alumni Association! Our group was started by alumni, for alumni. We provide opportunitites for professional, social and personal growth for graduates of the Top 200 program. We also colloborate with the Top 200 Program for purposes such as mentorship, networking, scholarships and speaking engagements. 

Chairs, Thomas George & Mohammed Ur Rahman



Welcome to the Toronto Metropolitian Alumni in Real Estate Association! Since our establishment in 2017, our goal is to offer alumni a formal organization to converse, network, and share ideas with one another. Learn the skills that will allow you to flourish in the housing and commercial property arenas.

President, Danny Su


 Linkedin (external link) 

Headshot of smiling man