My Results

We’ll let you know by email when your application for transfer credits at Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) has been processed. Transfer credit decisions are available in your Transfer Credit Report in MyServiceHub.
If you're a new student starting in the fall, your Advisement Report will be available in August.
If you've applied for fall admissions:
Are you starting an undergraduate program in the fall? Our office will start providing official transfer credit results in May if you’ve accepted your Offer of Admission.
If your courses are in our database:
If your courses have equivalencies in our database, official results should be available on your Transfer Credit Report within five business days (for current students).
If your courses are not in our database:
If equivalencies aren’t in our database, you can upload course outlines to be evaluated. You can do this after your Transfer Credit Application has been processed (generally within 5 business days for current students). Decisions can take six to eight weeks.
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Next steps
If your course doesn't have an equivalency in our database, this will show as “No Rule” on your Transfer Credit Report. In this case, a link will be enabled on the report for you to upload a course outline. The Outline Status column on the report will confirm when a suitable course outline has been received.
We’ll only review a course outline when we have a final grade, so the upload link won’t show if you indicated that your course is in progress (IP). In this case, we’ll need a transcript with a final grade before you can upload a course outline for review.
Unofficial results are provided once you apply and if your course is included in our database. If your course hasn’t been evaluated for transfer credit, it will show as "No Rule" on your Transfer Credit Report and you’ll need to upload a detailed course outline.
Official transfer credit results are displayed in the Status column on your Transfer Credit Report. You’ll see a status of Granted or Denied followed by the Credit Granted column.
We’ll only grant official credit when final grades for your courses are available. If your course is in progress (IP), it won’t appear on your report. To grant the official credit, we’ll need your final grade. You’ll receive an email if additional information such as transcripts/missing grades or more detailed course outlines are required.
Open electives
Most programs at TMU include open electives (OE) in the curriculum. They give you the opportunity to take degree-level courses outside of your core courses in order to gain greater depth and breadth in your studies. They also allow you to complete courses towards a minor.
If you’ve completed courses at an accredited university, you may be granted open elective credits. To check if open electives form part of your program’s curriculum, review your undergraduate program's page in the undergraduate calendar.
For more information about open electives and restrictions, visit the undergraduate calendar.
Liberal studies courses
Liberal studies form part of the graduation requirements in all TMU programs. These courses must be in disciplines outside of your field of professional specialization. The required number of lower level and upper level liberal studies courses varies by program. You’ll find your requirements in the program overview section in the undergraduate calendar.
Courses in social sciences, humanities, and languages are considered for liberal studies transfer credits. Courses in other disciplines may also be considered for liberal studies, if applicable.
Only university-level (degree) courses are eligible for upper level liberal studies credits.
Liberal studies credit assessments
In the assessment of a liberal studies Transfer Credit Application, we’ll review the course content and the weight and nature of the writing assignments. The course outline must include:
- Course description
- Weekly topics
- Grade breakdown
- Assignment details (nature of assignment and length)
Liberal studies require a significant writing component. Courses must include one or more individually-written, out-of-class assignments totaling in the range of at least 1,200 to 1,500 words at the lower level and of at least 1,500 to 2,000 words at the upper level. A weight of 25-35% must be attached to the written assignments.
Occasionally, generic liberal transfer credits will be provided when courses meet the liberal studies requirements but don’t match a specific liberal studies credit.
Lower level (Table A) liberal studies credits can’t be directed/substituted for upper level (Table B) credits.

Generic transfer credits
If your course can’t be matched to a course at TMU, we may grant a generic transfer credit. Generic transfer credits are grouped into three categories:
1. Generic liberal studies credits
These credits may be applied towards your liberal studies requirement and will be indicated on your Transfer Credit Report as:
- GEN LLS: Lower level liberal studies (Table A)
- GEN LL2: Two lower level liberal studies (Table A)
- GEN ULS: Upper level liberal studies (Table B)
- Gen UL2: Two upper level liberal studies (Table B)
2. Subject-specific generic credits/open elective credits
You may be granted a “generic” transfer credit if the course doesn’t “match” any specific TMU course. For example, if you completed a Sociology course but the content doesn’t match any Sociology course offered by TMU, you may be granted a subject-specific generic credit (this would appear as "SOC GEN" on your Transfer Credit Report). Alternatively, you could be granted an open elective (this would appear as "OPN GEN" on your Transfer Credit Report).
For most programs at TMU, GEN credits are used towards your open elective requirement. Sometimes GEN credits may be listed under the Non-Applicable section of your Advisement Report. This likely means that you have already satisfied the open elective requirement. Some programs may allow a subject specific GEN credit towards satisfying core electives; please contact your program department for further assistance.
OPN GEN credits can only be used to fulfil open elective requirements. They cannot be substituted for core courses (required or elective) or for liberal studies courses.
As a newly admitted student, your Advisement Report will be available to you in early August.
3. Professionally-related generic credit (PRE GEN)
In rare circumstances, you may receive "PRE GEN" credits. If PRE GEN credits are listed under the Non-Applicable section of your Advisement Report, you can request a course exception. With the approval of your program department, these credits may be applied towards your electives.
Transfer credits from your previous studies may not always count towards your new program at TMU. Follow these steps to make sure they meet your program requirements:
- If a specific course, such as ACC 100 is listed under the Non-Applicable section of your Advisement Report, you can request a course exception. With the approval of your program department, these credits may be applied towards your professional, professionally-related or open elective requirement.
- If you received a generic credit (e.g. CHY GEN) but you think the external course is equivalent to a specific course (e.g. CHY 102), request a Transfer Credit Reassessment.
- For some programs, you may have to declare a major or plan to have transfer credits counted towards your program requirements.
As a newly admitted student, your Advisement Report will be available to you in early August.
Denied Transfer Credit Applications
The following are some of the reasons why a Transfer Credit Application may be denied:
- The course wasn’t completed at an accredited institution
- The course didn’t satisfy the minimum grade requirement
- The course didn’t meet the minimum course weight and/or course hours requirement
- The course wasn’t at the appropriate level (e.g. it was a diploma or certificate-level course rather than a degree-level course)
- The course content wasn’t relevant/wasn’t equivalent
- The course was completed more than 10 years ago
You can request reassessment if:
- If your Transfer Credit Application was denied for a reason not listed above.
- You received a liberal studies credit that is not applicable to your program.
- You received a GEN credit but a specific credit is more applicable to your program (you must justify your request by outlining similarities in course content and level).
- You received a credit for a specific course but another course is more applicable to your program.
- It’s been less than one year since you received your official transfer credit results. Requests for reassessment received after this are subject to the transfer credit late fee.
How to request reassessment:
Submit a complete reassessment package for each course you want to have reassessed. Each package must include:
Email your package to with the subject line “Transfer Credit Reassessment Request, TMU Student Number” (e.g. Transfer Credit Reassessment Request, 500123456).
Your Transfer Credit Reassessment form and course outline should be attached to your email as a PDF file.
Reassessment decisions
When we’ve received your request to have your transfer credits reassessed, a note will appear in the Comments section of your Transfer Credit Report. Your original results will remain on your Transfer Credit Report until a final reassessment decision is made by the faculty evaluator.
If your request is granted, your Transfer Credit Report will be updated. Otherwise, the original decision will remain on your report.
Reassessments can take up to eight weeks.
If your request is unsuccessful, subsequent reassessment requests will not be considered.
Courses with "No Rule"
“No Rule” means the course hasn’t been evaluated and requires faculty assessment. You’ll be required to upload a detailed course outline for this course.
Your course outlines will only be assessed after you accept your Offer of Admission. In the meantime, we recommend that you collect your course outlines and upload them for evaluation.
You’ll be able to upload your course outline after we’ve processed your application. We’ll send you an email with instructions on how to upload your course outline. Note that you can’t upload course outlines for courses where grades couldn't be confirmed (e.g. IP grades).