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Image Arts alum receives 11 Canadian Screen Award nominations for Infinity Pool

Karen Harnisch tells all in her role as creative producer
By: Braden Sykora
April 23, 2024

When Image Arts professor and alum Karen Harnisch isn’t busy teaching the next generation of storytellers and changemakers, odds are she’s working on another feature film. Harnisch, who is also the creative producer and co-president of the production company Film Forge (external link) , has built a reputation for tackling ambitious projects with tight budgets and complex financial structures, including international co-productions. Most recently, Harnisch and her team are celebrating the success of their latest film, Infinity Pool, which garnered an impressive 11 nominations at the 2024 Canadian Screen Awards (external link)  – including Best Motion Picture.

A movie poster featuring a man and a woman floating in water that’s tinted red, The bold red text on the screen reads Infinity Pool.

Infinity Pool movie poster

Following a couple as they venture outside the resort grounds and into a world of horrors beyond comprehension, Infinity Pool is a genre-bending sci-fi/horror feature film by Brandon Cronenberg that is the result of daring storytelling and creative collaboration. Harnisch’s role as a producer on Infinity Pool, however, began with a deep admiration for Brandon Cronenberg's earliest work, dating back to his days as a student in the Image Arts program. 

“I have admired Brandon Cronenberg's body of work since I first saw his short film Broken Tulips from his time at Image Arts,” said Harnisch. “I loved how he used genre to deeply explore aspects of human nature and society.”

What’s more, Infinity Pool wasn’t the first project Harnisch had worked with Cronenberg on at Film Forge. Collaborating with her co-president, Andrew Cividino – yet another alum of the Image Arts program – the duo produced a behind-the-scenes documentary for Cronenberg's first feature film, Antiviral.

The success of this project prompted Cronenberg to share an early draft of his screenplay for Infinity Pool, and from the first read, it was clear in Harnisch's mind that this was a film they needed to support. To pave the way for the film's production, Harnisch and Cividino also created a short film with Cronenberg, titled Please Speak Continuously and Describe Your Experiences As They Come To You.

The behind-the-scenes life of a producer

As a producer, Harnisch's days are filled with fast-paced conversations with creative and business partners alike. From discussing creative visions with writers and directors to navigating the intricate world of financing and distribution, Harnisch's primary focus is on bringing projects to fruition while safeguarding the integrity of the creative vision.

A woman with blonde hair looks down at the ground with two clapperboards in the foreground.

Gabi, portrayed by Mia Goth, behind-the-scenes in Infinity Pool

“A producer's primary concern is finding the most optimal path to get something made, so much of my energy is spent advocating for, platforming, and safeguarding the visions and voices of our creative collaborators as we muscle through the process of financing and actually making each work,” remarked Harnisch. While the role of producer might be one of the busiest in the film industry, Harnisch is the first to admit it’s also one of the most rewarding. 

Redefining the Canadian film scene

Infinity Pool breaks away from the traditional mold of Canadian cinema, pushing the boundaries in every aspect of its production. From its innovative filming locations to its stunning cinematography, production design, and special effects, the film aims to captivate audiences with its bold, daring and unexpected approach. Harnisch and her team spared no expense in bringing Cronenberg's vision to life, resulting in a cinematic experience that has resonated with audiences worldwide.

Infinity Pool defies what we typically think of as the characteristics of a "Canadian film". In every way — with the film's setting/filming locations, performances, cinematography, production design, prosthetics and special effects, score, as well as its editorial approach — we sought to create a dazzling, envelope-pushing experience for the audience,” says Harnisch.

With 11 Canadian Screen Award nominations, it’s assured that the team behind the film accomplished what they set out to do. Reflecting on the film's success, Harnisch expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to be part of such a groundbreaking project, one that's already proven it's worth its salt in Canada and beyond. "It's been incredible to see audiences around the world respond to it," remarked Harnisch.


The Creative School at Toronto Metropolitan University

The Creative School is a dynamic faculty that is making a difference in new, unexplored ways. Made up of Canada’s top professional schools and transdisciplinary hubs in media, communication, design and cultural industries, The Creative School offers students an unparalleled global experience in the heart of downtown Toronto.