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External Funding Opportunities

Finding the Right Grant for You

Looking to fund your research but not sure which external grant opportnity is most aligned with your work? Use The Catalyst's grant Identification tool: Finding the Right Grant for You. It will take you through a series of questions and then provide a recommendation for next steps. 

It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. 

Applying for an External Grant

  1. Use the  (google form) automated grant identification tool  (external link) to help identify funding opportunities that best suit your research project
  2. Review the guidelines for the selected grant opportunity and ensure alignment with your proposed project
  3. Book an appointment with The Creative School’s Grants Specialist to begin developing your application
  4. Complete an application according to the grant guidelines
  5. At least 10 days prior to the OVPRI internal deadline: 
    1. Send your application to The Creative School Grants Specialist for review (email
    2. Request any required matching funds or in kind letters of support (email
  6. Submit your application to all appropriate portals (e.g. SSHRC, RIS) along with all attachments 
    1. Ensure submission to Research Information System is done as early as possible, for approval from the AD, SRC and OVPRI

If your application is not complete or does not correctly address the grant guidelines, it may be declined and returned to you to revise for submission in the next grant cycle.