Submitted by: Ally Salama
Break The Silence is the largest mental health awareness campaign in Egypt, aimed to end the stigma around mental health issues. We particularly focus on issues amongst youth, through actively encouraging them to anonymously speak up about their stories.
The project was initiated after a series of personal experiences by Ally, which then opened his eyes to the huge differences between the services found in Toronto and in Cairo.
By allowing victims to courageously come forward to talk about these issues to the public, we are certain it will allow them to break out from their disease, live in peace, experience inner freedom and happiness in Egypt. We facilitate that, anonymously, to protect their privacy due to the fear of living in shame within the confines of a society that deems mental illness as a taboo.
Fund Allocation
We plan on setting a public fundraiser to raise awareness in the capital city of Cairo during the month of July 2018. We plan to create a series of short screenplays depicting the vitality of mental health issues in the society in Egypt. They will be portraying real-life scenarios with the aim of educating people to identify and become aware of common behaviours, habits, and symptoms.
Read more about this project (external link, opens in new window)