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Breakout Room Booking

Ted Rogers School of Management provides our students with all of the resources they need to succeed in their business programs. For example, our students have access to a bank of dedicated breakout rooms for group study and discussion in the TRSM building. We also have a New Student Learning Space at the corner of Yonge and Gould that offer breakout rooms, study space, and resources for our students.

4 students sitting in a well lit room and working on a project together


  • Breakout rooms may be booked for a maximum of three hours per day and a maximum of six hours per week. Alternatively, a TRSM student may choose to make two individual bookings per day, however no combination of bookings can exceed a maximum of three consecutive hours.

  • TRSM reserves the right to cancel bookings in violation of this policy. Attempts to monopolize group breakout rooms will be considered a breach of this policy.

  • Group breakout rooms are for group study and discussion only. A group consists of three or more people. Rooms cannot be booked for use by one individual.

  • Please be considerate of people in the other group breakout rooms by restraining the noise level in your breakout room.

  • You must claim your room within the first 30 minutes of the booking, or your room may be occupied by other eligible users.

  • Rooms may be booked up to three weeks in advance.

  • Furniture within each group breakout room should be treated with care and NOT be moved outside the rooms. Also, no new furniture (includes classroom or hallway furniture) should be added to the rooms.

  • The group breakout rooms are a resource we all share, so please keep them tidy.

  • First priority for group breakout rooms is given to the requirements of academic programs. The remaining unused space has been opened for use by TRSM students for group study, project meetings and student group meetings.

Please note:

  • Faculty are advised to contact their respective staff support members to book a group breakout room.
  • Group breakout rooms can only be booked by current TRSM students with a valid Ryerson email account; you may be asked to produce ID for inspection by TRSM staff or security.

  • Rooms must be booked online.