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Business Technology Management student Zahra Adelzadeh wins TMU Gold Medal

June 27, 2024
Dean Cynthia Holmes and Gold Medal winner Zahra Adelzadeh
Dean Cynthia Holmes (left) and Zahra Adelzadeh (right) (Photo: Harry Choi)

The Toronto Metropolitan University Gold Medal is the University’s highest honour, awarded to students with outstanding academic achievement and exceptional involvement in the University, their profession, and their community. This year’s winner is Business Technology Management student Zahra Adelzadeh. TRSM student Anh Quan Nguyen also won the Governor General Silver Medal.

During her education Adelzadeh did outreach with her local Rotary club and secondary schools, sharing her experiences with other young women considering a career in information technology. She also participated in multiple mentoring programs at TMU, including the Tri-Mentoring Program, the Co-Op Mentorship Program, and the Toronto Metropolitan Consulting Association (TMCA) as a Case Advisor. 

Adelzadeh is a graduate of the Top 200 program. She completed five co-op terms across various placements, including roles at the Royal Bank of Canada, Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation, Rogers Communications, and more. She now works as a consultant at Deloitte. 

Here is what she had to say about achieving this honour. 

1. What does receiving the Gold Medal mean to you?

Receiving the TMU Gold Medal is both an honour and a challenge. This award is a commitment to set a new benchmark for what I aim to achieve in the future, motivating me to continue on my path and strive for greatness.

2. What advice would you give students entering their first year?

My advice to students entering their first year is to engage with student groups and participate in various activities such as Bootcamps and competitions. Their involvement will contribute to the amazing culture at TMU. Additionally, remember that your instructors and career coordinators are incredible resources and advocates, so make the most of their guidance and support.

3. Do you have any favourite classes/teachers, and what made them stand out?

I had amazing professors during my time at TMU. Their passion for subjects and their ability to connect with students made the classes interesting and engaging. Each teacher has made a lasting impact on my academic journey, which has shaped who I am today.

4. How did TMU support you during your time here?

TMU provides an environment that incubates growth and success, and one which values each student’s journey and opinions. The various programs offered by the school at large, and the Ted Rogers School of Management, helped me explore my interests and improve my skills. I received tremendous support and mentorship from my professors, co-op and career advisors, upper-year students and alumni I met at events and student groups, such as RCG (formerly known as Ryerson Consulting Group). 

5. What has been your proudest accomplishment?

My proudest accomplishment is the network of connections I have built over the years. Starting as a first-year student eager to begin my journey at TMU, I initially made connections through shared interests and mentorship programs. I am proud to have maintained these relationships, surrounding myself with supportive individuals who have been integral to my growth. Continuing this chain of connections with new students and professionals I meet along my academic and professional journey is incredibly fulfilling. Being able to support others and contribute to a thriving network has been a significant and rewarding achievement for me.

6. What are your future plans?

I am currently working full-time and studying for my CPA. My future plans include representing my program through my professional achievements and opening doors for other students who aspire to enter consulting. I also aim to give back to my community through mentorship and stay involved with the university as an alumnus by participating in student groups, networking events and case competitions.