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Ted Rogers Undergraduate Sales Team sweeps competitions in recent weeks

November 21, 2023
TRUST team winners at NISC 2023

Congratulations to the Ted Rogers Undergraduate Sales Team (TRUST), which is on a winning streak this month. The team achieved top five placements in three sales competitions. The team won overall university champion at the Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition, placed third in the 2023 International Collegiate Sales Competition and was named fourth place university sales team champion at the William Paterson University National Sales Challenge.

University Champion at NISC

The Northeast Intercollegiate Sales Competition (NISC) (external link) , held at Bryant University November 10-11, 2023 in Rhode Island, is a tournament-style competition that features a role-play first-round, individual, tournament-style and speed-sell categories. 

“It is exciting to bring home the award again. We are very proud of our exceptional student performance (external link)  in the individual sales role play competition, especially our TRUST captain, Adam Lee Him, for his leadership and for winning third place and Vittoria Gallivan for winning fourth place, and Raza Durrani for winning sixth place, as well as being a speed sell finalist,”  explained Dr. Karen Peesker, assistant professor and director of the Ted Rogers Sales Leadership Program. 

“It was so exciting that the entire team including Christine Balaong & Raphael Peralta made it to the semifinal role play round. It is very impressive as they competed against over 200 students from over 25 top American universities.”

TRUST team at World of Sales 2023

Third place at World Cup of Sales

Earlier in the month, the TRUST team placed third out of 80 universities, with some 400 university student competitors at the International Collegiate Sales Competition (ICSC). The achievement is one of the most significant for the team since its establishment. 

The 2023 International Collegiate Sales Competition (external link) , hosted by Florida State University November 1-4, 2023 in Orlando, Florida, measures a university's sales program's focus on overall business revenue generating skills. The competition includes a four-round role-play event, which is similar to a real selling situation, a two-round on-site sales management case, where competitors are given specific sales management situations related to an operations challenge, and a two-round speed selling event, which consists of two rounds of “elevator speech” type presentations. 

Students Austin Sooper and Eric Bang clinched third place in the sales management case competition among 60 top teams, Dr. Peesker said. 

“In the individual role play event, Sebastian Fuentes and Lauren Mirabella reached the quarter-finals, with both securing first place in their respective rooms in prior rounds,” Dr. Peesker said. “With all of our students performing so well consistently we secured the third place university award!”

TRUST team winners at National Sales Challenge

Fourth place at National Sales Challenge

The Ted Rogers Undergraduate Sales Team was named fourth place University Sales Team Champion in 2023 out of 25 universities in the William Paterson University National Sales Challenge (external link) 

The National Sales Challenge was held November 15-17, 2023 in Wayne, New Jersey. In the competition, student teams compete in a series of sales challenges, hone their skills, meet with representatives from major corporations and obtain real-world business knowledge.

“We are very proud of our students' exceptional performance in the individual sales role-play competition, with special recognition to Anas Abdul-Rawoof for clinching fourth place in the individual role-play category and to Isabel Marimon Gonzalez for her outstanding performance that helped secure the fourth place university finish! We are also grateful to Camilla Racco who was our industry coach at this event,” Dr. Peesker said.

The collaborative effort of Ted Rogers School sales students truly shone in these competitive environments, Dr. Peesker said. “Our students put in relentless effort throughout the semester,  practicing role plays and preparing for events like this. We couldn't be prouder of their outstanding results.”

“It has been so joyful watching the development of our students' sales leadership and teamwork skills. The positive impact of sales education on these young people is truly remarkable,” she said. 

The Ted Rogers Undergraduate Sales Team is the competitive team of top performing sales students who represent Toronto Metropolitan University in international competitions. In 2021 & 2020, the TRUST team finished in 10th place and 8th place out of 68 universities in the U.S. National Collegiate Sales Competition (NCSC), one of the world's oldest and largest collegiate sales competitions. 

In 2018, just after launching the program, the TRUST team won the overall Champion University Team at NorthEast Intercollegiate Sales Competition (NISC) (external link)  which included 22 other schools from across the United States. Since then the team has won multiple awards and top placements at the NorthEast Intercollegiate Sales Competition and others.