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MScM student Omar Fares has first primary authored research paper published

August 11, 2022
Omar Fares
Omar Fares

Congratulations to Master of Science in Management (MScM) student Omar Fares for having the research paper he co-authored published in the Journal of Financial Services Marketing.

The paper, “Utilization of artificial intelligence in the banking sector: a systematic literature review (external link, opens in new window) ,” was co-authored by Ted Rogers School of Management researchers Dr. Irfan Butt (Assistant Professor, Marketing Management) and Dr. Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee (Professor, Retail Management and Associate Dean, Engagement & Inclusion). 

“The first primary authored publication is a significant milestone in developing as a researcher,” Fares explains. “It is an accomplishment that took a lot of effort, focus and tremendous support from my mentors at the Ted Rogers School."

"This milestone definitely provides confidence in my ability to continue in my academic journey and continue to publish more impactful research," says Fares. 

“I want to thank all my mentors for allowing me to grow and develop, with special mention to Dr. Seung Hwan (Mark) Lee and Dr. Irfan Butt, my mentors and co-authors on this publication,” he adds.   

The study provides a systematic review of literature from 2005 to 2020 regarding the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the banking sector. The researchers a) give an overview of key themes in the literature, b) examine where the field was, where it is and where it is going, c) propose a framework for integration of AI in the customer credit application journey and d) highlight key areas of future work. 

Fares says this research offers valuable insight to banking practitioners and researchers in the field. “I believe that our findings may benefit industry professionals and decision-makers in formulating strategic decisions regarding the different uses of AI in the banking sector and optimizing the value derived from AI technologies,” he explains. 

“The study advances the field by providing a more comprehensive outlook specific to the area of AI and banking, reflecting the history and future opportunities for AI in shaping business strategies, improving logistics processes and enhancing customer value,” he adds.