Walter Jamieson
For more than 40 years Walter Jamieson has worked to bridge the academic and consultancy worlds through creativity, innovation and out-of- the-box thinking. His activities have been based on a sound set of responsible and sustainable values and principles. His activities include: early work in Canada using tourism and heritage resources as tools for community and economic development, research and consultancy work in China, extensive community-based tourism work in Asia, exploring the power of tourism as a tool for economic and social development.
Under his leadership an undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate innovative service curriculum was approved and introduced at Thammasat University in Thailand.
His interdisciplinary education and experience provides creative thinking and practice in a number of areas through an integrated approach to analysis and problem-solving. He has shared this development as a consultant, teacher, trainer, author, facilitator and researcher in more than 20 countries. He has been a member of faculty and management at universities in Canada, the United States, Macau, Thailand and Japan. His has coupled his academic experience with a wide range of consultancy projects. Walter has been involved in a wide range of capacity building exercises in many parts of the world and has held a number of executive positions in national and international organizations.
linkedin.com/in/walterjamieson (external link, opens in new window)
Tourism destination planning and development at the international, national, metropolitan and local level with special expertise in destination management, visitor management, disaster preparedness, community-based tourism, and creative/cultural/heritage tourism.
Talent management in hospitality, tourism, urban planning and heritage resource management. Includes needs assessment, course design and delivery, distance delivery, facilitation and train-the-trainers initiatives. Service innovation and delivery.
Creative industries within the context of urban and regional planning and development. Heritage resource management and planning with a focus on heritage sites/areas and interpretation. Project management and building/motivating productive teams. District planning and design.
Peer-reviewed publications |
Telan, S., & Jamieson, W. (2021). (PDF file) Developing creative tourism in Southeast Asia: A case study of Phuket Old Town Thailand (external link) . Journal of Hospitality & Tourism, 19(1). Griffin, T., Jamieson, W., & Francis, N. (2021). Exploring the relationship between the visitor economy and Main Street. The Economic Development Journal of Canada. Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2019). Overtourism management competencies in Asian urban heritage areas (external link) . International Journal of Tourism Cities, 5(4). doi.org/10.1108/IJTC-08-2019-0143. Telan, S., & Jamieson, W. (2019). (PDF file) Creative tourism planning and development for cities in the Southeast Asian Region (external link) . Dusit Thani College Journal, 13(2). Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2018). Developing responsible food tourism experiences in Southeast Asia. Tourism Development Journal, 16(1). 24-45. Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2017). (PDF file) The challenge of implementing regional tourism plans and strategies in Southeast Asia (external link) . Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15(2). Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2017). Developing the capacity of Southeast Asian urban tourism destination planners and managers. Tourism Development Journal, 15(1). 73-92. Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2017). (PDF file) Interpretation and tourism destination planning and management (external link) . Tourism Development Journal, 15(1). Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2016). Urban destination level tactical tourism planning in developing economies. Tourism Development Journal, 14(1). 1-18. |
Refereed conference proceedings and presentations |
Jamieson, W. (2015). Local experiences and social enterprises. UNWTO PATA Forum on Tourism Trends and Outlook: Tourism and the Experience Economy, Guilin, PRC. Jamieson, W. (2014). Integrating urban design and tourism in developing sustainable tourism destinations. Urban Design and Development in the 21st Century, The Design and Development International Forum, Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Thailand. |
Book contributions |
Jamieson, W. & Glaski, K. (2022) (PDF file) Responsible community tourism development manual – Part 1 (external link) . Planeterra Foundation Jamieson, W., & Jamieson, M. (2019). Managing overtourism at the municipal/destination level. In R. Dodds & R. Butler (Eds.), Overtourism: Issues, realities and solutions. Berlin: De Gruyter. Jamieson, W., & Engelhardt, R. (2018). The planning and management of responsible urban heritage destinations in Asia: Dealing with Asian urbanization and tourism forces. Goodfellow Publishers Ltd. Jamieson, W., & Schipani, S. (2014). Responsible tourism. In Myanmar: Unlocking the potential, Country diagnostic study. Manila: Asian Development Bank. |
Walter has designed and developped several undergraduate and graduate degrees, as well as having taught over 100 capacity building and professional development courses and workshops throughout the world.
Honour and awards | |
2012 | Inducted into the College of Fellows, Canadian Institute of Planners |
2004 | Outstanding achievement at the University of Calgary's Celebration of Excellence for contributions to the University of Calgary and the larger community |
2003 | Queen's Jubilee Medal for contributions to heritage preservation and tourism |
1997 | Recognition of contribution to ICOMOS Canada as its representative at the international level |
1989 | Teaching Excellence Award, The University of Calgary |
1987 | Association for Preservation Technology Award for Outstanding Service |