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Recent Publications by ERI Members
- Maisch, B., Gedeon, S.A., Wolf, B., Cagarman, K. and Kernbach, K. (2024). “Innovations in Career and Life Design”, CERN Journal of Experimental Innovation, accepted.
- Valliere, D. and Nicholls-Nixon, C. (2024). “From business incubator to crucible: a new perspective on entrepreneurial support”, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 31(2), 395-417. (external link, opens in new window)
- Nedaei, M., Faccio, M., Walsh, P. R., Rasul, M. G., & Alain Bordas, S. P. (2023). “Novel design, implementation, and performance optimization of inverters by considering the effect of modulation”, Energy & Environment, 0958305X231164688.
- Overall, J. and Gedeon, S.A. (2023). “Rational Egoism Virtue-Based Ethical Beliefs and Subjective Happiness” Philosophy of Management, 22(1): 51-72. Published online at (external link, opens in new window)
- Arshed, N., Hanif, N., Aziz, O., and Croteau, M. (2022). "Exploring the potential of institutional quality in determining technological innovation." Technology in Society, 68: 101859.
- Barbera, F., Hasso, T., and Schwarz, T.V. (2022). "Family governance and firm performance: exploring the intermediate effects of family functioning and competitive advantage", Journal of Family Business Management (external link, opens in new window) , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (external link, opens in new window)
- Cukier, W. Gagnon, S. Dalziel, M., Grant, K. Laplume, A., Ozkazanc-Pan, B. & Saba, T. (2022). “Women entrepreneurship: towards an inclusive innovation ecosystem”, Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 34:5, 475-482, DOI: 10.1080/08276331.2022.2066436 (external link, opens in new window) .
- Gedeon, S.A. (2022). “Empowering Students for Future Work and Productive Citizenry through Entrepreneurial Education” Public Affairs Quarterly, 36(3):197-210.
- Graves, C., Shi, H. X., & Barbera, F. (2022). Family-centred non-economic goals and the internationalisation of family firms: Evidence from Australia. International Business Review, 31(4), 101974.
- Hajizadeh, A. and Valliere, D. (2022). “Entrepreneurial foresight: discovery of future opportunities”, Futures, accepted.
- Hameed, K., N Arshed, KA Grant, M Munir, O Aziz (2022). “Forces of Dynamic Capability and Incidence of Entrepreneurship: A Macroeconomic Policy Intervention Approach”, Accepted for publication Journal of the Knowledge Economy.
- Hanif, N., Wu, J. & Grant, K.A. (2022). “When degree of integration mediates level of acquired ownership and post-acquisition innovation performance: evidence from cross-border technological acquisitions”, Review of International Business and Strategy, 33(3).
- Ly-Le, T-M. with Grant, K.A. (2022) "The entrepreneurial journey in Vietnam’s public relations industry: The motivation, the role, the challenges,” accepted by Journal of Management Development.
- Nedaei, Mojtaba, and Walsh, P.R. (2022). "Technical performance evaluation and optimization of a run-of-river hydropower facility." Renewable Energy, 182: 343-362.
- Nicholls-Nixon, C., Valliere, D, Singh, R., and Hassannezhad Chavoushi, Z. (2022). “How incubation creates value for early-stage entrepreneurs: the people-place nexus”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 34(9): 868-889. (external link, opens in new window)
- Nicholls-Nixon, C., Singh, R., Hassannezhad Chavoushi, Z., and Valliere, D. (2022). "How University Business Incubation Supports Entrepreneurs in Technology-Based and Creative Industries: A Comparative Study,” Journal of Small Business Management, 62(2): 591-627, DOI:10.1080/00472778.2022.2073360
- Nicholls-Nixon, C. and Maxheimer, M. (2022). "How Coaching Services Help Early Stage Entrepreneurs: An Exploration of Gender Differences,” Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 29(5): 742-763. (external link, opens in new window) .
- Randolph, R. V., Alexander, B. N., Madison, K., & Barbera, F. (2022). When Family Business Meets Social Enterprise: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda. Family Business Review, 08944865221100374.
- Singh Ranjita, M., & Walsh Philip, R. (2022). “Identity and Image: Strategic and opportunistic antecedents to sustainability reporting”, Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review, 6(4): 8-22. (external link, opens in new window)
- Wise, S., Yeganegi, S., and Laplume, A.O. (2022). “Startup team ethnic diversity and investment capital raised”, Journal of Business Venturing Insights 17, e00314
- Yeganegi, S., Dass, P., and Laplume, A. (2022). “Reviewing the employee spinout literature: A cross-disciplinary approach.” Journal of Economic Surveys, (external link, opens in new window)
- Yeganegi, S., Laplume, A. O., Dass, P. (In Press). “Information freedom as a moderator of the relationship between intellectual property rights and technology entrepreneurship”, Technology Forecasting and Social Change.
- Croteau, M, Grant, K.A., Rojas, C. and Abdelhamid, H. (2021). “The lost generation of entrepreneurs? the impact of covid-19 on the availability of risk capital in Canada", Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, in print April 28, 2021.
- Croteau, M. and Grant, K.A. (2021). “Estimating the scale of angel investment activity in Canada: a comparative analysis”, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 23:2 (2021): 170-meta
- Hassannezhad Chavoushi, Z. and Valliere, D. (2021). “A cognitive measure of entrepreneurial alertness”, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 29(4): 273-294.
- Hassannezhad, Z., Zali, M.R., Valliere, D., Faghi, N., Dehkordi, A.M. and Hejazi, R. (2021). “Entrepreneurial alertness: a systematic literature review”, Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 33 (2): 123-152.
- Laplume, A. O. (2021). “Evidence of an inverted u-shaped relationship between stakeholder management performance variation and firm performance”, Business Ethics Quarterly, In Press.
- Mubashar, M., Abbas, M., Grant, K.A., Arshed, N. & Aziz, O. (2021). “Behavioural Determinants of Impulse Buying - An Empirical Study of a Metropolitan Hub of Pakistan,” Journal of Applied Business and Economics.
- Nicholls-Nixon, C., and Valliere, D. (2021). “Entrepreneurial Logic and Fit: A Cross-level Model of Incubator Performance,” International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Research, 27(7): 1696-1723. (external link, opens in new window)
- Nicholls-Nixon, C., Valliere, D., Gedeon, S.A. and Wise, S. (2021). “Entrepreneurial ecosystems and the lifecycle of university business incubators: an integrative case study”, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17(2): 809-837. DOI: 10.1007/s11365-019-00622-4.
- Maxheimer, M. and Nicholls-Nixon, C. (2021). “What Women Want (and Need) from Coaching Relationships During Business Incubation,” Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Special Issue Advancing Knowledge: Women Entrepreneurship in Canada. (external link) (external link, opens in new window)
- Singh, R., Walsh, P., and Goodfield, J. (2021). “Innovation cognizance and acceptance: The case of electric vehicles adoption in Ontario, Canada", Journal of Innovation Management 9(1), 51-69. DOI: (external link) (external link, opens in new window)
- Walsh P. & Singh, R. (2021). “Determinants of Millennial behaviour toward current and future use of video streaming services”, Young Consumers (external link, opens in new window) , Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. (external link, opens in new window)
- Wise, S., Yeganegi, S., Laplume A.O. (2021). “Ethnically diverse startups’ likelihood of being acquired”, Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research.
- Yeganegi, S., Laplume, A. O., Dass, P. (2021). The role of information availability: A longitudinal analysis of technology entrepreneurship. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 170, 120910.
- De Lange, D. and Valliere, D. (2020). “Investor preferences between the sharing economy and incumbent firms”, Journal of Business Research, 116: 37-47.
- De Lange, D. and Valliere, D. (2020). “Sustainable firms and legitimacy: corporate venture capital as an effective endorsement”, Journal of Small Business Management, 58 (6): 1187-1220.
- Dolarslan, E.S., Kocak, A., and Walsh, P.R. (2020). “Perceived barriers to entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of self-efficacy”, Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, Vol. 25.
- Gedeon, S.A. (2020). “Theory-based design of an entrepreneurship micro-credentialing and modularisation system within a large university eco-system”, Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy Special Issue on Modularisation and Micro-Credentialing of Entrepreneurship Education, 3(2): 107-128.
- Hassannezhad, Z. Nicholls-Nixon, C., Valliere, D. (2020). “Mentoring fit, social learning, and venture progress during business incubation”, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 22(14): 23-39.
- Laplume, A., Walker, K., Zhang, Z. and Yu. X. (2020). “Incumbent stakeholder management performance and new entry”, Journal of Business Ethics. (external link) (external link, opens in new window)
- Menna, A., and Walsh, P. R. (2020). “Assessing trajectories for innovation in farming from a profit theory perspective: The case of Ontario, Canada”, Outlook on Agriculture, DOI: 10.1177/0030727020937383.
- Nicholls-Nixon, C. and Valliere, D. (2020). “A framework for exploring heterogeneity in university business incubators”, Entrepreneurship Research Journal, 10(3). DOI: 10.1515/erj-2018-0190.
- Salvato, J. J., & Laplume, A. O. (2020). Agile Stage-Gate Management (ASGM) for physical products. R&D Management.
- Menna, A., and Walsh, P. R. (2019). “Assessing environments of commercialization of innovation for SMEs in the global wine industry: A market dynamics approach,” Wine Economics and Policy, 8(2): 191-202.
- Menna, A., Walsh, P.R. and Ekhtari, H. (2019). “Identifying Enablers of Innovation in Developed Economies: A National Innovation Systems Approach,” Journal of Innovation Management, 7(1): 111-131.
- Overall, J. and Gedeon, S.A. (2019) “A Rational Egoism Approach to Virtue-Ethics: A conceptual model and scale development” Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol 38, No 1, pp. 43-78.
- Valliere, D. (2019). “Refining national culture and entrepreneurship: the role of subcultural variation”, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 9 (1), 1-22.
- Valliere, D. and Hassannezhad, Z. (2019). “Mindfulness, creativity, and novelty production of entrepreneurs”, Kindai Management Review, 7: 20-28.
- Gedeon, S. and Valliere, D. (2018). “Closing the loop: Measuring entrepreneurial self-efficacy to assess student learning outcomes,” Entrepreneurship Education & Pedagogy, in-press.
- Grant, K.A., Padmanaban, D. & El-Kebbi, A. (2018). “The Early Investment Ecosystem for Start-ups in Canada: A Preliminary Study,” Kindai Management Review, 6, 76-99.
- Overall, J., Gedeon, S. and Valliere, D. (2018). “What can universities do to promote entrepreneurial intent?”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 10 (3): 312-332.
- Valliere, D. (2018). “Jamaican cultural attitudes to entrepreneurship: A comparative exploration”, Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, 11(3): 264-284.
- Valliere, D. (2018). “Cameroonian perspectives on entrepreneurship: Discovering subcultural heterogeneity”, Journal of Enterprising Communities, 12(3): 258-277.
- Laplume, A. O. & Yeganegi, S. (2024). Spinout ventures: Transitioning from Employees to Entrepreneurs, Business Experts Press.
- Mihalicz, M. (in press). Indigenous Entrepreneurship. In S. Wise, A. Zacharakis, A. C. Corbett & W. Bygrave (eds.), Entrepreneurship (2nd ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
- Grant, K.A. (2024) Developing MBA Students’ Management Consulting Skills Through Experiential Learning, chapter in Flipped Classroom with Experiential and Community- Engaged Learning for Business Education, accepted for publication.
- Valliere, D. (2023). Entrepreneurial Thinking, Second edition, Edward- Elgar.
- Gedeon, S.A. (2022). Entrepreneurial Career and Life Design, TMU Library, Open Educational Resource. ISBN.
- Michael-Tsabari, N., Barbera, F., & Henssen, B. (2022). "Tough Love" Characterizing Paternalistic Leadership: The Case of Family Firms. In Love and Organization: Lessons of Love for Human Dignity, Leadership and Motivation, Michael Pirson, Ed., Routledge.
- Browne, M., Graves, C., & Barbera, F. (2021) “Tahbilk: A Fifth Generation Australian Family Wine Business’s Journey to Sustainability.” In Pioneering Family Firms’ Sustainable Development Strategies. Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Cherchem, N. and Keen, C. (2021). “International entrepreneurial ecosystem, knowledge exploitation and innovation: case of international pharma-biotech sme”. Chapter in collective book The international dimension of entrepreneurial decision making: cultures, contexts, and behaviours, Springer Publisher.
- Grant, K.A. & MacRitchie, J. (2021). “Ryerson – Canada’s Innovation University,” in Case Histories of Excellence with University Leadership and Management, Fall 2021, Ed. Remenyi, D., Academic Publishing International, UK.
- Laplume, A. O. (2021). From instrumental stakeholder theory to stakeholder capitalism. Oxford Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press, in Press.
- Remenyi, D., Grant, K.A. and Singh, S. (Eds.) (2020). “The university of the future: responding to COVID-19”, Academic Publishing International, UK
- Grant, K.A. and Gedeon, S.A. (2020). “Impact of COVID-19 on Teaching and Learning in the 21st century university” in Eds. Remenyl, D., Grant, K., and Singh, S. The University of the Future: Responding to COVID-19 ACPIL, Reading, UK.
- Grant, K.A. and Gedeon, S.A. (2019) “Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century University” in Eds. Remenyl, D., Grant, K., and Singh, S. “The University of the Future” ACPIL, Reading, UK ISBN: 978-1-912764-51-8. pp 91-104.
- Mihalicz, M., Anthony, C., Caribiu, J., Wise, S. Indigenous Entrepreneurship: A community-driven approach to new venture creation. (external link, opens in new window) Toronto Metropolitan University.
- Mihalicz, M., Laplume, A. & Sheppard, C. (2022). The Current State of Research-Based Career Pathways for Indigenous People: An analysis using the 2017 Aboriginal People’s Survey. Final Report. Canadian Research Data Centre Network & Indigenous Services Canada/Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada.
- Pramatari K., Singer S., Baloutsos S., Oberman Peterka S., Chronaki V., Gedeon S., and Solomon A. (2020). “EntreTime - European training program in entrepreneurship for educators”, European Commission Report, Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), EASME/COSME/2018/020, pp. 152.
- Nicholls-Nixon, C., & Valliere, D. (2018). “Business Incubation Activity at Toronto Metropolitan University: An examination of current practices and data reporting needs,” Entrepreneurship Research Institute (ERI) White Paper.