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Academic Success

Your success is our business!

Take advantage of the wide range of free services that will help you succeed at the School of Business Management, including individual consultations with a learning strategist, writing and English language support, free peer tutoring for selected courses, and academic probation workshops.

The Ted Rogers School of Management Student Services supports all students taking management courses by providing: one on one learning strategy appointments with peers or full-time staff, offers free tutoring and study groups, and connects students to resources that can help them address any barriers they may encounter during their time at the Ted Rogers School of Management.

The Dean's List recognizes our undergraduate students' high academic achievement in an academic year. In July of each academic year, students enrolled in an undergraduate program at Toronto Metropolitan University who meet the criteria outlined below will receive a letter of congratulations from the dean and it will also be noted on a student's transcript.


To be eligible for consideration for the Dean’s List, students must:

  • Have an minimum GPA average of 3.50 or higher for the academic year(Fall and Winter terms).
  • Be carrying an average course load of 8.0 units for the Fall and Winter terms.
  • Have all passing grades and clear academic standing. They cannot have received any Disciplinary Notices (DN) while at Toronto Met.
  • You cannot be on the Dean's List more than four times.

Part-time Undergraduate Program Students

To be eligible for consideration for the Dean’s List, students in part-time programs must have completed a specified number of courses deemed to be the equivalent of a full year of study in the program in which the student is registered.

  • Part-time program students may qualify for Dean’s List honours an equivalent number of times as students enrolled in similar full-time programs.
  • Part-time program students may qualify for Dean’s List honours at the end of any term upon having completed the requisite number of courses.
  • Transcripts for part-time program students will show the Dean’s List honour in the term it is awarded, however it is understood that these students’ names will be published with the names of full-time undergraduate program students (i.e., at the end of winter term).

You cannot be included on the Dean's List more than four times.

Students registered with academic accommodation support

Full- and Part-time program students registered with the Access Centre may be placed on the Dean's list at the end of any term as appropriate based on their studies. Students must have all passing grades and a Clear Academic Standing.

The criteria and calculation for part-time program students will be used for students registered with the Access Centre who are enrolled for full-time programs.

You cannot be included on the Dean's List more than four times.

Exchange students

Upon the recommendation of the Exchange Coordinator, the Dean may consider you for inclusion on the Dean's List based on your grades from one term.


Additional support for academic success

Student Learning Support (SLS) is a group of services and programs aimed at helping students engage more effectively in their academic studies. SLS offers individual support and group sessions in the following areas:

Learning resources

The Program Advising and Student Success has complied additional learning resources for you to use and to help you train to learn effectively.