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Music Share for Seniors

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Founder: Julian Powell

Music Share is a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing senior social isolation through individualized music-based programming. We provide participants with specifically curated playlists based on their personal histories and preferences in an effort to trigger memories, reconnect them with their past, and stimulate various areas of the brain involved in memory and emotional processing.

Our programs give participants something to look forward to week to week and offer the opportunity to build new and meaningful relationships with youth, and in some cases, other members of their own community. Music Share is currently facilitated in communities operated by: Chartwell Senior Living, Sienna Senior Living, Revera, and several independent long term care facilities.

Music Share is a unique program because of its individualized approach and use of new media technologies.  Our programs are designed to reconnect isolated seniors back to special people, places, and moments in their lives. At the same time our programs offer opportunities for conversation, socialization, and relationship building.  And since participants make requests for what music they listen to, they are able to take an active role in building their own experience.

Over the last year Music Share was grateful to receive media attention from CTV, Zoomer Magazine, Zoomer Radio, The Scope at TMU, and The Toronto Star. The organization's work has been supported financially by RECODE @ Toronto Metropolitan, The Good Tee, and Paola Di.