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Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

Business Consultant


Mark Barnes is an entrepreneur and internationally experienced management consultant.

As a consultant, Mark specializes in providing core support to growth-oriented companies that seek to strengthen management capabilities, develop and implement proactive growth strategies, improve business processes, and to raise capital.

Mark has over 30 years’ experience as an entrepreneur. His most recent enterprise – EntreMaX Ventures – operates as a “success agency”, a hybrid consultancy and private equity firm that mobilizes and manages talent, capital, know-how, effort and goodwill to transform entrepreneurial projects into successful, sustainable business ventures.

Throughout his career, Mark has volunteered for and supported a variety of community initiatives and causes. Mark has served on the Board of Directors, of the following organizations:

  • The Chatham-Kent Black Historical Society

  • Jazz Performance and Education Centre

  • The Nathaniel Dett Chorale

  • African Canadian Heritage Network

  • Renaissance Gala  - CRBO (in support of Cicely Malcolm)

Mark has an MBA degree from the DeGroote School of Business at McMaster University, a Diploma in Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University, and a BA in Economics from the University of Western Ontario (Western).