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Gaze: The SVZ startup looking to map Toronto for LGBTQ2+ communities

June 30th, 2022

By: Serena Blair

Gaze logo: an eye with a navigation point in the middle

To celebrate Pride month, we want to introduce one of our newest ventures - Gaze. Founded by Toronto Met student Tyra Pinto, Gaze is an app that will support the LGBTQ2+ community by using mapping technology to mark safe spaces in Toronto.

About the founder

Tyra Pinto is a queer international student at Toronto Metropolitan University who has been working with the Social Ventures Zone for two semesters now. Tyra is doing their master's in digital media at the university and moved to Toronto to complete the degree. Gaze is a project that stemmed out of Tyra’s Major Research Project requirement, and their interest made them want to take it a step further with the SVZ. After moving to Toronto, Tyra found it hard to find places to feel safe. This is what stemmed their interest in building their startup Gaze, which will combine directory and navigation features to build an app to help LGBTQ2+ users find safe spaces.

Tyra joined the Social Ventures Zone in the Ideation cohort in the fall of 2021. The SVZ offers two streams of programming (opens in new window)  – Ideation and Incubation. Ideation supports innovators to grow their ideas and develop a business plan. Incubation supports entrepreneurs with a social business or organization in its early-stages of development to bring their venture to the next level. After completing the Ideation program, Tyra applied for Incubation and was accepted into the Spring/Summer 2022 cohort. The app that Tyra is working on with the SVZ is in its incubation stage, and is due to be prototyped by August 10th.

Headshot of person smiling wearing black t-shirt

About Gaze

In 2022, LGBTQ2+ people still face intolerance – whether that be at home, work, school, or public spaces. Finding safe spaces can be difficult for the queer community, but Gaze purposes to change that.

The goal of the Gaze app is to help LGBTQ2+ communities find safe and inclusive spaces in Toronto. Gaze provides mapping technology so that users can easily navigate the city and find inclusive spaces catered to them. The idea behind the app is to help relieve these individuals of the emotionally taxing and exhausting front they feel they need to put up from living in an unaccepting setting. Tyra’s venture focuses on identifying, promoting and providing navigation to safe and inclusive spaces catered to Toronto’s LGBTQ+ communities. These spaces will include LGBTQ+ inclusive businesses, events, and organizations that are active advocates year-round and put in the effort to support equity, diversity, accessibility, and inclusion. Gaze will be a free to use transdisciplinary mobile application designed to serve as a digital directory to find such spaces (businesses, organizations, events, etc.) as well as encourage physical movement and exploration through the city.

Rainbow painted on an office wall

Using technology to form connections

Given the ongoing emphasis on loneliness and the significant need for connection during the pandemic, technology and online presences played a great role in helping individuals within the LGBTQ2+ community navigate and cope with social isolation. Gaze aims to act as a technological asset to assist individuals in finding safe spaces to physically meet within the city. Canada is relatively progressive in terms of LGBTQ+ rights. Attitudes are changing gradually but for as long as LGBTQ+ people are discriminated against, queer spaces will always be needed. Unwelcome comments, or actions still occur and they can create a culture that hinders people from doing daily activities, engaging in society, or accessing spaces. It creates environments where people can’t learn, work, and most importantly, live. Not only does Gaze connect individuals within the LGBTQ2+ communities with spaces, but Gaze also works to act as a means to connect individuals within the LGBTQ2+ community with each other.

Interested in following Gaze's journey?

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