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Booking an Appointment

To book an appointment, contact 416-979-5195 or Messages are being monitored regularly during business hours, and our front desk staff will respond as soon as possible.
What should I expect in my first appointment?
The purpose of this appointment is to:
- Ensure you are safe.
- Listen and learn about what is most troubling right now.
- Provide you with one tip or skill to begin to help with your difficulty.
- Introduce you to interactive online tools.
- Provide our recommendations for next steps, including internal or external referrals.
- You will be meeting with a counsellor for 30 to 45 minutes.
What should I bring to my appointment?
All new clients will be asked to fill out an electronic Intake Form before their appointment.
Please bring your ONE CARD to every appointment. For students seeing a psychiatrist, your Health Card (either a valid unexpired OHIP card or UHIP card) is required.