We would like to recognize the following organizations and individuals who have made our various work possible:
Current Sponsors
Previous Sponsors
International Collaborators
Ryerson University
Other Collaborators
Dr. Jess Goodman
Physician, Clarkson Medical Center and President, Vitalsines Inc., Mississauga
Area: Algorithms and devices for monitoring hypertension and stress
Period: July 2000 – present
Dr. Vijay Parsa
Oticon Professor of Acoustics, National Center for Audiology, University of Western Ontario, London
Area: Analysis of Pathological Speech
Period: June 2001 – present
Dr. Raj Rangayyan
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Calgary, Calgary
Area: Knee Signal Analysis
Period: Sept 1994 – present
Dr. Cy Frank
Chief Orthopedic Surgeon, Joint Injury and Arthritis Research Group, University of Calgary, Calgary
Area: Knee Signal Analysis
Period: May 1995 – present
Dr. Doug Bell
Associate Professor, Sport Medicine Centre, University of Calgary, Calgary
Area: Knee Signal Analysis
Period: May 1995 – present
Dr. Nizar Mahomed
Director (Orthopedic Division), Toronto Western Hospital, Toronto
Area: Multichannel Knee Signal Analysis
Period: October 2001 – present
Dr. Mike Kolios
Associate Professor, MPCS, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario
Area: Design of DSP Algorithms for Monitoring Apoptosis
Period: May 2001 – present
Dr. Begonha Acha
Assistant Professor, Telecommunication Dept., University of Seville, Spain
Area: Adaptive Filter Algorithms
Period: Nov 1999 – present
Dr. Heping Ding
Senior Research Engineer, National Research Council, Ottawa
Area: Speech and Audio Processing
Period: May 2002 – present
Dr. Mehmet Zeytinoglu
Professor, ELCE, Ryerson University, Toronto
Area: Digital Audio Processing
Period: Sept 2001 – present
Dr. Ling Guan
Professor/Canada Research Chair, ELCE, Ryerson University
Area: Multimedia Processing
Period: August 2002 – present