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Senate Agenda & Minutes Archive

Meeting Dates

Meeting Agenda 

Minutes and Approved Motions

September 13, 2022


 Orientation  (external link)   
October 4, 2022                         

Agenda (external link) 

Minutes (external link) 

Motions Approved:

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #F2022-1:

  • Interdisciplinary LGBTQ2S+ minor proposed by the Department of Sociology in the Faculty of Arts
  • Curriculum modifications to the Nursing Post-Diploma Degree Program – Faculty of Community Services
  • Exception to Senate Policy #2 – Program Balance for the Nursing Two-year Post-Diploma Degree Program – Faculty of Community Services
  • Curricular modifications to the Architectural Science Program - Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
  • Proposal for Major Curriculum Modification for the Interior Design Program – The Creative School (Cairo Campus)

Academic Governance and Policy Committee Report (AGPC) #F2022-1:

  • School of Interior Design Council Bylaws
November 1, 2022 Agenda (external link) 

Minutes (external link) 

Motions Approved:

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #F2022-2:

  • New course proposals for addition to the Liberal Studies elective tables
  • Curriculum modifications to include a new module in Events and Live Entertainment to the Creative Industries Program - The Creative School
  • Curriculum modifications to include three new areas of focus to the New Media Program – The Creative School

Academic Governance and Policy Committee Report (AGPC) #F2022-2:

  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department Council Bylaws
  • Politics and Public Administration Department Council Bylaws
  • Sociology Department Council Bylaws
  • Revised Policy 170(c): The Lincoln Alexander School of Law Grading, Promotion, and Academic Standing
November 29, 2022 Agenda (external link) 

Minutes (external link) 

Motions Approved:

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #F2022-3:

  • Periodic Program Review for Interior Design, The Creative School
January 24, 2023 Agenda (external link) 

Minutes (external link) 

Motions Approved:

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #W2023-1:

  • Periodic Program Review for Public Administration and Governance, Faculty of Arts
  • Periodic Program Review for Hospitality and Tourism Management, Ted Rogers School of Management
  • Discontinuation of the Certificate in Nursing and Interprofessional Healthcare Leadership and Management

Academic Governance and Policy Committee Report (AGPC) #W2023-1:

  • Proposal for a School of Public Policy and Democratic Innovation in the Faculty of Arts

March 7, 2023


Agenda  (external link) 

Minutes (external link) 

Motions Approved:

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #W2023-2:

  • Periodic Program Review for Disability Studies, Faculty of Community Services
  • Curriculum modifications to Midwifery, Faculty of Community Services
  • Grade variation for Midwifery, Faculty of Community Services
  • Name change to the Collaborative Nursing Degree, Faculty of Community Services

Academic Governance and Policy Committee Report (AGPC) #W2023-2:

  • Proposal for the establishment of a School of Medicine
  • Revised Policy 159: Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities
  • Occupational and Public Health MSc Graduate Program Council Bylaws
  • Urban Health PhD Graduate Program Council Bylaws
  • Revised Civil Engineering PhD/MASc/MEng Graduate Program Council Bylaws
  • Revised Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM) Graduate Program Council Bylaws
April 4, 2023

Agenda (external link) 


Minutes (external link) 

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #W2023-3:

  • Periodic Program Review for Geographic Analysis, Faculty of Arts
  • Admission requirement changes to Nursing, Faculty of Community Services 

Members' Business

  • That Senate remove from its standing agenda the following three categories: Announcements, Correspondence and Old Business.
May 2, 2023 Agenda (external link) 

Minutes (external link) 


May 30, 2023

Agenda (external link) 

- Senate Learning & Teaching Report (2023)

- OVPRI Annual Report (2022-2023)

Minutes (external link) 

Academic Standards Committee Report (ASC) #S2023-1:

  • New program proposal for the Doctor of Medicine program – School of Medicine
  • Periodic Program Review for Psychology – Faculty of Arts
  • Curriculum modifications to Mechatronics Engineering (Cairo Campus) – Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
  • Curriculum modifications to Hospitality and Tourism Management – Ted Rogers School of Management

Yeates School of Graduate Studies Council Report (YSGS) #S2023-2:

  • New Graduate Program Proposal for the PhD in Architecture

Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity Committee Report (SRCAC) #S2023-1

  • Revised Policy 52 – Ethics Review of Research Involving Animals
  • Revised Policy 58 – Use of Biohazards and Infectious Materials in Research and Teaching
  • Establishment of Policy 173 – Funding of SRC-focused Academic Chairs

Senate Priorities Committee (SPC) #S2023-1

  • Recommendation from the SPC Sub Committee on the assignment of the eleven new seats for elected Senators: 7 seats to faculty, 4 seats to students to be distributed as per page 201 of the Senate Agenda. 

Meeting Dates

Meeting Agenda 

Minutes and Approved Motions
September 14, 2021  (PDF file) Orientation  
October 5,  2021         (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes 

Approved Motions:

ASC Report #F2021-1:

  • Periodic Program Review for Civil Engineering – FEAS
  • Discontinuation of the Business Technology Management Direct Entry program - TRSM
  • Discontinuation of the Part-Time Retail Management program – TRSM
  • Admission changes to the Part-Time Social Work program - FCS
  • Interdisciplinary Black Studies Minor proposed by the Department of English – FoA
  • Exception to Policy #2 – Program Balance for the Midwifery Education Program – FCS
  • Exception to Policy #2 – Program Balance for: the Occupational Health and Safety Two-year Degree Completion Program; the Occupational Health and Safety Two–year Post Baccalaureate Degree Program; and the Occupational Public Health Two–year Post Baccalaureate Degree Program – FCS
  • Exception to Senate Policy #2 – Program Balance for: the Urban and Regional Planning Two–year Post Baccalaureate Degree Program and the Urban and Regional Planning Two–year Post Diploma Degree Completion Program – FCS
  • Exception to Senate Policy #2 – Program Balance for: the Medical Physics Degree Program and the Biology – Option in BioPhysics Degree Program - FoS
  • Curriculum modifications to the Biology Program – option in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology – FoS
  • Curriculum modifications to the Mathematics and its Application - option in Computer Science – FoS
  • Curriculum modifications to the Mathematics and its Application - option in Economics – FoS
  • Curriculum modifications to the Politics and Governance Program – FoA
  • Proposal for the Occupational Health and Safety: Fast Track BSc Co-op Program – FCS
  • Curriculum modifications to the Creative Industries Program – The Creative School
  • Proposal to restructure the FEAS optional Co-operative Internship Program – FEAS

AGPC Report #F2021-1:

  • Revised Policy 46: Undergraduate Course Grading, Academic Program Standing and Eligibility to Graduate Sections, 10.1 & 10.4
  • Senate Bylaw #1 to include the RGSU

SPC Report #F2021-1:

  • Endorse the action taken on July 22, 2021 by the Senate Priorities Committee (SPC) acting on behalf of Senate to permit GMS614 to run in the Fall 2021 term commencing prior to Labour Day
November 2, 2021  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #F2021-2:

  • Exception to Senate Policy #2 - Program Balance for the 2-Year Public Ontario College Diploma Graduate-Degree Completion (Full time and Part time) Bachelor of Commerce (Business Technology Management) Program - Ted Rogers School of Management.

    Honours degree designation for the Bachelor of Architectural Science,  Department of Architectural Science - Faculty of Engineering & Architectural Science.
  • New course proposals for addition to the Liberal Studies elective tables.
  • Exception to Senate Policy #2 - Program Balance for the Architectural Science, Aerospace, Biomedical, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial and Mechanical Engineering programs - Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science.

Academic Governance Policy Committee (AGPC) Report #F2021-2:

  • Revised School of Professional Communication Council Bylaws.
  • Revised IQAP Policies (Policy 110, 112, 126 & 127)

Senate Priorities Committee (SPC) Report #F2021-2

  • Revised Policy 161: Student Awards
December 7, 2021

 (PDF file) Minutes  

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #F2021-3:

  • Certificate modifications to Computer Programming Applications – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Cybersecurity, Data Protection and Digital Forensics – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Urban Agriculture – Chang School
  • Discontinuing the certificate in Energy Management and Conservation – Chang School 
  • Discontinuing the certificate in Image Arts (with specializations in Film Studies or Photography Studies) – Chang School
  • Discontinuing the certificate in Sustainability Management and Enterprise Process Excellence – Chang School
  • Curriculum modifications to the School of Accounting and Finance - Ted Rogers School of Management  

Academic Governance & Policy Committee (AGPC) Report #F2021-3:

  • Revised Early Childhood Studies Council Bylaws
  • Data Science and Analytics MSc- Graduate Council Bylaws
  • Child and Youth Care MA – Graduate Council Bylaws

Yeates School of Graduate Studies (YSGS) Report #F2021-1:

  • Periodic Program Review for the MSW in Social Work
  • Periodic Program Review for the PhD/MA in Psychology
  • Periodic Program Review for the MA in Fashion
  • New program proposal for the MPM/MASc in Project  Management in the Built Environment 

Scholarly Research & Creative Activity Committee (SRCAC) Report #F2021-1:

  • Revised Policy 51: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Participants
  • Policy 171: SRC Intellectual Property Policy  
  • Retirement of Policy 63: Policy on Ownership of Student Work in Research 
January 25, 2022  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #W2022-1:

  • Discontinuing the certificate in Leadership in Organizations – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Public Relations - Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Crime Analytics - Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Film Studies - Chang School

Academic Governance & Policy Committee (AGPC) Report # W2022-1:

  • Revisions to Senate Bylaw #1 and Senate Bylaw #2
  • Master of Digital Media – Graduate Council Bylaws
March 1, 2022  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes 

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #W2022-2:

  • Exception to Senate Policy #2 – Program Balance for the Faculty of Arts Double Major Programs 
  • Periodic Program Review for Creative Industries – The Creative School
  • Periodic Program Review for Professional Communications – The Creative School
  • Periodic Program Review for History – Faculty of Arts
  • Discontinuing the certificate in Advanced Applied Digital Geography and GIS - Chang School
  • Discontinuing the certificate in Advanced Architecture - Chang School
  • Discontinuing the certificate in Design Management - Chang School
  • Modifications to the Real Estate Management Minor – Ted Rogers School of Management
April 5, 2022

 (PDF file) Agenda

Video -  Women's Basketball Team Celebration (external link) 

 (PDF file) Minutes 

Academic  Standards Committee (ASC) Report #W2022-3:

  • Discontinuing the Undeclared Science Program Option – Faculty of Science
  • Certificate modifications to Architecture – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Fundraising Management – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Project Management for Technical Professionals – Chang School
  • Periodic Program Review for Early Childhood Studies – Faculty of Community Services
May 3, 2022  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes 

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #W2022-4:

  • Proposal for Major Curriculum Modification – Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (Cairo Campus)
  • Academic Governance & Review Committee (AGPC) Report #W2022-4:
  • Revised IQAP Policies (Policy 110, Policy 112, Policy 126, and Policy 127)
  • Revised Policy 2: Undergraduate Curriculum Structure
  • (TABLED)  Revised Policy 159: Academic Accommodation of Students
  • New Policy 172: Student Names

Yeates School of Graduate Studies (YSGS) Report #W2022-1:

  • Periodic Program Review for the PhD in Policy Studies
June 7, 2022

 (PDF file) Agenda

President's Senate Update

- Course Change Forms (2022-2023)

- Senate Learning & Teaching Report (2022)

- OVPRI Annual Report (2021-2022)

Minutes (external link, opens in new window) 

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #S2022-1:

  • New Program Proposal for Mechatronics Engineering - FEAS
  • Arts Co-op - Expansion to Include Department of Philosophy - FoA
  • Review, discontinuation and new proposal for certificates in Accounting/Finance - Chang School
  • Proposal for a new Full Stack Developer Certificate - Chang School
  • Periodic Program Review for RTA - New Media - The Creative School
  • Periodic Program Review for Philosophy - FoA
  • Busines Technology Management Co-op Option - Amended Work Term Number and Sequencing Proposal - TRSM

Academic Governance & Priorities Committee (AGPC) Report #S2022-1:

  • Lincoln Alexander School of Law - Grade, Promotion and Academic Standing Policy
  • Revised Policy 48: Undergraduate and Lincoln Alexander School of Law Academic Term
  • Revised Policy 76: Development & Review of Continuing Education Offerings
  • Revised Policy 159: Academic Accommodation of Students with Disabilities

Yeates School of Graduate Studies Council (YSGS) Report #S2022-1:

  • New Graduate Program Proposal for the MID in Interior Design
  • Major curriculum modifications for Data Science and Analytics MSC

Meeting Dates

Agenda Submission Deadlines Agendas and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions
September 15, 2020    (PDF file) Senate Orientation  
October 6,  2020                          
September 15, 2020

 (PDF file) Agenda


 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report F2020-1:

New standing variation for all undergraduate Engineering programs in FEAS

Universities of Canada-Egypt curriculum proposal – FEAS – Mechanical Engineering

.  Introduction of optional undergraduate co-op programs in the Faculty of Arts, commencing with English, History, Sociology, and Politics and Governance

Revisions to the work term schedule in the School of Business Management – Marketing Management co-op program

.  Reduction from 41 to 40, in the total number of courses required for the Bachelor of Commerce in Business Management (all majors) degree program.

AGPC Report F2020-1:

Revised Chemical Engineering Department Council Bylaws.

SPC Report F2020-1:

.  Amendment to Policy 48 by adding new phrasing to item #1 and item #3

.  Variation to Policy 48 as   permitted by clauses 1 and 3 to permit SSH102 to run up to a 16-week format in Fall 2020 term commencing prior to Labour Day


November 3, 2020 October 13, 2020  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes  

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #F2020-2:

Reduction in co-op work term requirements from four to three for the School of Occupational and Public Health – Occupational Health and Safety co-op program, and Public Health and Safety co-op program

.  Removal of MWF113 from the Post Baccalaureate Program for Health Professionals (PBHP)

.  Minor and admissions changes to the Disability Studies degree program

.  Changes to the Minor in Disability Studies

.  [Tabled] - New Minor in Innovation and Zone Learning

.  New Minor in Cyberstudies

.  Removal of the standing variation in the Urban and Regional Planning degree program

.  New Concentration in Video Game Design for the RTA Media Production degree program

.  Reduction from 41 to 40, in the total number of courses required for the Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality and Tourism Management degree program

. Reduction from 45 to 40, in the total number of courses required for the Bachelor of Commerce in Retail Management degree program

.  Eight new course proposals for addition to the Liberal Studies elective tables

. Curriculum modifications to the Juris Doctor program

AGPC Report #F2020-2:

.  Retirement of Policy 156: Removal of Students from Field Placements/Practicums

.  Amendment to Policy 60: Academic Integrity – definition of advocate

December 1, 2020
November 17, 2020  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #F2020-3:

- Modifications to Concentrations in Language and Intercultural Relations – Faculty of Arts.      

AGPC Report #F2020-3:

- Revision of Policy 168: Grade and Standing Appeals to include the Faculty of Law

- Revision of Senate Bylaw #1 to include a Faculty of Law Student Senator

January 26, 2021 January 12,  2021

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Update on Zone Learning

Progress Indicators

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2021-1:

- Periodic Program Review for Midwifery 

- Periodic Program Review for Biomedical Engineering 

YSGS Report #W2021-1:

- Periodic Program Review for the Biomedical Physics graduate program

March 2,  2021 February 9, 2021

 (PDF file) Agenda

Course Change Forms:

(This item was removed from the agenda due to errors in some forms)





 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2021-2:

- Periodic Program Review for the Computer Engineering Program, Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering), FEAS

- Certificate Review for Landscape Design - Chang School

- Certificate Modifications to Landscape Design - Chang School

AGPC Report #W2021-2:

- Masters of Social Work Graduate Program Council Bylaws

- TRSM Graduate Programs Council Bylaws

April 6,  2021 March 16, 2021

 (PDF file) Agenda

Video (external link)  (A Year of Resilience at Ryerson - 2020)

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2021-3:

- Certificate review for Emergency Management & Response Planning - Chang School

- Certificate modifications to Emergency Management and Response Planning - Chang School

-  Discontinuing the certificate in Fashion Coordination and Styling - Chang School

- Discontinuing the certificate in Financial Planning - Chang School

-  Discontinuing the certificate in Media Writing Fundamentals - Chang School

-  Discontinuing the certificate in News Studies - Chang School

- Removal from the table item from the November 3, 2020 Senate Agenda Meeting: New Minor in Innovation and Zone Learning

- New Interdisciplinary Minor in Innovation and Zone Learning

AGPC Report #W2020-3:

- Permit modifications to existing policies in order to facilitate the operational and logistical demands related to Ryerson’s new Fall 2021 program offerings at the Universities of Canada campus in Cairo, Egypt. This will include such things as establishing culturally appropriate significant academic dates and deadlines and amending nomenclature. Senate hereby grants the Registrar authority to make such limited logistical and operational changes without further Senate approval. The Registrar will report back to Senate the changes made as soon as reasonably possible

- Renaming of the Faculty of Law to the Lincoln Alexander School of Law

- Renaming of the Faculty of Communications and Design to The Creative School

[Amendment: Senate affirms in approving this name change from “Faculty of Communication and Design” to “The Creative School”, the shared understanding that the re-naming is done in a non-proprietary spirit, and further, that Senate expects that other uses of the term “creative” (and its cognates) and even “creative school” where any possibility of confusion is minimized, will be treated in this same non-proprietary spirit, and will not be subject to “branding” restrictions.]

- Department Bylaw for Languages, Literatures and Cultures

May 4, 2021 April 13, 2021

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Ombudsperson's Report (2019-2020)

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2021-4:

Periodic Program Review for Accounting and Finance – Ted Rogers School of Management

AGPC Report #W2021-4:

-  Revised Policy 61: Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct 

-  Waiving of residency requirements for graduation as stipulated in Policy 46 Section 2.5. c., that requires students to complete a minimum of 50% of their program at Ryerson University on a one-time only, exceptional basis for Midwifery students transferring from Laurentian University to Ryerson 2021, due to the unforeseen and sudden closure of the Laurentian program. Contingent upon the Ministry providing the funding to assume half of Laurentian’s students.

YSGS Report #W2021-2:

-  New program proposal for the MSc in Occupational and Public Health 

-  Periodic Program Review for the MPC in Professional Communication 

-  Periodic Program Review for the MA in Immigration and Settlement Studies  

June 1, 2021 May 11,  2021

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Committee-of-the-Whole Presentation

Consent Agenda:

-  (PDF file) OVPRI Report

-  (PDF file) Learning & Teaching Report 

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2021-5:

  • Periodic Program Review for Electrical Engineering
  • Co-op work term revision for Chemical Engineering
  • Periodic Program Review for Business Management 
  • Honours degree designation for the Bachelor of Commerce - Business Management (all majors)
  • Honours degree designation for the Bachelor of Commerce - Accounting and Finance (both majors)
  • Curriculum modifications for Marketing Management
  • Curriculum modifications for Economics and Management Science 
  • Certificate review for Food Security – Chang School 
  • Certificate review for Aboriginal Knowledges and Experiences – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Aboriginal Knowledges and Experiences – Chang School 
  • New certificate in Fashion Innovation – Chang School  
  • New certificate in Indigenous Child and Youth Engagement – Chang School  

AGPC Report #W2021-5:

  • Revised Policy 46: Undergraduate Course Grading, Academic Program Standing and Eligibility to Graduate  
  • YSGS Bylaw changes for Psychology PhD/MA 
  • YSGS Bylaw changes for Physics PhD/MSc 

YSGS Report #W2021-3:

  • Major Curriculum Modification – Child and Youth Care MA
  • Major Curriculum Modification – Data Science and Analytics MSc 

 Members' Business:

Motion: Whereas the application of the federal Company’s Creditors Arrangement Act (CCAA, 2014) to the recent financial “insolvency” of Laurentian University has resulted in drastic cuts to programs and staff (academic and non-academic) which seem not to have taken into account academic matters central to Laurentian’s institutional goals and long-standing commitments;

And whereas the Company’s Creditors Act’s statement of purpose, focused as it principally is on “the protection of capital”, and protection of shareholder’s interests, is inappropriate as the basis for addressing a financial crisis of a university;

And whereas it is unclear whether this Act of Parliament was ever intended to be applied to the university/post-secondary educational sector;

And whereas it is imperative that further uses of this Act in the university/post-secondary sector be prevented;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Senate of Ryerson University hereby asks, indeed implores, Ryerson University’s senior administration and Board of Governors to take action, in concert with other universities or alone, and consistently with prudential concern for the well-being of Ryerson University, to attempt to persuade Parliament to remove universities from the purview of the Company’s Creditors Arrangement Act.


Meeting Dates

Agenda Submission Deadlines Agendas and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions
September 10, 2019 Senate Members Orientation - ILLC, International Room, 133 Mutual Street (Ground Floor)  (PDF file) Senate Orientation  

October 1,   2019           

Note: This meeting will be held at the REAL Institute, 424 Yonge St., 2nd fl.              

September 10, 2019  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #2019-1:

  • Discontinuation of Health Information Mgmt. program
  • Modification to Health Services Mgmt. program
  • History: New Minor in Middle East & North Africa Studies
  • Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt. & Creative Industries: New Minor in Events & Live Entertainment Mgmt.
  • Juris Doctor Program: Grading variations

AGPC Report #2019-1:

  • Removal of Senate Policy #155: Approval of Collaborative Academic Program Agreements

November 5, 2019

Note: This meeting will be held at the REAL Institute, 424 Yonge St., 2nd fl.

October 15, 2019

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) ACR Presentation

 (PDF file) Progress Indicators-2019

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #F2019-2:

  • Modifications of the Architectural Science program
  • New Software Engineering Option in Computer Eng.
  • Modifications to the Mathematics & its Applications Program
  • New Double Majors: Politics & Governance-Criminology; Politics & Governance-History; Politics & Governance-Sociology; Criminology-History; Criminology-Sociology; History-Sociology
  • Modifications to Collaborative Nursing Program
  • Nine course proposals for addition to the Liberal Studies Elective Tables

AGPC Report #F2019-2:

  • Senate Policy 2: Undergraduate Curriculum Structure
  • Revised Graduate Program Council Bylaws for the PhD in Policy Studies Program
  • Faculty of Law Council Bylaws
  • Modifications to Ryerson's Examination and Grading Timelines

YSGS Report #F2019-1:

  • New Program for PhD in Management
December 3, 2019
November 19, 2019  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

 (PDF file) ASC Report #F2019-3:

  • .Honours degree designation for the Sociology program

AGPC Report #F2019-3:

  • Revised School Council Bylaws for the School of Professional Communication

AWCC Report #F2019-1:

  • Option for Undergraduate and Graduate degree recipients to be awarded gender-neutral degrees

SRCAC Report #F2019-2:

  • 2020-2025 Strategic Research Plan
January 28, 2020

January 14, 2020











 (PDF file) Agenda

Course Change Forms (external link) 

 (PDF file) Academic Plan 2020-2025

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

 (PDF file) ASC Report #W2020-1:

  • .Changes to Field Placement hours in School of Social Work
  • .Honours Bachelor Degree designation for Double Majors
  • .PPR - Department of English BA Honours Degree Program
  • YSGS Council Bylaws
  • Academic Plan 2020-2025

 (PDF file) YSGS Report #W2020-1:

  • PPR for Math Graduate Programs
  • .PPR for Economics Graduate Programs
  • PPR for Philosophy Graduate Program
March 3, 2020 

February 11, 2020












 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms

 (PDF file) Ombudsperson's Report

 (PDF file) Employee Diversity Self ID Report - 2018

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

 (PDF file) ASC Report #W2020-2:

  • .PPR for Chemical Engineering Bachelor of Engineering Degree Program
  • .Curriculum Modifications for the Juris Doctor Program - Faculty of Law

AGPC Report #W2020-2:

  • School Council Bylaws for Disability Studies
  • Request for permission to provide additional independent advocates to support students through Senate policies until such time that a recognized student government can fill that role.

 (PDF file) YSGS Report #W2020-2:

  • New program proposal for the Media and Design Inovation Graduate Program
  • PPR for the Public Policy and Administration Graduate Program
  • PPR for the Spatial Analysis Graduate Program
  • PPR or the Urban Development Graduate Program

April 7, 2020

March 17, 2020

















 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Slide Presentation - Covid-19 Update

Live Stream Link to Senate Meeting:

 (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) ASC Report #W2020-3:

  • PPR - Department of Aerospace Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering Degree Program
  • PPR - International Economics and Finance Program, Department of Economics
  • Universities of Canada - Egypt Partnership Proposal – Faculty of Communication and Design
  • Certificate review for Advanced Nursing Leadership and Management – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Advanced Nursing Leadership and Management – Chang School
  • New Certificate in Introduction to Community Services – Chang School
  • New Certificate in Practical Data Science and Machine Learning – Chang School

SPC Report #W2020-1:

  • Endorsement of the action taken on March 24, 2020 by Senate Priorities Committee (SPC), to amend Policy 46 to create CRD and NCR grades in order to address the concerns of students regarding the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on their grades and future prospects
  • Proposed academic structure of a potential agreement with Navitas regarding the recruitment and academic preparation of international students for direct admission into the second-year of participating programs at Ryerson
  • Given the unprecedented adaptations forced upon the University by the current pandemic, that Senate hereby grants Senate Priorities Committee (SPC) temporary emergency powers beyond those in Senate Bylaw #1 to address on behalf of Senate emergency academic issues that arise and cannot, without risk of harm to students or faculty, wait until the next scheduled Senate meeting to be addressed.  These are special emergency powers only.  Any actions so taken must be reported to Senate as soon as possible, including full descriptions of the nature of the emergency and the rationale for the actions taken.  These powers will be in effect until either rescinded by Senate or superseded by an amendment to Senate Bylaw#1.
May 5, 2020             

April 14, 2020


















 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) OVPRI Annual Report to  Senate - 2019-2020

 (PDF file) Slide Presentation - Covid-19 Update

Live Stream Link to Senate Meeting:



 (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) ASC Report #W2020-4:

  • Admission changes to the First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI) program – FCS School of Social Work
  • Certificate review for Fundraising Management – Chang School
  • Certificate review for Health Informatics – Chang School
  • Certificate modifications to Health Informatics – Chang School
  • New Certificate in Urban Agriculture – Chang School

AGPC Report #W2020-4:

  • Policy 167: Academic Consideration (replacing part of Policy 134: Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals and part of Policy 152: Graduate Student Academic Consideration and Appeals)
  • Policy 168: Grade and Academic Standing Appeals (replacing part of Policy 134: Undergraduate Academic Consideration and Appeals and part of Policy 152: Graduate Student Academic Consideration and Appeals)
  • Update to the Graduate Program Council – Biomedical Engineering Bylaws

SRCAC Report #W2020-1:

  • Retire Policy 153: Non-Competitive Agreements (SRCAC)
  • Revised Policy 154: Signing of Applications and Agreements in Support of Scholarly, Research and Creative Activity (SRCAC) 

YSGS Report #W2020-3:

  • Major Modifications for the Biomedical Physics graduate program (MSc/PhD)
  • Major Modifications for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program
  • Major Modifications in Master of International Economics and Finance (MA) program  
June 2, 2020

May 19, 2020












 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) President's Update - Slide Presentation

Live Stream Link to Senate Meeting:



 (PDF file) Minutes  

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2020-5:

  • Periodic Program Review for Retail Management - Ted Rogers School of Management
  • Addition of “Honours” to the Bachelor of Commerce – Retail Management degree designation – Ted Rogers School of Management
  • Universities of Canada – Egypt curriculum proposal – Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science
  • Changes to co-operative education work term requirements in Biology, Biomedical Sciences, Financial Mathematics, Medical Physics, and Mathematics and its Applications – Faculty of Science

AGPC Report #W2020-5:

  • .Revisions to Policy 164: Graduate Status, Enrolment and Evaluation
  • .Policy 169: Experiential Learning
  • .Retirement of Policy 146: Laptop Policy
  • Amendment to Policy 60, 61, 118, 157, 159, 161, 162 and 166 to include law students where policies list out students that the policy applies to
  • .Amendment to Policy 168: Grade and Standing Appeals – Glossary definition of advocate
  • .For information: Policy 167: Academic Consideration:
  • Procedures to include: Other Extenuating Circumstances: (IV) Assigned Duties within the Canadian Armed Forces (documentation required, e.g., signed letter from the Officer Commanding or higher with the dates of required service)

YSGS Report #W2020-4:

  • New Masters of Fine Arts program in Scriptwriting and Story Design – Faculty of Communication and Design

Meeting Dates

Agenda Submission Deadlines Agendas and Other Documents    Minutes/Approved Motions
October 2, 2018 September 11, 2018  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

AGPC Report #F2018-1:

 (PDF file) APRC Report - Policy #135 - Final Examination

November 6, 2018 October 16,  2018  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) YSGS Report #F2018-1:

  • Urban Health PhD Program – New Program proposal
  • Building Science PhD program – New Program proposal
  • PPR - Literatures of Modernity Graduate Program
  • PPR - Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Graduate Programs

 (PDF file) ASC Report #F2018-1:

  • Ted Rogers School of Business Management Foundational Quantitative Curriculum Modification
  • SOPHe Major Curriculum Modification
  • School of Accounting & Finance Co-op resequencing Proposal
  • RTA School of Media’s Discontinuation of Concentrations in the New Media Program
  • School of Fashion’s Major Curriculum Modifications
  • Course Proposals for Addition to the Liberal Studies Elective Table

 (PDF file) AGPC Report #F2018-2:

  • Chemistry & Biology Bylaws
December 4, 2018 November 20, 2018  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) ASC Report #F2018-2:

  • TRSBM Law and Business Co-op Resequencing Proposal
  • School of Nursing Course Grade Variations

 (PDF file) CIC Report #F2018-1 :

  • Minor revisions to Policy #2 - Undergraduate Curriculum Structure

 (PDF file) SRCAC Report #F2018-1:

  • Policy #144 – Research Centres

Members’ Business:

  • That the Senate of Ryerson University hereby expresses its deepest thanks to Dr. Marcia Moshé for the integrity, care, collegiality, and innovation she daily demonstrated in her three years as Interim Vice-Provost Academic, and wishes her all the very best in her future endeavours.
January 29, 2019

January 15, 2019





 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course change form

 (PDF file) Ombudsperson's Report

 (PDF file) Minutes

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report #W2019-1:

  • SOPHe Major Curriculum Modification

Academic Governance and Policy Committee (AGPC) Report #W2019-1:

  • Senate Bylaw #1 (replace Articles 1-8 of existing bylaw)
  • Indigenous faculty: There shall be one (1) indigenous faculty member elected by the Aboriginal Education Council (AEC) from all indigenous faculty using procedures developed by the AEC in consultation with the AGPC and the wider Indigenous community. (Amendment approved)
March 5, 2019 February 12, 2019
 (PDF file) Agenda  (PDF file) Minutes
April 2, 2019 March 19, 2019  (PDF file) Agenda  (PDF file) Minutes
May 7, 2019 April 16, 2019  (PDF file) Agenda  (PDF file) Minutes

June 11, 2019



















May 21, 2019



















 (PDF file) Agenda



















 (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) ASC Report #S2019-1:

  • CE Certificate in Occupational Health & Safety Leadership - Course deletion & addition
  • CE Certificate in Crime Analytics - New
  • Computer Science: Revision to admission requirements for part-time entry
  • Computer Science: Grading variations
  • Occupational & Public Health: Diploma to degree pathway
  • Mathematics: PPR for Mathematics and its Applications Bachelor of Science Degree Program - FoS
  • New Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) Program in Professional Music - FCAD
  • Deletion of BUS100 from the core curriculum of Business Mgmt. & Accounting & Finance programs

 (PDF file) AGPC Report #S2019-1:

  • Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) Policy Revisions
  • Policy 60: Academic Integrity revisions
  • Policy 166: Course Management (Merged Pol 145: Undergraduate Course Mgmt. and Pol 151: YSGS Course Mgmt.) (see  (PDF file) Summary of Changes)

 (PDF file) SRCAC Report #2019-1:

  • Policy 118: Scholarly Research & Creative Activity (SRC) Integrity Policy

 (PDF file) YSGS Report #2019-1:

  • PPR - Final Assessment Report for Civil Engineering
  • Major Curriculum Modifications in Master of Science in Computer Science 
  • Major Curriculum Modifications in Master of Science in Management
  • Graduate Program Council Bylaws - MA in Public Policy & Administration


September 10, 2019


Senate Members Orientation - ILLC, International Room, 133 Mutual Street (Ground Floor)



October 1, 2019

Note: This meeting will be held at the REAL Institute, 424 Yonge St., 2nd fl.





September 10, 2019









 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

ASC Report #2019-1:

  • Discontinuation of Health Information Mgmt. program
  • Modification to Health Services Mgmt. program
  • History: New Minor in Middle East & North Africa Studies
  • Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt. & Creative Industries: New Minor in Events & Live Entertainment Mgmt.
  • Juris Doctor Program: Grading variations

AGPC Report #2019-1:

  • Removal of Senate Policy #155: Approval of Collaborative Academic Program Agreements

November 5, 2019

Note: This meeting will be held at the REAL Institute, 424 Yonge St., 2nd fl.


October 15, 2019

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) ACR Presentation

 (PDF file) Progress Indicators-2019

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms









 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #F2019-2:

  • Modifications of the Architectural Science program
  • New Software Engineering Option in Computer Eng.
  • Modifications to the Mathematics & its Applications Program
  • New Double Majors: Politics & Governance-Criminology; Politics & Governance-History; Politics & Governance-Sociology; Criminology-History; Criminology-Sociology; History-Sociology
  • Modifications to Collaborative Nursing Program
  • Nine course proposals for addition to the Liberal Studies Elective Tables

AGPC Report #F2019-2:

  • Senate Policy 2: Undergraduate Curriculum Structure
  • Revised Graduate Program Council Bylaws for the PhD in Policy Studies Program
  • Faculty of Law Council Bylaws
  • Modifications to Ryerson's Examination and Grading Timelines

YSGS Report #F2019-1:

  • New Program for PhD in Management
December 3, 2019

November 19, 2019


 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms

 (PDF file) Draft Academic Plan - 2020-2024

 (PDF file) Draft Academic Plan Presentation

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #2019-3: 

  • Honours degree - Sociology Program

AGPC Report #2019-3: 

  • Revised School Council Bylaws - Professional Communication

AWCC Report #1: 

  • Options for Undergraduate & Graduate degree recipients to be awarded gender-neutral degrees

SRCAC Report #F2019-2: 

  • 2020-2025 Strategic Research Plan
Meeting Date Agenda Submission
Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions               

October 3, 2017




September 11, 2017 

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Draft Ryerson Statement on Freedom of Expression

 (PDF file) Minutes

Academic Standards Committee (ASC) Report F2017#1

  •  Medical Physics Major Curriculum Modificatiom

Academic Governance and Policy Committee (AGPC) Report #2017-1

  • History Department Council Bylaws  (Motion to refer approved.)

(Motion to Refer bylaws back to History Department for revision, and to present a revised draft to Senate at a later date.)

  • Midwifery Education Program Council Bylaws
  • Original motion approved, as amended (see below):

Motion to amend the bylaws such that Article 7.1 read as follows:  “The School Council may establish other sub-committees as necessary to consider any other matters of concern to the School,” and that the future creation of any subcommittees be brought to Senate for approval.  

A representative from the Midwifery Education Program agreed to modify the bylaws accordingly.

Architectural Science Council Bylaws

  • Original motion approved, as amended (see below):

Motion to amend the bylaws such that Article 4.L read as follows:  “Amendment of these by-laws shall require the passing of amending by-law with a vote of support by at least two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Council before forwarding to Senate for approval.” 

November 7, 2017                         
October 16, 2017  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

  • TRSM proposal to use CMN 279 (Introduction to Professional Communication) as the required Professional Communication course for all TRSM students
  • Urban and Regional Planning proposal to remove PLG 700 (Contemporary Urban Issues) from its curriculum 
  • Midwifery Education Program (MEP) proposal for changes to its admission requirements
  • Minor in Computer Science
  • School of Interior Design curriculum revisions
  • School of Creative Industries proposal for a minor in Communication Design
  • Recommendation from the Awards & Ceremonials Committee (AWCC) to add an alumni representative to the AWCC membership
  • New program proposal for the Master of Health Administration (Community Care) program
  • Approval of three Senate members as representatives on the Chancellor Search Committee:
    • Student Representative: D. Lis
    • Faculty Representative: A. McWilliams
    • Ex-officio Representative: M. Bountrogianni
December 5, 2017 November 20, 2017

 (PDF file) Agenda

Course Change Forms (external link, opens in new window) 

 (PDF file) Minutes

  • TRSM Entrepreneurship Co-op Revision
  • CIC Implementation Committee Report to Senate; and for Senate to request the Vice-Provost Academic report semi-annually on whether and how each of the recommendations in the Report has been addressed
  • Proposed Policy 2: Undergraduate Curriculum Structure

(The following Senate Policies are rescinded with the adoption of this policy 2, but are grand-parented for use by programs until they have completely transitioned to the revised model:

Policy #7: Procedures for the Preparation, Submission and Approval of Academic Proposals (1975)

Policy #14: Liberal Studies: Development of a Tripartite Curriculum (1977)

Policy #33: Program Balance (1977)

Policy #35: Degree Programs Policy (1982)

Policy #44: Liberal Studies in the Ryerson Curriculum (1986)

Policy #64: Change to the Composition of the Liberal Studies Committee (1989)

Policy #74: New Structure for Administration of Liberal Studies at Ryerson (1991)

Policy #107: Revision of Liberal Studies Policy (1994)

Policy #109: Implementation of Liberal Studies Policy (1995)

Policy #124: Professionally-Related Studies in Tripartite Curriculum (1996)

Policy #148: Minors Policy (2015)

Policy #149: Concentrations Policy (2016)

  • Proposed Implementation Plan; and the Timeline contained in Appendix I of the plan be accepted as a guideline, with milestones and any divergences reported and explained to Senate throughout the implantation process.
  • Periodic Program Review – Master of Journalism
January 30, 2018 January 16, 2018

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms


 (PDF file) Minutes

Approved Motion:

Department of History Council Bylaw

March 6, 2018




February 12, 2018

 (PDF file) Agenda

IQAP policies (Clean Versions):

 (PDF file) Minutes

Approved Motions:

  • Report #W2018-1 of the Academic Standards Committee (ASC):
    • Establishment of a Faculty of Law, pending approval by the Board of Governors, with the hiring of a Dean of the Faculty of Law
    • Revised Institutional Quality Assurance Process Policies (IQAP)
    • Periodic Program Review (PPR) – Urban and Regional Planning


April 3, 2018


March 19, 2018

 (PDF file) Agenda


 (PDF file) Minutes

Approved Motions:

ASC Report #W2018-2:

  • Periodic Program Review - Journalism
  • Periodic Program Review - Graphic Communications Management


May 1, 2018



April 16, 2018

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Policy 159 (old) and ad hoc committee report - March 6, 2012

 (PDF file) Minutes

Approved Motions:

AGPC Report #2018-4:

  • Name change from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering to Department of Electrical, Computer & Biomedical Engineering
  • Ryerson Senate Policy Framework
  • Child & Youth Care School Council Bylaw
  • Criminology MA Program Council Bylaw

ASC Report #W2018-3:

  • Periodic Program Review for Politics and Governance, Faculty of Arts
  • Discontinuation of the Chang School Certificate in Global Management Studies
  • Proposal for a Chang School Certificate in Foundations of International Management
  • Proposal for a Chang School Certificate in Entering Foreign Markets
  • Proposal for a Chang School Certificate in Advanced International Trade Management
  • Early Childhood Studies/York University BA/BEd Program Curriculum Modification

SRCAC Report #W2018-1:

  • Revised Policy 52 – Ethics Review of Research Involving Animals
  • Revised Policy 58 – Research Using Biohazardous Materials
  • Revised Policy 143 – Indirect Costs Associated with Scholarly, Research and Creative (SRC Funding)
May 29, 2018 May 21, 2018

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Academic Plan Update - May, 2018

 (PDF file) Minutes

Approved Motions:

YSGS Report W2018-1:

  • Periodic Program Review  for the Building Science (MASc, MBSc) Program
  • Periodic Program Review for Environmental Applied Science and Management (MASc, PhD)
  • Periodic Program Review for Nutrition Communication (MHSc)
Meeting Dates Agenda Submission Deadlines Agenda and Other Documents   Minutes/Approved Motions      
September 13, 2016  

 (PDF file) Senate Orientation Document

October 6, 2016 September 15, 2015  (PDF file) Agenda

Approved Motions:

ASC Report #F2016-1:

  • Elimination of the Performance Studies module from the Creative Industries Program

YSGS Report #F2016-1:

  • Proposal for an MA in Criminology and Social Justice
November 1, 2016
October 18, 2016

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms


 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

AGPC Report #F2016-2:

  • Concentrations Policy, Senate Policy 149
  • Department of Politics & Public Administration Bylaw (Reinserting Article 4.1.7)
  • Removal of options from the Electrical Engineering Program.
  • Creation of a Minor in Caribbean Studies, Faculty of Arts
  • Removal of HIS 400 (Reading, Writing and Using History) from the History Program
  • Curriculum Modifications - Hospitality and Tourism Management (TRSM)
  • Curriculum Modifications – Health Information Management (TRSM)
  • Honours degree designation for Professional Communication (FCAD); Hospitality & Tourism Management (TRSM); and English (Arts)
December 6, 2016 
November 15,   2016

 (PDF file) Agenda


 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:  SRCAC Report  #F2016-1: 

  • New title for Policy 51 (Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Human Participants)

AGPC Report #F2016-3:

  • Revisions to Policy 76 (Development and Review of Certificate Programs) – change to            minimum number of courses in a certificate from six to four

ASC Report #F2016-3:

  • Cancellation of EID 500 (Experiential Semester in Digital Entrepreneurship &  Innovation) and the Optional Specialization in Digital Entrepreneurship & Innovation       
January 31, 2017

January 17, 2017                                  



 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

  • ASC Report #W2017-1:
  • Chang School Certificate in Advced Accounting

YSGS Report #W2017-1:

  • PMDip in Management of Technology and Innovation Program; and forward to Quality Council for approval
  • PPR of the Masters of Nursing Program
  • PPR of the Masters of Documentary Media Program
  • PPR of the Aerospace Engineering Program

For Information:  Curriculum Modification (Minor)

Curriculum Modifications (Minor): Name changes for PMDip programs approved at the October 2015 Senate meeting:

7.6.6 - Canadian Business for International Students and New Canadians                    changed to Canadian Business

7.6.7 - Chartered Financial Accountant changed to Accounting

7.6.8  - Certified Financial Analyst changed to Financial Analysis

7.6.9 - Finance and Social Innovation changed to Finance for Social Innovation

March  7,  2017 February 14, 2017

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Ombudsperson's Report 2015-16

 (PDF file) Strategic Management Agreement (SMA) Process


 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved: 

YSGS Report #W2017-2:

  • PPR for Master of Business Administration (MBA) Global Program
April  4,  2017 March 21, 2017

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2017-2:

  • PPR for Business Technology Management
  • Variation in graduation requirement – BASc Nutrition and Food
  • Chang School Certificate Discontinuation:

. Accessibility    practices

· Program and Portfolio Management

· Magazine and Web Publishing

· Architectural Preservation and Conservation

May  2, 2017 April 18, 2017  (PDF file) Agenda



 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2017-3:
  • Review of the Chang School Certificate in Gerontology
  • Course additions/ deletions in Certificate in Gerontology; and revision of Certificate Name change to “Certificate in Aging & Gerontology”
  • Review of Certificate in Facility Management
  • Implementation of review recommendations for Certificate in Facility Management
  • Course deletions/additions for Certificate in Disaster and Emergency Management
  • Course deletions/additions for Certificate in Energy Management
Proposal of Certificate in    Local Economic Development
June  5, 2017 May 23, 2017  (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Academic Plan Update - June 2017


 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2017-4:

  • Law program proposal (Approved contingent on approval by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada, and contingent on the establishment of a Faculty of Law at Ryerson)

ASC Report #W2017-4:

  • Revisions to Policy 152:  Graduate Student Academic Consideration and Appeals
  • Department Council Bylaws for Philosophy
  • Department Council Bylaws for Criminology
Meeting Dates Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions
October 6  (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda


November 3  (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
December 1  (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

January 26, 2016

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Ombudsperson's Report 2014-2015

 (PDF file) OVPRI's Research Strategy Update to Senate - January, 2016

 (PDF file) OVPRI Senate Report  

 (PDF file) Course Change Forms

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

  • New Chair of the Designated Decision Makers Council (DDMC) – Tara Burke, Department of Psychology

ASC Report #W2016-1:

  • Discontinuation of the    Certificate in English as a Second Additional Language
  • PPR for the graduate program in Media Production
Policy 60 Update on the Procedures and approval of amendments to the policy


YSGS Report #W2016-1:

o    PPR for the Computer Networks Masters Program

March 1, 2016

 (PDF file) Agenda

(This meeting was cancelled due to lack of quorum)

April 5, 2016

 (PDF file) Agenda

Budget Presentation - April 5, 2016

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

AGPC Report #W2016-1:  

o    Psychology Graduate Program Council Bylaw

SPC Report #W2016-1:  

o    Revision of Senate Policy #160 : Posthumous Degrees, Certificates and Diplomas

ASC Reports #W2016-2:

o    Revision of Electives – Chang School Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Small Business

o    Course deletions and additions (Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering) – Chang School Certificate in Data Analytics, Big Data, and Predictive Analytics

o    PPR of Media Production in the RTA School of Media

YSGS Report:

o    PPR for the Computer Networks Masters Program

o    Proposal for a Professional Masters Diploma in Material Innovations in Design

May 3, 2016

 (PDF file) Agenda


 (PDF file) Minutes


Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2016-4:

o    Medical Physics Periodic Program Review, Faculty of Science

o    Certificate in Health Services Management: Revision of Certificate Graduation Requirements – Repositioning CCMN 279

o    Certificate in Health Studies: Addition of Health Data Analytics Stream (CHIM 301 and CHIM 408)

o    Discontinuation of Certificate in Infrastructure Asset Management and Renewal

AGPC Report #W2016-2:  

Name change of the Ryerson Theatre School to School of Performance


May 31, 2016

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Academic Plan Update - May 2016

 (PDF file) Minutes

Motions Approved:

ASC Report #W2016-5:

  • Health Services Management Periodic Program Review, TRSM
  • Criminology Periodic Program Review, Faculty of Arts
  • Certificate in Privacy, Access, and Information Management
  • Discontinuation of Certificate in Dietetics Practice in Canada for Internationally         Educated Dieticians Professionals (The Chang School of Continuing Education)
  • Certificate in Preparation for Practice in Canada for Internationally Educated Professionals in Nutrition (IEPN) (The Chang School of Continuing Education)
  • Certificate in Business Decision Analysis: Selected Revisions (The Chang School of Continuing Education)

Honours Degree Designations for the following Programs:

  • Biology (Faculty of Science)
  • Biomedical Science (Faculty of Science)
  • Financial Mathematics (Faculty of Science)
  • Chemistry (Faculty of Science)
  • Computer Science (Faculty of Science)
  • Medical Physics (Faculty of Science)
  • Arts and Contemporary Studies (Faculty of Arts)
  • Criminology (Faculty of Arts)
  • Environment and Urban Sustainability (Faculty of Arts)
  • Geographic Analysis (Faculty of Arts)
  • History (Faculty of Arts)
  • Language and Intercultural Relations (Faculty of Arts)
  • Philosophy (Faculty of Arts)
  • Politics and Governance (Faculty of Arts)
  • Public Administration and Governance (Faculty of Arts)

SPC Report W2016-2:

o    Replaced the words “with Honours” with the words “with Distinction” in Policy 46 (the GPA policy), Policy 160 (Posthumous Degrees) and Policy 161 (Student Awards) to recognize graduates with CGPAs of 3.5 or higher, effective for Fall 2016 convocation.

o    Extended the current limitation on access to Designated Decision Makers only to contract lecturers for the next academic year, to allow the Academic Integrity Office (AIO) and the Chair of the Designated Decision Makers’ Council to build capacity.

AGPC Report #W2016-3:

  •  Short-term revisions of policies under review by the ad hoc Academic Policy Review Committee (APRC):


 (PDF file) Policy 134

 (PDF file) Policy 135

 (PDF file) Policy 145

 (PDF file) Policy 151

 (PDF file) Policy 152

Updated terms:  changed Access Centre to Academic Accommodation Support, DHPO to Human Rights Services, Code of Academic Conduct to Academic Integrity policy, etc.

Resolved inconsistencies re. signing authority for medical certificates:  The requirement for a “physician” to sign a medical certificate was changed in 2005 to “appropriate regulated health professional” in some sections of Policies 134 and 152, but not in all sections and not on the actual medical certificate

Revisions to Policy #46 (GPA Policy) to add a new Academic Standing of Standing Variation Withdrawal (SVW) [for students who meet the University’s definition for Clear academic standing (i.e. a CGPA of 1.67 or higher) but who have not met their program’s standing variation requirements.


Meeting Dates Agenda      Submission Deadlines                        Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions                                                                        
October 4    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 1    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course Changes

December 6    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Course Changes

January 24    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Ombudsperson's Report 2010-11

 (PDF file) Course Changes

March 6    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 3    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 1    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
June 5    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Academic Plan Update

 (PDF file) Curriculum Review Committee Report

Meeting Dates Agenda      Submission Deadlines                        Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions                                                                
October 5    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 2    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
December 7    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 5    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 3    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) COU Colleague report

June 7    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Undergraduate Curriculum Framework

Meeting Dates

Agenda Submission Deadlines                                  

Agenda and Other Documents

Minutes/Approved Motions                                 
October 6    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 3    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
December 1    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
January 26    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
February 9    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 2    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 6    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 4
   (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
Meeting Dates Agenda Submission Deadlines                     Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions                                                              
October 7    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 4    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
December 2    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
January 27    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 3    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 31    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 5    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda

Meeting Dates



       Agenda Submission Deadlines


Agenda and Other Documents


Minutes/Approved Motions  



October 2    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 6    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
December 4    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
January 15    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 4    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 1    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 6    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
June 3    (PDF file) Minutes

 (PDF file) Agenda

 (PDF file) Academic Plan: Shaping the Future - 2008-2013

 (PDF file) Report of the Senate Review Committee

Meeting Dates
Agenda Submission Deadlines Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions                                                        
October 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  
December 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  
January 2007                                 (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 2007    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 2007    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 2007    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
Meeting Dates Agenda Submission Deadlines              Agenda and Other Documents Minutes/Approved Motions                                                                               
October 2005    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 2005    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
December 2005    (PDF file) Minutes Agenda
January 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 2006    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
Meeting Dates Agenda Submission Deadlines  

Agenda and  Other Documents

Minutes/Approved Motions                                                                                     
October 2004    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
November 2004    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
January 2005    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
March 2005    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
April 2005    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
May 2005    (PDF file) Minutes  (PDF file) Agenda
October 1998  (PDF file) Minutes
December 1998  (PDF file) Minutes
February 1999  (PDF file) Minutes
April 1999  (PDF file) Minutes
October 1995  (PDF file) Minutes
November 1995  (PDF file) Minutes
December 1995  (PDF file) Minutes