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Policy 163: Graduate Admissions Policy

Policy Information   Details    
Policy Number:
Policy Approval Date:    May 28, 2024
Effective:    Fall 2024
Previous Approval Date   May 29, 2018
Next Policy Review Date:   2029
Responsible Committee or Office: 

 Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (Admissions Office)
Approval    Senate 

1. Purpose of Policy

To stipulate the minimum requirements for ensuring admission of the best-qualified applicants to graduate programs at Toronto Metropolitan University (the “University”).

2. Application and Scope

This policy pertains to all individuals applying to graduate programs at the University and the faculty, staff, and administrators who are involved in the admissions process.

3. Definitions

Key terms, abbreviations, and acronyms are in Appendix 1 of Graduate Status, Enrolment, and Evaluation Policy.

4. Goals, Values, and Principles

The values stipulated in the University’s Senate Policy Framework are applicable and fundamental to this policy.

The admissions process is intended to be clear, transparent, consistent, inclusive and timely with all parties accountable for their outlined responsibilities.

5. Academic Requirements

The University’s minimum academic requirements for admission to Professional Master’s Diploma, Master’s, and Doctoral programs are provided below. Candidates must meet or surpass these minimum requirements as well as other requirements that may be specified by the program to which they are applying. Approval of all exceptions is at the sole discretion of the Vice-Provost and Dean, Yeates School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (YSGPS).

5.1 Professional Master’s Diploma programs

Applicants for admission will have:

5.1.1 graduated or will be eligible to graduate from an accredited, four-year(or equivalent) degree program prior to the commencement of the program to which they are applying;

5.1.2 a minimum of a B/3.0 CGPA or equivalent in the final two years of the program; and

5.1.3 demonstrated the capacity to succeed in the program to which they have applied by meeting the criteria that may be specified by the graduate program.

5.2. Master’s programs

Applicants for admission will have:

5.2.1 graduated or will be eligible to graduate from an accredited, four-year(or equivalent) degree program prior to the commencement of the program to which they are applying;

5.2.2 a minimum of a B/3.0 CGPA or equivalent in the final two years of the degree program; and

5.2.3 demonstrated a capacity to succeed in the program to which they have applied by meeting the criteria that may be specified by the graduate program.

5.3. Doctoral programs

Applicants for admission will have:

5.3.1 normally graduated or will be eligible to graduate from an accredited Master’s degree program prior to the commencement of the program to which they are applying;

5.3.2 a minimum of a B+/3.33 CGPA or equivalent in their Master’s program; and

5.3.3 demonstrated a capacity to succeed in the program to which they have applied by meeting the criteria that may be specified by the graduate program.

5.4. Simultaneous enrollment in more than one program 

Simultaneous enrollment in more than one program requires the consent of both programs involved, and the approval of the Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS. Details on the process for simultaneous enrollment are outlined in Policy 170(b), Procedures Section 6.

5.5.  Dual Degree Programs 

Applicants for admission to a dual-degree program will meet the requirements as stipulated in the formal agreement.

5.6. Special status students

Individuals seeking enrolment as a special status student will:

5.6.1 meet the admissions requirements for the graduate program in which they will be taking courses; and

5.6.2 have approval from the GPD of the graduate program offering the course as well as the instructor of the course.

5.7. Exchange students

Individuals seeking enrolment as an exchange student will:

5.7.1 be currently enrolled in a graduate program at another institution that has a formal exchange agreement with a Toronto Metropolitan University program;

5.7.2 meet the requirements as outlined in the formal exchange agreement; and

5.7.3 have approval from the GPD.

5.8. Ontario Visiting Graduate Students (OVGS)

Students seeking enrolment as an OVGS will:

5.8.1 meet the requirements of the OVGS program;

5.8.2 be approved by GPD and the course instructor; and

5.8.3 follow the procedures outlined within the formal agreements on the OVGS website and in Policy 170(b), Section 5.2.3.

5.9. English language proficiency

5.9.1 Applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency to the level required for success in the program of study.

5.9.2 Applicants who have not completed two or more years of full-time post-secondary education at a Canadian university or a university at which English was the primary language of instruction must provide proof of language proficiency.

5.9.3 Proficiency is normally demonstrated with a test of English proficiency. Minimum achievement scores for YSGPS are posted on the YSGPS Admissions website.

5.10. Program specific admission requirements

Individual programs with additional admission requirements will be listed on the YSGPS Admissions website and on the program’s website.

5.11. Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation

5.11.1 For applicants to Master’s level programs, GPA is normally calculated using the courses from the final two years of their undergraduate degree or equivalent. The number of credits used in the calculation may vary based on many factors but flexibility is used to the advantage of the applicant.

5.11.2 For applicants to Doctoral programs, GPA is calculated using all grades from the applicant’s Master’s program.

5.12. Credentials from international institutions

Original transcripts/documents submitted in a language other than English must be accompanied by notarized English translations.

5.13. True and complete applications

5.13.1 All information and documents submitted for application purposes must be true, complete, and correct.

5.13.2 Falsification or misrepresentation in any aspect, including submission of incomplete information, during the admissions process (e.g. of self, personal achievements, educational background, career experience, etc.) is a violation of Policy 60: Academic Integrity.

5.14. Changes to admissions requirements

All changes to the admission requirements must be submitted to YSGPS for approval no less than 18 months in advance of the cycle they are implemented.

6. Readmission

6.1. Readmission to a graduate program after being assigned a withdrawn status or after a significant period of inactivity in the program, may be considered under special or extenuating circumstances.

6.2. For students who have been inactive in their graduate program for a significant amount of time, and who remain in good academic standing [as defined in Policy 170(b)], to be considered for readmission, they must reapply to the program through the standard application process and payment of all associated admission fees.

6.3. For students who have been withdrawn from the graduate program for academic or disciplinary reasons, to be considered for readmission they must reapply to the program through the standard application process and pay all fees. The approval of the Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS is also required in these cases. Note: The Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS cannot override any decision made by the Senate Appeals Committee on academic standing.

6.4. Possible conditions of readmission may include:

6.3.1 additional coursework;

6.3.2 additional academic work; and/or

6.3.3 payment of all fees for the term(s) of the withdrawal when the only remaining program requirement is a MRP, thesis or dissertation.

7. Evaluation of Applications and Offers of Admission

All complete applications to the University’s graduate programs will be reviewed and processed in a timely manner.

7.1. Evaluation

7.1.1 The Graduate Admissions Office will review complete application packages to determine eligibility in accordance with the University’s minimum admission requirements.

7.1.2 The graduate program to which an individual has applied will evaluate admissible applications that have been verified by the Graduate Admissions Office in accordance with additional requirements for the program.

7.2. Admissions decisions

7.2.1 Recommendations for admission will be made by graduate programs to the Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS.

7.2.2 Final authority for admission decisions rests with the Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS. These decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

7.3. Communication of offers, wait-list, and non-approvals

7.3.1 The Graduate Admissions Office is responsible for sending formal offers of admission, waitlist, and non-approval communications.

7.3.2 The offer of admission will indicate conditions and associated deadlines that applicants must meet in order to secure their spot in the program.

7.4. Closing of admission cycle

The University reserves the right to close the admission cycle for programs without notice.

8. Admission Related Fees

8.1 Application fees

8.1.1 Applicants are required to pay an application fee, which is generally not refundable, for each application submitted.

8.1.2 This application fee must be paid for the application to be assessed.

8.2. Registration deposit

In order to hold their spot in the program, applicants must pay a non-refundable deposit by the date stipulated on the offer of admission. Failure to do so may result in the applicant’s spot being lost. This deposit will be applied toward the program fees.

9. Interpretation and Application

The interpretation and application of this policy is the responsibility of The Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS, who also makes final decisions, where required, under this policy.

In extreme or unusual circumstances, The Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS, may authorize exceptions to this policy on medical, compassionate, procedural or humanitarian grounds. Note: The Vice-Provost and Dean, YSGPS, cannot override any decision made by the Senate Appeals Committee on grades or academic standing.


Related Procedures:

Procedures: Graduate Status, Enrolment, and Evaluation

Related Policies:

Policy 170(b): Graduate Status, Enrolment, and Evaluation

Policy 60: Academic Integrity

Related Documents:

YSGPS Graduate Calendar