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To submit a request
- Read and understand the booking criteria below.
- Scroll down to view and use the calendar to check the availability of the Sears Atrium.
- Fill in the request form below the calendar, complete the security code captcha, then click submit.
- Current TMU student/student groups must also complete an Event Management Form, through Student Life's ExploreTMU system. Only after the Event Management Form is submitted into the ExploreTMU system, will your Sears Atrium booking request be processed, with a "hold" being placed on the space. Confirmation will be given once the event has been reviewed and approved via ExploreTMU.
- Please allow 15 business days from the date of submission for your request to be processed.
Booking criteria
Please note the following conditions will apply to anyone using this facility:
- The Office of the President and the Office of the Chancellor have priority rights to this facility. You will be notified as soon as possible in order for you to make alternate arrangements for your event.
- Please note we require a minimum of 15 working days lead time for all requests. Requests with less than 10 working days notice will NOT be processed.
- A group can submit up to a maximum of two (2) booking requests per event. The requested dates will be on hold for two weeks after which the group will need to choose a date to release. Groups can hold up to two (2) events per month.
- Groups must contact FMD for availability of campus furniture and/or source and rent externally. Please be aware, FMD must facilitate the set-up and clean-up of all furniture.
- Upon approval of the booking request, an email will be sent containing contact details for Catering, Facilities Management and Development for set-up and clean-up, Media Services, as well as Security for access. A Google Calendar invite will also be sent to the booking contact and must be accepted.
- You are responsible for both the set-up and clean-up of the venue. Please ensure that the room is in its original set-up when you leave.
- Room capacity as a guide: 90 in round tables (rental), 150 in theatre-style rows, and 170 for a stand-up reception with minimal furniture.
- When booking, please remember to allot time required for rental delivery and pick-up as well as pre and post clean up.
Rental of The Sears Atrium facility is free of charge for TMU community members.
Please use the calendar below to check the availability of the Sears Atrium:
Please note that we reserve the right to change bookings at any time.