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Research Themes

The Faculty of Science conducts research across four departments: computer science, mathematics, physics, and biology and chemistry. We explore both fundamental science and directly translatable applications. Many of our researchers partner with government, industry and other experts to create impactful solutions for 21st century problems.

Faculty of Science, Chemistry and Biology researcher in lab.

Chemistry and Biology

Research in the Department of Chemistry and Biology is nationally recognized and focused on real-world impacts that touch everyday life. We have wide-ranging expertise and numerous laboratories on campus and at the MaRS Discovery District, with ultramodern equipment ranging from advanced microscopy and spectroscopy, DNA sequencing, chromatography, and more.

Research areas include:

  • Cells, Genes and Molecules
  • Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry
  • Surfaces and Interfaces
  • Biomedicine and Biomolecular Interactions
  • Pathogens and Infection
  • Water, Energy and Environmental Change
  • Materials and Food Chemistry
  • Pedagogy, Science Education and Outreach 
Faculty of Science, Computer Science researcher working on drone.

Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science advances knowledge in cutting-edge technologies and their theoretical foundations. Researchers are very active in working with industry and government, including national and global brands such as IBM, Samsung, Telus, National Ballet of Canada, RBC and more. 

Research areas include:

  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Computational Public Safety and Robotics
  • Computer Vision, Graphics and Virtual Reality
  • Cybersecurity, Applied Cryptology and Quantum Computing
  • Data Science
  • Software Engineering
  • Wireless Communications and Networks
Faculty of Science, Physics reseachers working in the iBest lab.


Research in the Department of Physics encompasses two broad areas: complex systems and medical physics. Campus labs house state-of-the-art equipment, and some researchers maintain labs at various research institutes and hospitals in Toronto.  

Research areas include:

  • Statistical physics of complex systems
  • Networks and nonlinear dynamics
  • Cellular biophysics and virophysics
  • Ultrasound imaging and therapy
  • Microbubble-mediated therapy
  • Photonics, biomedical optics and photoacoustics
  • Computational biomedical physics
  • MRI and near infrared spectroscopy
  • Quantitative image analysis in medicine
  • Radiation therapy and image reconstruction
  • X-ray imaging and fluorescence  
Faculty of Science, Mathematics researchers working on equation.


Research in the Department of Mathematics spans three broad areas: financial mathematics, biomathematics, and discrete mathematics. Researchers explore both theoretical and applied topics, with potential impact in a broad range of sectors, such as medicine, ecology, finance, manufacturing, city planning and technology.

Research areas include:

  • Complex networks and graph searching
  • Probability
  • Industrial mathematics
  • Model and design theory
  • Blood flow and mathematical oncology
  • Mathematical and computational biology
  • Interfacial instabilities in liquid films
  • Portfolio optimization and risk management
  • Derivative pricing
  • Environmental finance