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Meet the leaders promoting equity for women in STEM

Learn how these inspiring women are creating inclusive environments and advocating for gender equality in science
March 08, 2023

Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day is a global initiative that advocates against gender bias and discrimination and celebrates the achievements of women.

​​This International Women's Day, we spoke to leaders in the Faculty of Science who are involved in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and women-centered advocacy groups. They shared their experiences as women in STEM, how their respective initiatives create inclusive environments, and how we can work towards a gender-equal world by embracing equity (external link) .

Dr. Imogen Coe, Jenny Long, Helen Melino, WInnee Zhan, Josephine Lionti

From top left to bottom right: Dr. Imogen Coe (Professor, Dept of Chemistry & Biology), Jenny Long (Computer Science, TMU Women in Computer Science), Helen Melino (Medical Physics, TMU Women in Physics), Winnee Zhan (Financial Mathematics, TMU Women in Mathematics), Josephine Lionti (Biomedical Sciences, TMU Association of Undergraduate Women in Science)