Matthias Sweet
I have topical interests in transportation policy, travel behaviour, land use planning, and urban economics. In previous work, I have investigated the role of transportation services in transportation-land use interactions, regional spatial structure and change, firm location decisions, travel behaviour and services, and regional urban economic growth and restructuring. Currently, I am working on projects related to emerging mobility technologies (e.g. ride hailing, car sharing, automated vehicles), telework (work-from-home), transportation finance, and sustainable mobility.
I am co-director of the Transportation and Urban Form Laboratory of Transportation and Land Use Planning (TransForm), where my students and I conduct both basic and applied research related to transportation planning.
Current or prospective students interested in working with me on topics related to transportation planning should reach out directly via email.
Research interests:
Transportation planning and policy
Travel behaviour
Transportation-land use dynamics
The future of mobility
Urban economics
- Big Data, GIS, and quantitative methods