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Nida Khan

Nida Khan

Director of Research and Education, SMILE Canada - Support Services

Nida Khan focuses on addressing policy gaps in health, education and social services sectors for equity-deserving groups. She holds a Masters of Public Policy and Administration with a concentration in Social Change Leadership. Her academic background includes research on the impacts of Emotional Intelligence training for Law Enforcement Officers in order to reduce instances of police brutality against marginalized populations.

Nida has worked with families impacted by intersectional oppressions of race, ability, faith and status in various community, healthcare and education settings through her role as the Director of Research and Education at SMILE Canada - Support Services, a registered Canadian charity providing support to racialized, newcomer and refugee children and youth with disabilities and their families. Through her grassroots work, Nida has had a significant community impact through education and advocacy, and overseeing the execution and delivery of research on the unique needs of more than 770 underserved families facing institutional barriers across Canada. She has lived experience and strongly advocates for the rights of marginalized populations in Canada.