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Student Resources

We are the Student Affairs support for the RTA School of Media. You can contact us for guidance and advice in any of the following areas:

  • Enrollment in courses, course intentions, planning towards your career pursuits, etc.
  • Applying for scholarships/awards/bursaries
  • Transfer credits, transcript assessment, etc.
  • Academic accommodations (e.g. if you have a disability or a short or long term illness), referral for student counseling, Access Centre, etc.
  • Short-term withdrawals or deferrals, probationary contracts, etc.
  • Grade/standing appeals
  • Participation in the 3rd year Exchange Program

Our doors are always open, but it’s best for you to book an appointment to meet with us:

Student Affairs Assistant, Angela Cheng
Angela Cheng

Student Affairs Assistant
First and second year students
ext. 557015 | RCC 104

Lead Academic and Outreach Coordinator, Donna Morrison
Donna Morrison

Lead Academic and Outreach Coordinator
Third and fourth year students
ext. 557551 | RCC 104

Q - How do I request Academic Consideration based on medical/compassionate grounds?

A - You must inform your instructors when you miss work for medical, compassionate or other grounds. Submit an academic consideration request and supporting documentation online. Documents Academic Consideration requests must be submitted within three (3) working days of the missed work.  (PDF file) Please review Policy 167 - Academic Consideration

Q - What is considered to be a full course load?

A - Typically, a full course load is anywhere between 5-7 billing units.  Each course you are enrolled in has a certain number of billing units associated with it (as indicated in your Undergraduate Course Calendar under the course description).  Most courses are a single billing unit, but some of the more senior courses may have 2 or 3 billing units associated with them.  If you drop below 5 billing units, then you are at a reduced course load and your tuition fees will decrease.  If you enroll in courses that exceed 7 billing units, your tuition fees will be increased.  

Q – When are Tuition Fees due?

A – Tuition fees are typically due by the end of the first week of classes in the Fall term and the Winter term. The actual date can be found on the University's website, under Current Students – Important Dates.  Payment methods can be found via this website

Q – How do I obtain a Tax Receipt for my tuition fees?

A – Tax receipts are available for download through you RAMSS account (in your Student Center), usually during the 3rd week of February, each year, for the previous calendar year (January to December).  There are two types of tax receipts:

  1. The T2202A Tuition, Education & Textbook Amounts Certificate, and
  2. The T4A Statement of Pension, Retirement, Annuity and Other Income.  A T2202A is an official statement for income tax purposes of the tuition and fees paid for qualifying courses that are eligible for claim on the income tax return.

A T4A is an official statement for income tax purposes of scholarships, bursaries, awards or other income as defined by CRA that were provided by the University to a student.

Q – Can I complete courses over the Spring/Summer months to count towards my degree requirements?

A – Yes. A list of the course offerings for the Spring/Summer semesters can be found on the University website, under Continuing Education (The Chang School). Be sure to first check your Undergraduate Calendar for the curriculum associated with your program AND that the course you’re enrolling in matches your requirements. ALL Chang School courses begin with the letter “C” and that should be the only difference (i.e. ENG 108 would be CENG 108 if completed via Continuing Education). Realize, however, the fees for these courses are separate and in addition to your regular tuition fees. IMPORTANT: Be sure to enroll in RAMSS and NOT via the Chang School website.

Q – How can I tell what courses I’ve completed and what courses I still need to do?

A – You can check your Advisement Report in RAMSS to see what courses you’ve already completed and what courses are still remaining for your degree requirements.  It’s a good habit to do this each year, to see that you are on track with all your courses.  

Q – How do I enroll in courses?

A – You can enroll in classes using the Shopping Cart link under your Academics section (in RAMSS in your Student Center).  

Q – How do I drop or swap a course?

A – You can drop or swap a course from the enroll link under the Academics section in RAMSS in your Student Center.  

Q – What are Course Intentions and why are they important?

A – Course Intention is the process of selecting the courses you intend to take for the next academic year. Your timetables for the Fall and/or Winter terms will be created based on your selections. Please remember, there is no guarantee that you will be enrolled in all of your choices and you will have the opportunity to adjust your schedule prior to the start of classes.

This process is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT because it assists our department in course planning for the next academic year. Based on the courses YOU choose, faculty can then determine how many sections of a particular course can be offered and just how many seats are made available in each section. Failure to complete Course Intentions will jeopardize the courses you’re able to enroll in for your returning academic year. 

Course Intentions are completed in March for the upcoming academic year. Changes can then be made during the Course Intention Adjustment Periods in May and again in the Fall. Check under Important/Significant Dates in the Undergraduate Calendar to clarify the actual dates for each.  

Q – Can I complete courses taught in other departments and have them count towards my degree requirements?

A – It is possible that similar courses to the ones you are required to complete in your program may be offered in another department. If so, you might have the opportunity to enroll in a course or courses on a course substitution basis. You would first need approval from our department AND the teaching department, and would need to complete a Course Substitution/Directive Form.

Q – How do I apply for Transfer Credits?

A – Transfer credits can be granted for post-secondary courses you completed at another accredited institution before being accepted at TorontoMet. If accepted, Transfer Credits could prevent you from repeating coursework and may, in some cases, qualify you for an earlier graduation. All Transfer Credits are now applied for online.

It is a good idea to apply early, so that you will know whether or not you need to enroll in certain courses required for your degree. Please check the deadline under Important/Significant Dates as failure to apply before the deadline will result in a fee being charged. 

Q – Can I complete a course at another University and have it count towards my degree requirements?

A – Yes. For courses taught at another accredited post-secondary institution and which could be applied towards your degree requirements, you MUST complete a Letter of Permission (LOP)

Credits can only be granted for these courses if an approved LOP has been issued PRIOR to course enrollment.  

Q – Can I complete a Minor with my degree?

A – Yes.  A Minor is an opportunity for a student to explore a secondary area of undergraduate study either for personal interest beyond a student’s degree program, or as an area of specific expertise related to the student’s degree program that will serve the student’s career choice.

A Minor consists of six one-semester courses with a relationship based on discipline, theme and/or methodology, as determined by the program offering the Minor and approved by the Senate.  Please consult the minors policy for more information.  

Q – Is it possible to take a semester off and resume my studies again in the future?

A – Yes.  Students have the ability to take a short-term withdrawal from the program.  Students wanting to do this must first meet with the Student Affairs Coordinator to discuss the scenario and to complete the Short Term Withdrawal Form on RAMSS.

Q – What is the Exchange Program and when can I apply?

A – The Exchange Program is for students in the third year of the program, who wish to study abroad for one semester (typically during the Winter semester). The selection process occurs one year prior to the actual exchange, whereby second year students are invited to attend an information session in late Fall. The application process is competitive and completed online shortly thereafter. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and a clear academic standing. For those who qualify, interviews will be held in the Winter semester of second year between the student, the Student Affairs Coordinator and the Exchange Officer. Those who are selected to participate in an exchange will have courses approved for their completion and for transfer credit towards their degree requirements. Visit this website for further details and a list of exchange partners. 

Q – How can I be academically accommodated as a student with a disability?

A – The Academic Accommodation Support centre provides helpful assistance to students with learning disabilities, mental health issues, sensory impairments, medical, and mobility issues.  Students are encouraged to register with the Academic Accommodation Support centre as early as possible.

Q – Is it possible to appeal a grade?

A – Yes.  The appeal process, forms and procedures are clearly outlined in the online Registrar's website.  Please refer to  (PDF file) Policy 168 - Grade and Standing Appeal

It is the responsibility of the student to try to resolve any course related issues directly with the instructor first, and then, if needed, with the chair of the teaching department/school. 

There are four possible grounds for appeal:

  1. Extenuating Circumstances
  2. Prejudice
  3. Procedural Error
  4. Course Management

RTA School of Media offers Recommended Minimum and Recommended Ideal technical requirements for incoming RTA 2024 students:

 (google doc) RTA 2024 Gear Guide | incoming students (external link) 

Your instructors will be in touch prior to the start of classes to outline any additional requirements, software needs and/or information about access to resources provided by the school.

Questions about this guide or the specifications can be directed to:

Because of the nature of the work we do, RTA's recommendations are higher than the minimum technology requirements detailed by the University for remote learning.

The Handbook is a compilation of school-related policies regarding coursework, plagiarism, appeals, production guidelines and groups specific to the RTA School of Media.

Please  (google doc) find the RTA Handbook here. (external link)