Pouneh Hanafi is the VP of Marketing and at Introhive, a customer intelligence platform helps B2B organizations find more leads, win more opportunities, grow and retain customer accounts.. With over 15 years of marketing and management experience, she has developed ROI driven integrated campaigns for tech startups such as Tulip and Travel Edge as well as enterprise organizations such as ADP and Hudson’s By Company.
As a TMU alumni and a long-time retail executive, Pouneh is passionate about supporting Ted Rogers School of Management Retail Program. In addition, Pouneh is actively involved in the local tech space providing mentorship to new startups and entrepreneurs. She is currently a mentor advisor for ventureLAB Tech Undivided working with female tech entrepreneurs. She is also a member of Persian Women in Tech and has worked with Scala Network as a mentor for young female executives.
Pouneh holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Ryerson University (now Toronto Metropolitan University) and an MBA from Richard Ivey School of Business.