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Knowledge Mobilization

A teacher instructs a small class of students, as viewed through a window to the room

Knowledge Mobilization (KM) is an important part of the research process. KM occurs when research knowledge is applied to help facilitate real-world impact on policy and society. It is the process of adapting knowledge to increase research uptake and inform decisions, while also connecting researchers and their work to organizations and communities outside the university.

Common terms used to describe KM or related activities include Knowledge Translation, Knowledge Transfer, and Knowledge Exchange.

Resources and Tools

Workshops & Seminars

The OVPRI hosts seminars and Lunch & Learn workshops on topics relevant to KM methods to help faculty develop skills to effectively translate their research. Past topics have included "Working with Media," "Using Social Media,” and "Working with Government."

The OVPRI supports and encourages interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary collaboration across campus. Our networking events and workshops provide opportunities for faculty to connect and develop new skills in research and KM.  

For upcoming KM workshops and Faculty Networking sessions, subscribe to OVPRInet by emailing (opens in new window)  or visit our News & Events page (opens in new window) .

Knowledge Mobilization Strategies, Activities & Planning

Establishing a KM strategy is crucial to ensure that you maximize the impact of your work by communicating clearly and frequently at every stage of the research process.

Download our  (PDF file) Intro to Knowledge Mobilization Strategies and Tools (opens in new window) .

KM techniques include the creation of plain-language summaries, research reports, presentations, webinars, media relations instruments (e.g., press releases, web content, social media), and the planning of community, academic or business events.

A critical element of effective KM is the creation of a plain-language summary of your research that stakeholders outside your field can understand. Our  (PDF file) Knowledge Mobilization Plain-language Writing Instructions and Worksheet (opens in new window)  can help you begin.

Map out your communication plans by downloading our  (PDF file) Knowledge Mobilization Planning Matrix (opens in new window) .

Knowledge Mobilization Framework and Theory

For an in-depth understanding of KM, these select journal articles by leading experts in Canada provide good backgrounds on KM theories and practices: