Brittany Jamieson
As a PhD student in the Biopsychosocial Development Lab, Brittany investigates how early relationship factors (e.g., maternal sensitivity) influence the development of infant stress physiology. Since the dysregulation of stress systems has been linked to many adverse physical and psychological outcomes, discovering why some infants develop better regulated stress responses is of great importance.
“I chose Ryerson for many reasons, but primarily because I was drawn to the collaborative nature of the program and the ample opportunities available for clinical and research training. Additionally, I was drawn to Ryerson because of the conversations I had with faculty members and students beforehand – everyone was so kind, supportive and, most importantly, passionate about their work!”
Since joining the Ryerson graduate team, my experience has been a positive one. The faculty here are welcoming and respectful; they go above and beyond to ensure their students are learning practical knowledge and succeeding. I finished my first clinical practicum placement at St. Michael’s Hospital with all of my cohort – where else do you get this incredible, joint experience starting in your first year? Now I am gaining experience working with children and families at Hamilton Health Sciences. Further, I have access to cutting-edge technology for studying stress, which has brought my research to a new level. Above all, I’ve been lucky to work with great lab members and a supervisor who supports and encourages my success.
For those applying, remember that graduate studies in Psychology is like running a marathon, often taking 6 years or longer to complete. You want your experience to be a worthwhile, positive one. I’m proud to be a happy, engaged graduate student at Ryerson and I hope others find the same experience here!"