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Undergraduate Programs

Register for Choose TMU: Open House today!
Saturday, March 29, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- A
- Accounting & Finance - BComm (Hons)
- Aerospace Engineering - BEng
- Architectural Science - BArchSc (Hons)
- Arts and Contemporary Studies - BA (Hons)
- B
- Biology - BSc (Hons)
- Biomedical Engineering - BEng
- Biomedical Sciences - BSc (Hons)
- Business Management - BComm (Hons)
- Business Technology Management - BComm (Hons)
- C
- Chemical Engineering Co-op - BEng
- Chemistry - BSc (Hons)
- Child and Youth Care - BA
- Civil Engineering - BEng
- Computer Engineering - BEng
- Computer Science - BSc (Hons)
- Creative Industries - BA
- Criminology - BA (Hons)
- D
- Disability Studies - BA
- E
- Early Childhood Studies - BA
- Economics and Finance - BA (Hons)
- Electrical Engineering - BEng
- English - BA (Hons)
- Environment and Urban Sustainability - BA (Hons)
- F
- Fashion - BDes
- Financial Mathematics - BSc (Hons)
- G
- Geographic Analysis Co-op - BA (Hons)
- Graphic Communications Management - BTech
- H
- Health Administration - BHA
- History - BA (Hons)
- Hospitality and Tourism Management - BComm (Hons)
- I
- Image Arts: Film - BFA
- Image Arts: Photography Media Arts - BFA
- Industrial Engineering - BEng
- Interior Design - BFA
- J
- Journalism - BJourn
- Juris Doctor (Lincoln Alexander School of Law)
- L
- Language and Intercultural Relations - BA (Hons)
- M
- Mathematics and Its Applications - BSc (Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering - BEng
- Mechatronics Engineering - BEng
- Media Production - BA
- Medical Physics - BSc (Hons)
- Midwifery - BHSc
- N
- New Media - BFA
- Nursing - BScN (4-Year Collaborative Program: TMU, Centennial, George Brown)
- Nursing - BScN (Post Diploma)
- Nutrition and Food - BASc
- O
- Occupational Health and Safety - BASc
- P
- Performance: Acting - BFA
- Performance: Dance - BFA
- Performance: Design and Production - BFA
- Philosophy - BA (Hons)
- Politics and Governance - BA (Hons)
- Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner Certificate - PHCNP
- Professional Communication - BA (Hons)
- Professional Music - BFA (Hons)
- Psychology - BA (Hons)
- Public Administration and Governance - BA (Hons)
- Public Health - BASc
- R
- Retail Management - BComm (Hons)
- S
- School of Medicine
- Social Work - BSW
- Sociology - BA (Hons)
- Sport Media - BA
- U
- Undeclared Arts (First-Year Studies Only)
- Undeclared Engineering (First Semester Studies Only)
- Urban and Regional Planning - BURPI