Matthew Tiessen
On Sabbatical August 2022-August 2023
Matthew Tiessen is an Associate Professor in the School of Professional Communication and a Faculty Associate with Toronto Metropolitan University and York University's Graduate Program in Communication and Culture. Matthew served as Graduate Program Director of the Masters of Professional Communication Program (MPC) in ProCom from 2018-2022.
Research Interests
Matthew research has been supported with a SSHRC Insight Grant (2017-present) and a SSHRC Insight Development Grant (2013-16) in the area of "Digital Economy."
His recent SSHRC-funded research focuses on the ways mobile screen-based technologies are increasingly being used by governments, corporations, and professional organizations to develop algorithmically driven logics and platforms to govern and enhance everyday activities.
Matthew's interdisciplinary research and publishing also focuses on visual communication and design, affect and aesthetic theory, money and power, and critical information studies.
Matthew's scholarly research is featured in a range of interdisciplinary books and journals including: Cultural Studies; Theory, Culture & Society; Cultural Studies<=>Critical Methodologies; European Journal of Cultural Studies; MediaTropes; Volume; CTheory; Rhizomes: Cultural Studies in Emerging Knowledge; TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies; Surveillance & Society; Space and Culture; Pli: The Warwick Journal of Philosophy; Revisiting Normativity with Deleuze (2012, Bloomsbury); Ecologies of Affect: Placing Nostalgia, Desire, and Hope (2010, Wilfrid Laurier University Press); What Is a City? Rethinking the Urban after Hurricane Katrina (2008, University of Georgia Press).
Publications: Edited Journal Volumes
Tiessen, M. and G. Elmer. (2013). Special Issue on Deleuze / Foucault – a Neoliberal Diagram. MediaTropes: an interdisciplinary eJournal devoted to the study of media and mediation. 4(1).
Publications: Refereed Journal Articles (Invited)
Tiessen, M. (2015). “The Appetites of App-Based Finance.” Cultural Studies, 29(5-6), 869–886.
Tiessen, M. (2014). “Giving Credit Where Credit’s Due: Making Visible the Ex Nihilo Dimensions of Money’s ‘Agency.’” TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies (special issue on “The Financialized Imagination and Beyond”). 30-31 (Fall 2013/Spring 2014), 290-300.
Publications: Refereed Journal Articles
Tiessen, M. (accepted). “Central Bank Digital Currencies (Cbdcs), Public Banks, And How To Create A Better World When We Everyone Knows That Money Is Created Out Of Thin Air (Like Fairy Dust).” TOPIA -- Zero Credit: Countering the Dreams of Techno-Finance.
Tiessen, M. (in press). “Resilience Rhetoric, Holey Spaces, and Scavenging for Deer, Foxes, Salmon and Other Animals in Downtown Toronto’s Don River Valley.” Deleuze Studies.
Tiessen, M. (forthcoming). “Creating Escape Places in Toronto’s Don River Valley: pursuing flow-states, “holey spaces,” and ephemeral infrastructure in the contemporary metropolis.” Space & Culture.
Kucera, K.P.; Tiessen, M.; Campbell, C.J.; Hibbard, G.D.; and Nychka, J.A. (under review at Science, Technology & Human Values). “Multiscale Assemblage Dynamics.”
Tiessen, M. (2018). “Our Anthropocene: Geologies, Biologies, Economies and New Pursuits of Profit and Power.” Space & Culture. 21(1), 72-85.
Tiessen, M., McKelvey, F., L. Simcoe. (2015). “A Consensual Hallucination No More? The Internet as Simulation Machine.” European Journal of Cultural Studies (EJCS), 18(4), 577-94.
Tiessen, M. (2014). “Coding the (Digital) Flows: Debt-by-Design and the Econo-Blogospheres’ Transparency-Driven Infowar.” Cultural Studies <=> Critical Methodologies. 14(1), 50-61.
Tiessen, M. (2013). “Monetary Mediations and the Invisible Overcoding of Potential: Nietzsche, Deleuze & Guattari and how the Affective Diagrammatics of Debt Have Gone Global.” MediaTropes: an interdisciplinary eJournal devoted to the study of media and mediation. 4(1), 47-64.
Tiessen, M. & G. Elmer. (2013). “Neoliberal Diagrammatics and Digital Control.” MediaTropes: an interdisciplinary eJournal devoted to the study of media and mediation. 4(1), i-xvi.
Publications: Book Chapters
Tiessen, M. (2018). “Making Our Way in a World of Our Making: The Anthropocene, the Benefits of Nature, and the Costs of Humanizing the Nonhuman.” In J. Jagodzinski (Ed.), Anthropocene, Ecology, Pedagogy: The Future in Question. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, p. 133-152.
Tiessen, M. (2014). “Gamed Agencies: Affectively Modulating our Screen-Based Digital Futures” In M. Fuchs, N. Schrape, S. Fizek and P. Ruffino (Eds.), Rethinking Gamification. The Gamification Lab and the Hybrid Publishing Lab at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Lüneburg, Germany: Meson Press, p. 251-69.
Tiessen, M. (2014). "Deleuze, Guattari, and the Modulation of Education Policy: FinLit and the Breeding of Financialized Subjects and Subjectivities." In J. Wallin and M. Carlin (Eds.), Deleuze & Guattari, Politics and Education. New York: Bloomsbury/Continuum, pp. 141-61.