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Historical and Cultural Significance of Pow Wows

September 21, 2020
12:00 PM EDT - 1:00 PM EDT
Location (external link) 

Access @ (external link) 

Join new Assistant Professor Jennifer Meness (Faculty of Arts) in conversation with Jennifer Sylvester (PhD, OISE), and Brian Outinen, (Serpent River First Nation, Knowledge Keeper, Linguistic Expert in Anishinaabemowin, Simultaneous Translator for the Ojibwe Language) about the origins and spiritual significance of contemporary Pow Wows. about the origins and spiritual significance of contemporary Pow Wows.


Jennifer Meness

Grounded in Anishnaabe Worldview, Jennifer Meness’s re-search explores Manitou (Spirit) relationships, embodiment, and transformative experiences as shaped through stories from powwow participants. Jennifer Meness (Waabiskhaa Migizi, White Eagle) is Eagle Clan (Migizi Dodem) from the Algonquins of Pikwàkànàgan First Nation. 

Jennifer Sylvester

Jennifer is an Anishnaabe Kwe who is entering her second year as a Ph.D. student in Social Justice Education at the University of Toronto - Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE).


*Links for all events will be available on the calendar below as of Monday September 21st! All links will be accessible in the event descriptions.