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Burke, Mike

Mike Burke

Associate Professor Emeritus
EducationPhD (Political Science): York (Can)


Mike joined the Department of Politics and School of Public Administration as a sessional instructor in January 1994 and was appointed to a full-time faculty position that September. He retired in 2014.

In addition to a Ph.D. in Political Science from York University (Canada), he holds both a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and a Master of Arts (M.A.) from the University of Windsor.

During his 20 years in the Department, Mike taught courses on research methods, Canadian politics, and public policy. He has popular with both undergraduate and graduate students, and was named as a “popular prof” in Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities.

  • “Universal Health Care: Normative Legacies Adrift” (with Susan Silver).  In Canadian Social Policy: Issues and Perspectives, 4th ed., ed. Anne Westhues.  Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, forthcoming 2006.
  • “Universal Health Care: Current Challenges to Normative Legacies” (with Susan Silver).  In Canadian Social Policy: Issues and Perspectives, 3d ed., ed. Anne Westhues, 164-181.  Waterloo:  Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2003.
  • “Dueling Identities and Faculty Unions: A Canadian Case Study” (with Joanne Naiman).  In Cogs in the Classroom Factory: The Changing Identity of Academic Labor, ed. Deborah M. Herman and Julie M. Schmid, 41-57.  Westport: Praeger, 2003.
  • “Critical Perspectives on Canadian Public Policy” (with Colin Mooers, and John Shields).  In Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism, ed. Burke, Mooers, and Shields, 11-23.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
  • “Tracking Inequality in the New Canadian Labour Market” (with John Shields).  In Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism, ed. Burke, Mooers, and Shields, 98-123.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
  • “Efficiency and the Erosion of Health Care in Canada.”  In Restructuring and Resistance: Canadian Public Policy in an Age of Global Capitalism, ed. Burke, Mooers, and Shields, 178-93.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2000.
  • “Fiscal Crisis and Restructuring in Medicare: The Politics of Health in Canada” (with H. Michael Stevenson).  In Health and Canadian Society: Sociological Perspectives, 3d ed., ed. David Coburn, Carl D’Arcy, and George M. Torrance, 597-618.  Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
  • “Misunderstanding Conflict, Squandering Peace: The Failure of Revisionist Scholarship on Ireland.”  Occasional Paper No. 40, Centre for International and Strategic Studies, York University (August 1996): 1-28.
  • "Women, Work, and Health Inequalities" (with H. Michael Stevenson, Pat Armstrong, Georgina Feldberg, and Harriet Rosenberg).  Ontario Health Survey 1990, Working PaperNo. 3, Ontario Ministry of Health and the Premier's Council on Health, Well-Being and Social Justice (August 1993): 1-61.
  • "Bureaucratic Logic in New Social Movement Clothing: The Limits of Health Promotion Research" (with H. Michael Stevenson).  Health Promotion International 6 (1991): 281-89.
  • "A Typology of Medical Practice Organization in Canada: Data from a National Survey of Physicians" (with Paul Williams, Eugene Vayda, H. Michael Stevenson, and Karin Domnick Pierre).  Medical Care 28 (November 1990): 995-1004.
  • "Women in Medicine: Practice Patterns and Attitudes" (with Paul Williams, Karin Domnick Pierre, Eugene Vayda, and H. Michael Stevenson).  Canadian Medical Association Journal 143 (1 August 1990): 194-201.
  • "The Reproduction of Physician Autonomy in Ontario Medical Group Practice" (with Paul Williams, Eugene Vayda, and Michael Stevenson).  Health Services Management Research 3 (July 1990): 87-97.
  • "Characteristics of Established Group Practices in Ontario" (with Eugene Vayda, A. Paul Williams, H. Michael Stevenson, Karin Domnick Pierre, and Janet Barnsley).  Healthcare Management Forum 2 (Winter 1989): 17-23.
  • "Dimensions of Variation in Electoral Coalitions, 1965-1974."  In Small Worlds: Provinces and Parties in Canadian Political Life, ed. David J. Elkins and Richard Simeon, 179-210.  Toronto: Methuen, 1980.
  • "Federal and Provincial Political Participation in Canada: Some Methodological and Substantive Considerations" (with Harold D. Clarke, and Lawrence LeDuc).  Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 15 (February 1978): 61-75.

At the time of his retirement, Dr. Burke was working on two book-length manuscripts, one dealing with the conflict and peace process in Ireland, and a second on Irish politics to examine the link between the ideological collapse of Irish republicanism and the signing of the Belfast peace agreement.