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COVID-19 Vaccination Policy

I.  Introduction and Purpose

Toronto Metropolitan University (the "University") is committed to promoting and protecting the health, safety, and well-being of persons, and the economic and social well-being of the community during the COVID-19 pandemic declared by the World Health Organization.

The Council of Ontario Medical Officers of Health has strongly recommended that full vaccination against COVID-19 be required for all individuals involved in any in-person activities on campus (students, staff, faculty, contractors, and visitors) with the rare exception of those individuals who cannot be vaccinated due to permitted exemptions (medical reasons and other protected grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code).  The Council of Ontario Medical Officers of Health further recommended that individuals be required to submit proof of vaccination and that individuals who are exempt or are awaiting a second dose of the Vaccine, adhere to additional health and safety measures, up to and including serial and frequent Rapid Antigen Testing.  The Office of the Chief Medical Officer of Health also issued similar instructions to universities. 

Universities are required under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act to implement the recommendations of public health authorities and also maintain a safe work environment under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. 

Ensuring high rates of vaccination is necessary and prudent to protect collective public health and safety and the successful operation of the University campus. Collection and review of information pertaining to Vaccination status is important to the planning and safe and responsible delivery of activities and operations.  

The University also recognizes that Vaccination is a critical part of its efforts to prevent illness transmission and protect health, in conjunction with other health and safety measures on campus. 

II.  Application and Scope

The application of this Policy is suspended as of May 1, 2022 and remains suspended unless otherwise communicated by the University.

III.  Definitions

Fully Vaccinated” means having received (i) the full series of a COVID-19 vaccine authorized by Health Canada, or any combination of such vaccines, (ii) one or two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by Health Canada, followed by one dose of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine authorized by Health Canada; or (iii) three doses of a COVID-19 vaccine not authorized by Health Canada; and (b) having received the final dose of the vaccine at least 14 days ago, or as may be otherwise accepted by the University based on advice, recommendations, and guidance from public health authorities.

Rapid Antigen Testing” means testing for the presence of the COVID-19 virus semi-weekly, using at-home testing kits provided by the University, or performed through on-site testing services, as directed by the University.

TMUSafe App” means the digital application that is utilized by the University for tracking the vaccination status of individuals.

University Premises” means any physical indoor space or outdoor grounds that are owned, leased, licensed, operated, or otherwise occupied by the University, but does not include premises leased or licensed to external parties for their exclusive use by the University.

IV.  Policy

1.    As a condition of entry to University Premises in the 2021 fall term, 2022 winter term, and any subsequent term as may be required by the University, an individual must be Fully Vaccinated and shall provide proof that they have been Fully Vaccinated to the University in a format required by the University, unless the individual has received an exemption from the University due to a medical reason or other protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

2.    Individuals who have received an exemption from being Fully Vaccinated from the University must participate in Rapid Antigen Testing and submit proof of a negative result at intervals determined by the University in order to enter into University Premises.

3.    From September 7 to October 18, 2021, an individual who has partially completed the full series of the Vaccine or has requested an exemption which is still under consideration by the University, may enter University Premises on the condition that the individual participates in Rapid Antigen Testing and submits proof of a negative result at intervals determined by the University. After October 18, 2021, the University shall not offer Rapid Antigen Testing to individuals who have partially completed the full series of the Vaccine or to individuals who have not received an exemption from the University.  

4.    After October 18, 2021, individuals who are not Fully Vaccinated or have not received an exemption from the University, are precluded from entering on or in University Premises. 

5.    The University shall implement this Policy according to the following schedule:

a.    September 7, 2021: Individuals may commence attestation of their COVID-19 vaccination status in the TMUSafe App, and submit proof of their COVID-19 vaccination, or request an exemption, using the form and method required by the University. 

b.    September 20, 2021: Individuals intending to attend on University Premises during the fall term are required to have completed attestation of their vaccination status in the TMUSafe App. 

c.    October 18, 2021: Individuals intending to attend on University Premises during the fall term must have completed their submission of proof that they are Fully Vaccinated in the TMUSafeApp, or have received an exemption from the University.  Individuals who are exempt must submit proof of a negative result from Rapid Antigen Testing at the intervals determined by the University in order to enter University Premises.

d.    November 1, 2021: All students, faculty and staff (regardless of whether they plan to attend on University Premises in the winter term). must have competed their attestation of their COVID-19 vaccination status in the TMUSafe App and, if applicable, have submitted proof that they are Fully Vaccinated   

e.    November 1, 2021: Individuals seeking an exemption must have submitted their exemption request to the University using the form and method required by the University.   

f.    November 22, 2021:  The University will communicate exemption decisions to individuals who have submitted an exemption request by November 1, 2021.  The University may extend or amend dates as may be required on a case by case basis. 

6.    An individual who resides in a University residence or other congregate living setting at the University, or who participates in high risk activities or operations for which there is a greater risk of transmission of COVID-19, including without limitation, varsity athletics and competitive sports clubs, may be subject to this Policy or any additional requirements imposed by the University in order to protect collective health and safety.

7.    The University may deem any University connected activity or operations as high risk, taking into account public health guidelines and recommendations. 

8.    The University shall make available an educational session about the benefits of Vaccination in accordance with public health requirements.

9.    The University shall collect, maintain, and disclose statistical, non-identifiable information in the manner and within the timelines as may be required by law or government.

10.    The University may establish exceptions, introduce or extend deadlines, or amend this Policy as may be necessary or deemed prudent by the University, having regard to all relevant factors and to ensure the Policy’s ongoing responsiveness to public health and safety developments and conditions, legal developments, and the University’s activities and operations.   

V.  Compliance

The University shall manage compliance and enforcement of this Policy in accordance with existing processes in place. 

The University may prohibit any individual who is found to be in violation of this Policy from entering University Premises. 

In addition, any employee who is found to be in violation of this Policy may be subject to remedial action, up to and including termination of employment for cause, in accordance with the applicable collective agreement, if any.  Any student who is found to be in violation of this Policy may be subject to outcomes and sanctions under the Student Code of Non-Academic Conduct.  Contractors are subject to contracts and visitors are subject to the authority of the senior university administrator host.

The University shall rely on documentation submitted pursuant to this Policy to determine and address discipline for submitting false documentation.

The University shall audit compliance with this Policy.