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Employment Reference Check Procedure

I.    Procedure

1.    Managers are responsible for providing reference information to external sources.  Human Resources consultants may assist managers. Managers and Human Resources staff may respond to requests for references only to the extent that their comments are supported by documented information in the Human Resources files. Unsupportable commentary may not be provided.

2.    Should no documented information be available in the Human Resources file, only dates of employment and position title(s) may be provided.

3.    If a reference request is received from an external organization regarding a current employee, the manager or Human Resources representative will contact the employee and request permission to release reference information.  A Release of Reference Information form will be completed by the employee and maintained on file in Human Resources. 

4.    All reference information given to external sources must be documented and maintained in the Human Resources file of the terminated employee or by the manager for current staff.

II.    Jurisdiction

This procedure falls under the jurisdiction of the Vice President, Administration and Finance.  The interpretation and application of this procedure is the responsibility of Human Resources.