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Course Listings

Course Code | Course Name | Credit |
BP8103 | Fundamentals of Radiation Physics | 1 |
BP8104 | Radiation Therapy | 1 |
BP8105 | Comp Modeling in Biomed Phys | 1 |
BP8106 | Optcl, Acstc and Thrml Phys | 1 |
BP8107 | Radiation Protection and Dosimetry | 1 |
BP8110 | Biomedical Ultrasound | 1 |
BP8115 | Medical Imaging | 1 |
BP8116 | Many-Body Theory | 1 |
BP8117 | Dynamical Systems | 1 |
BP8119 | Bioclinical Optics and Biophotonics | 1 |
Course Code | Course Name | Credit |
BP8101 | Stats for the Health Sciences | 1 |
BP8108 | Special Topics I | 1 |
BP8109 | Special Topics II | 1 |
BP8112 | Radiobiology | 1 |
BP8114 | Anatomy and Physiology for Medical Physicists | 1 |
BP8118 | Complex Networks & Applications | 1 |
Note: with permission from Supervisor and Program Director, Master’s and PhD students may use one graduate course from a relevant program in place of a course from Table B.
Course Name | Course Description | Credit | |
Doctoral Candidacy Examination | The aim of the candidacy exam is to assess the originality and appropriateness of the proposed research, its relevance to the program, and the students’ ability to complete the research and the program. The exam consists of a written and oral component. | Milestone Pass/Fail |
Doctoral Dissertation | Students are required to conduct advanced research in the area of Physics. A specific research topic must be chosen in consultation with the student’s supervisor(s) and with advice from the supervisory committee. The student will conduct the research under the direction of the supervisor(s) with guidance from the supervisory committee. In order to complete the course, the student must, upon approval from the supervisory committee, submit a written dissertation to an examination committee, and make an oral presentation and defense of the dissertation to this committee. Through the dissertation, the student must demonstrate an original contribution of new knowledge to the field of research, competence in research and a deep understanding of knowledge in the area of research. | Milestone Pass/Fail |
Master’s Thesis | This a laboratory-based research project. Students are required to conduct research, submit their completed research in a thesis format to an examination committee, and make an oral presentation and defence of the research thesis and results to this committee. Through the thesis, students are expected to demonstrate competence in oral and written communication, experimental design and scientific thought processes, as well as a sound understanding of the specialty area associated with the research. | Milestone Pass/Fail |
CAMPEP -- Clinical Shadowing | Clinical shadowing is designed to give the Medical Physics Option students exposure to the clinical practice of Medical Physics. It is broken up into several components. Each component is supervised by a clinical medical physicist at a regional cancer centre. Students are responsible for contacting the responsible medical physicist to schedule a clinical shadowing session. The course will have a Pass/Fail grade, where a Pass will be assigned based on attendance and participation in all components. | Milestone Pass/Fail |
CAMPEP – Radiobiology Bridge | Students who took an anti-requisite of BP8112 will have to complete and pass any components in the CAMPEP accredited version that were missing from the anti-requisite course they took. Other students meet this milestone by virtue to taking BP8112. | Milestone Pass/Fail |
BP8101 Stats for the Health Sciences |
This course is designed as a first course in biostatistics with emphasis on relevance in biomedical physics applications. Topics include nonparametric statistics, linear regression, errors and structural analysis of linear relationships between variables, nonlinear estimation, survival analysis and multivariate analysis of data. A statistics computer package will be used. | 1 | |
BP8103 Fundamentals of Radiation Physics |
This course is designed for students with an undergraduate background in radiation physics. Topics include the Bohr atomic model, Rutherford scattering, emission of photons, x-ray spectra, Bremsstrahlung and characteristic radiation, homogeneous and heterogeneous photon beams, thin and thick x-ray targets, absorption and scatter of photon beams, beam attenuation, Thomson scattering, Photoelectric effect, Rayleigh scattering, Compton effect, pair production, interaction of neutrons with matter, radiation quantities and units, radiation decay, exposure, kerma, dose, and dose equivalent. 1 hour lab/week. | 1 | |
BP8104 Radiation Therapy |
This course is an introduction to radiation therapy physics, including topics such as radiation teletherapy units; interaction of radiation with tissue; dosimetry of a single beam of x-ray; beam calibration and patient dose calculation; combination of beams and treatment planning, brachytherapy; radiation detection. Prerequisite: BP8103. 1 hour lab/week. | 1 | |
BP8105 Comp Modeling in Biomed Phys |
The course will focus on the use of computational modeling techniques for hypothesis driven investigation of problems in biomedical physics. The student will apply and integrate fundamental knowledge of mathematics, physics and life sciences to design and implement appropriate models and to analyse and interpret simulation results. Emphasis will be placed on simulation methods such as Monte Carlo methods, and finite element and finite difference techniques. | 1 | |
BP8106 Optcl, Acstc and Thrml Phys |
The course will begin with basic optical, acoustic and thermal propagation in biomaterials. This will be followed by the presentation of the principles of photodynamic therapy, optical sensing, ultrasound biomicroscopy, optoacoustics imaging, thermal therapy and thermography. | 1 | |
BP8107 Rad Protection and Dosimetry |
The course will focus on health physics, radiation safety and radiation protection (shielding). Students will learn the essentials of determining radiation doses from internal and external ionizing radiation sources. A survey of sources, applications, risks and control of environmental radiation will be presented. The final part of the course will review microdosimetry. Prerequisite BP8103 1 hour lab/week. | 1 | |
BP8108 Special Topics I |
This course examines selected topics in areas related to the program that are not covered by existing courses. The topic(s) will vary depending on the needs and interests of the students and the instructor. The course description will be announced prior to scheduling the course. | 1 | |
BP8109 Special Topics II | This course examines selected topics in areas related to the program that are not covered by existing courses. The topic(s) will vary depending on the needs and interests of the students and the instructor. The course description will be announced prior to scheduling the course. | 1 | |
BP8110 Biomedical Ultrasound |
This course covers the essential elements in the physics of ultrasound and its current applications in medicine and biology. Topics include: physics of ultrasound, linear and non-linear ultrasound field calculations, scattering of ultrasound, ultrasound transducers, ultrasound imaging systems, Doppler ultrasound, and therapeutic ultrasound. 1 hour lab/week. | 1 | |
BP8112 Radiobiology |
Fundamentals of physics and chemistry of radiation interactions, free radicals, oxidation and reduction. Subcellular and cellular effects: killing, repair, sensitization and protection. Measurement methods. Survival curves and their significance. Modification of the radiation response. Tissue effects, genetic and carcinogenic effects, mutations, hazards. Antirequisite: PCS354. | 1 | |
BP8114 Anatomy and Physiology for Med. Phys |
An overview of the structure of the main regions of the human body including the thorax, abdomen, bones, brain and central nervous system. Function of respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive, urinary and reproductive systems. Anatomical nomenclature and a radiographic appearance of different body regions will be discussed. | 1 | |
BP8115 Medical Imaging |
This course will cover the fundamentals of diagnostic medical imaging, including x-ray radiography, x-ray computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and nuclear medicine imaging. The mathematical models and image reconstruction methods will also be introduced. Five labs. | 1 | |
BP8116 Many-body theory |
This course covers core topics in the study of systems with many degrees of freedom, including network models and out-of-equilibrium phenomena. Topics include: review of thermal equilibrium & partition functions; mean-field theory, Markov processes, the master equation, the Fokker–Planck equation, the Langevin approach, diffusion; random networks, percolation & epidemics; metastability & glassiness, disorder & replicas. | 1 | |
BP8117 Dynamical Systems |
This course is an introduction to the analytical and numerical study of systems whose state changes in time, with an emphasis on qualitative behavior. Topics to be covered include: phase space, invariant sets, linear stability, bifurcations, fractal geometry, and chaos. Concepts will be illustrated first with canonical nonlinear systems in low dimensions including the Henon map, Lorenz equations, Duffing oscillator, etc.,to be augmented by numerical studies of high-dimensional nonlinear systems. | 1 | |
BP8118 Complex Networks & Applications |
An interdisciplinary introduction to the emerging science of networks and their applications to diverse fields. Topics to be covered include: graph theory and topological measures, random network models, the scale-free and small-world properties, community detection, degree correlations, and applications to biology, sociology, technology, and other fields. Students will learn about ongoing research in the field, and ultimately demonstrate what they have learned in a final project in which they conduct a novel analysis of a network data-set of their choosing. | 1 | |
BP8119 Bioclinical Optics and Biophotonics |
This course is designed for learning basic applications of advanced optical technologies in biology and clinics including basics, advanced topics, and clinical/industrial project management skills. The course contains lectures and final individual presentation. | 1 |
BP8201 Master’s Seminar I |
This course consists of weekly seminars with emphasis on current research in the specialization fields and emerging areas of physics. This is a two term course (Fall and Winter) in the first year of the program, and is generally one hour per week. Presentations will be given by graduate students, faculty members, visiting scholars and guest speakers. | Pass/Fail | |
BP8202 Master’s Seminar II |
This course consists of weekly seminars with emphasis on current research in the specialization fields and emerging areas of physics. This is a two term course (Fall and Winter) in the second year of the program, and is generally one hour per week. Presentations will be given by graduate students, faculty members, visiting scholars and guest speakers. | Pass/Fail | |
BP9101 Science Communication |
The course is designed for students who are interested in pursuing an academic career as well as those intending to work outside the academic environment after graduating. Specific course goals are to provide graduate students with insight into, and practice in effective means of science communication as well as an awareness of ethical issues in research and professional environments. This will be done through various activities that include writing and reviewing research grant proposals, teaching physics mini-lessons, literature and presentation critiques, manuscript and thesis/dissertation preparation, and oral presentation for a range of audiences (scientist, media, lay audience, school children) and subjects (including research-related and more general topics). This course is suitable for students in other scientific or engineering disciplines. | 1 | |
BP9201 Doctoral Seminar I |
This course consists of weekly seminars with emphasis on current research in the specialization fields and emerging areas of physics. This is a two term course (Fall and Winter) in the first year of the Doctoral program, and is generally one hour per week. Presentations will be given by graduate students, faculty members, visiting scholars and guest speakers. | Pass/Fail | |
BP9202 Doctoral Seminar II |
This course consists of weekly seminars with emphasis on current research in the specialization fields and emerging areas of physics. This is a two term course (Fall and Winter) in the second year of the Doctoral program, and is generally one hour per week. Presentations will be given by graduate students, faculty members, visiting scholars and guest speakers. | Pass/Fail | |
BP9203 Doctoral Seminar III |
This course consists of weekly seminars with emphasis on current research in the specialization fields and emerging areas of physics. This is a two term course (Fall and Winter) in the third year of the Doctoral program, and is generally one hour per week. Presentations will be given by graduate students, faculty members, visiting scholars and guest speakers. | Pass/Fail | |
BP9204 Doctoral Seminar IV |
This course consists of weekly seminars with emphasis on current research in the specialization fields and emerging areas of physics. This is a two term course (Fall and Winter) in the fourth year of the Doctoral program, and is generally one hour per week. Presentations will be given by graduate students, faculty members, visiting scholars and guest speakers. | Pass/Fail |