Careers in Medical Physics
Medical physics is the application of physics principles in the fields of medicine and healthcare, with various levels on the career path. After graduation, some students land exciting, entry-level opportunities as research assistants, lab technologists or other entry-level roles in biomedical technology or health sectors. Others choose to pursue advanced roles through a master’s degree, PhD or medical physics residency.
"My experience at [TMU] has directly contributed to putting me where I am now, the skills and knowledge essential to obtaining my dream job were all gained during my degrees."

Where do medical physicists typically work?
Medical physicists typically work in clinical or research settings. These can include hospitals, disease centres, research institutes, R&D divisions of private sector companies, the government or power generation corporations. Others pursue careers in education at the secondary or post-secondary level.
What does the work involve?
Work in this niche field falls broadly into a few areas. Some medical physicists work with clinical specialists to develop treatment plans for cancer and other serious illnesses. Others monitor, maintain and manage medical equipment. Some conduct fundamental scientific research to find new or improved techniques to diagnose and treat disease. Others work in sectors related to radioactive or nuclear energy.
Sample Roles and Sectors
- Computational Physics
- Health Physics Consulting
- Industrial Physics
- Medical technology
- Power and Generation Utilities
- R&D in Medical Imaging
- R&D in Radiation Therapy
- Medical Diagnostics / Imaging / Therapy
- Medical Dosimetry
- Medical Informatics
- Medical Physics/Assistance
- Radiation Therapy
- Academic Advising
- Editing and Writing
- Physics High School Education
- Program Development – Non-Profit
- Science Outreach
- Environmental Science
- National Defense
- Quality Assurance and Control
- Regulatory Authorities
- Science Policy
- Technological Innovation
Business / Finance
- Client Services
- Corporate Management
- Entrepreneurship
- Healthcare Administration
- Media Communication
- Product Analysis
- Project Management
Graduate School
- Law
- Forensic Law / Patent Law
- Medicine and Veterinary
- MSc / PhD
- Medical Physics
- Physics