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350 Victoria Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5B 2K3

Shipping: 105 Bond Street, Toronto ON M5B1Y3, CANADA

  • Office: 50 Gould Street, Kerr Hall South, Room KHS 138, Toronto, ON, M5B 2K3
  • Photonics Lab (Dry Lab):
    50 Gould Street, Kerr Hall East, KHE 238-240, Toronto, M5B 2K3, ON
  • Biomedical Optics Lab (Wet Lab):
    7th floor, iBEST, Keenan Research Centre of the LKS Knowledge Institute, St. Michael Hospital, 209 Victoria St, Toronto, M5B1T8, ON

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416-979-5000 EXT. 556538