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Students and Alumni

Three students walk side by side in the Student Learning Centre

Graduate Student Union

The Philosophy Graduate Student Union (external link)  represents the interest of philosophy graduate students, and organizes many events and activities. 

The executive officers for 2023-2024 are:  

MA Alumni

If you are (or are about to become) a graduate of the MA program in philosophy, please join the TMU Philosophy MA Alumni (external link)  Facebook group.

We regularly invite alumni to participate events and activities in the department, and to talk to current students about their career and educational paths.

PhD Placement

The following table lists all MA students who were offered admission into doctoral programs in philosophy (or closely related areas) during or since their time at Ryerson / Toronto Metropolitan University. Student names are omitted for the sake of privacy.

Many of our graduates pursue other opportunities after completing our program. Some go directly into the workforce; others continue their education in other areas.
In recent years, some of our students have gone on to law school or teacher’s college, and others have been accepted into Master's programs in other areas, such as education leadership and policy, environmental studies, political science, public policy and administration, public and international affairs, philanthropy and nonprofit leadership, urban planning, religious studies, bioethics, social work, and clinical, cognitive, and social neuroscience. For a complete list of our graduates, scroll to the bottom of this page.

The doctoral programs listed below are all in philosophy, unless otherwise noted.

Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis
Supervisor Accepted into Doctoral Programs At
Hegel's State and Civil Society in the Modern World
Ciavatta Guelph
Animated Re-Enchantment of the Calculative World: Animism, Spirit, and Relationality in the Modern World
Caruana Institute for Christian Studies
How Does the Good Relate to Desire?
Milona Ohio State
Could Some Evaluative Beliefs be Desires? D. Hunter Western

An Analysis of Metaphysics Γ3 1005b11-18

Hennig Aberdeen, Hawaii
Salvaging Conciliationism: An Evaluation of Four Responses to the Self-Defeat Objection to Conciliationism
Kraay Arizona
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into Doctoral Programs at
What's Free? The Struggle for Liberation out of the Tradition of the Oppressed in Hip-Hop Nation Schwebel
York (Social and Political Thought)
The Gods as Analogues for Epicurean Friendships O'Reilly McGill
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into Doctoral Programs at
An Argument Towards a Pluralist Conception of Vulnerability in Research Ethics
Wellington York
Asking the Buddha for Help: Overcoming the Bifurcation and Coloniality of Philosophy Through an Engagement with the Madhyamaka Tradition
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Thinking about "Things": Heidegger's Inquiry into Things
Ciavatta University of Ottawa,
Western (Theory and Criticism)
Nietzsche's Eternal Return as a Transformative Cosmological Teaching
University of Ottawa
Causal Decision Theory: Newcombe's Problem and Backwards Causation
Ryerson (Economics)
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Seeing the Connection: Believing, Inferring, and Understanding
D. Hunter University of Toronto,
Exploring the Transparency of Belief
D. Hunter University of Toronto,
University of Texas (Austin)
Explorations in Trauma and Memory: The Social Dimensions of Trauma
Schwebel Carleton (Ethics and Public Affairs)
An Examination of Eleonore Stump's Solution to the Problem of Petitionary Prayer
Kraay Birmingham (UK)
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Dialectical Disagreement and Homonymy in Aristotle
Hennig York,
Divine Silence and Heroic Sacrifice
Kraay Oklahoma
Public Reason and the Epistemic Turn in Deliberative Democracy
Murray Memorial
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Intersubjectivity and the Problem of Analogical Appresentation Ciavatta York (Science and Technology Studies)
Toward an Interdependent Conception of the Self: Implications for Canadian Policy Reform
Wellington/Schwebel Toronto (Political Science)
Heidegger and the Messianic Caruana McMaster (Religious Studies)
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
The Case against Realism: Presence-at-hand at Nature in Heidegger’s Being and Time Ciavatta Alberta,
Speaking the World Into Being: The Nature of Expressive Speech in the Phenomenology of Perception Maclaren dePaul,
Chicago (Divinity Studies)
Philosophy, History, and Progress Checkland UC Santa Cruz,
Haptic Conversations: Touch in Medical Care Schwartz York (Science and Technology Studies)
Incentives, Inequalities, and Self-Authorship: Can Market Democracy Save the Different Principle? Murray
Carleton (Political Science, Ethics and Public Affairs),
York (Socio-Legal Studies)
Worlds Apart: Marx, Marcuse, and Creative Engagement Schwebel University of Victoria (Political Science, Environmental Studies),
Trent (Cultural Studies),
Concordia (Humanities)
(En)countering Oppression: An Argument for Self-Skepticism Murray UBC
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Thor’s Paralyzing Principle: Defending Rowe’s A Priori Argument for Atheism Kraay Baylor, Calgary, UBC, UWO
Freedom as Menace: A Phenomenology of the Guilty Person Maclaren Guelph, McMaster
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Challenging the ‘Hidden’ Assumption in J.L. Schellenberg’s Hiddenness Argument: An Exploration into the Nature of Divine Love. Kraay McMaster
Political Ontology in Rawls vs Honneth: The Difference Recognition Makes Murray U of T (Political Science)
York (Political Science)
Merleau-Ponty and Animal being: Intentionality, Temporality, Self and World Articulation Maclaren Alberta,
Memorial University of Newfoundland,
Bayes and Base-Rates: Why a Probabilistic No-Miracles Argument is Successful Parsons Western
The Puzzle of Assertion D. Hunter Oxford (Philosophy)
Oxford (Theology)
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Finding Identity Through Trauma Maclaren / D. Hunter Guelph
Reconciling Freedom and Contingency in Hegel’s Philosophy Ciavatta Stony Brook
Derrida's Aporetic Ethics and the Urgency of the Impossible Caruana DePaul
Panpsychism and the Subject Combination Problem D. Hunter King’s College,
Accommodation or Cure: A Synthesis of Neurodiverse and Cure Theory Recommendations for Autism Action Schwartz Western,
Collingwood's Philosophy of Art as a Basis for Virtue Aesthetics Trott McGill,
Disagreement and the Rationality of Religious Belief Kraay Monash,
Emotion And Transformation Of Experience Maclaren Duquesne,
University of New Mexico,
SIU (Carbondale)
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Reasons to Believe D. Hunter Rochester, UMass (Amherst), Syracuse, Toronto, UWO
The Phenomenology of Pain as a Shared Experience Maclaren Vanderbilt, SUNY Stony Brook, DePaul, Guelph, Emory, Fordham, Memphis, University of New Mexico, SIU Carbondale, Duquesne
Psychopaths and Practical Knowledge D. Hunter McMaster, York
She’s Lost Control: Feminine Bodies and Iris Marion Young’s Communicative Democracy Schwartz Guelph
Enactive Perception Maclaren McGill, Toronto (Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology)
The Ability Condition Murray UCLA
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor Accepted into doctoral program at
Freedom in Sartre and Merleau-Ponty Ciavatta Marquette, Memphis, SIU (Carbondale), York
The Importance of Considering the Cultivation of Character When Evaluating Moral Dispositions: An Absolutist Argument for Why Aristotle’s Virtuous Man is the Most Admirable Kornegay McMaster, Waterloo, York
Reconciling Realism and the Strong Programme Parsons Birmingham, Toronto (Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology), Oxford.
Evaluating the Fales/Gellman Debate on the Epistemic Status of Theistic Mystical Experiences Kraay Arkansas, Birmingham, USF (Philosophy), USF (Philosophy and Religion), Wayne State
Kingdom of Nature, Kingdom of Ends: Teleology and the ‘Two Standpoints’ in Kant Murray Purdue, UWO
Learning in Merleau-Ponty Maclaren Institute for Christian Studies, OISE (PhD), York

Research Topics & Supervisors

Below is a list of graduates from our MA program, showing titles of the major research papers / theses, and supervisors. Student names are omitted for the sake of privacy.

Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis
Hegel's State and Civil Society in the Modern World
Animated Re-Enchantment of the Calculative World: Animism, Spirit, and Relationality in the Modern World
Kristeva's Abjection: An Explanation for the Heightened Disgust Towards Sexual Perversions
Depersonalization as Therapy: An Essay on Buddhist Ethics
How Does the Good Relate to Desire?
Could Some Evaluative Beliefs be Desires? D. Hunter

An Analysis of Metaphysics Γ3 1005b11-18

Salvaging Conciliationism: An Evaluation of Four Responses to the Self-Defeat Objection to Conciliationism
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis Supervisor
What's Free? The Struggle for Liberation out of the Tradition of the Oppressed in Hip-Hop Nation
The Justifiability of Ontario's COVID-19 Proof-of-Vaccination Requirement
On the Role of Caring in Moral Advice
D. Hunter
Self in Question: An Existential-Phenomenological Account of Social Anxiety Disorder
Non-Naturalism: The Dilemma of Being Immoral or Irrational
The Human Search for Distraction: Unmasking Meaninglessness and Social Disengagement in the Digital Age
Enns and Caruana
Accepting Entails Interpreting: A Defence of Anti-Reductionism
Aristotle, Action, and Addiction
Meditations in Bergsonism: Language and Memory
The Gods as Analogues for Epicurean Friendships
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


The Free Will Offence and the Comparability of Worlds
Permissivism, Uniqueness, and Higher-Order Evidence
Answering the Evil God Challenge
Fissures in Time: An Essay on Feverish Existence, Genuine Expression, and Healing
New Language Theory: An Introduction to New Structuralism
The Role of Recalcitrance in Emotion Theory
Knowing How We're Doing
D. Hunter
Nature Seeks to Remain a Mystery: Heidegger on Technology and the Disappearance of Things
Divine Pronouns
An Argument Towards a Pluralistic Conception of Vulnerability in Research Ethics
Asking the Buddha for Help: Overcoming the Bifurcation and Coloniality of Philosophy Through an Engagement with the Madhyamaka Tradition
Re-Thinking Mental Illness: A Phenomenological Understanding of Disordered Experiences
For the Love of Life: A Phenomenological Investigation of the Temporal Dimension of Depression, Resentment, and the Possibility of their Overcoming, Thought through the Philosophy of Frederick Nietzsche Panaiotti & Ciavatta
From Limits to Possibilities: A Study of Existential Transformation Through th Expression of the Ideal-in-the-Real
Transhumanist Ideology and the impoverishment of the Contemporary Human World
Nature Seeks to Remain a Mystery: Heidegger on Technology and the Disappearance of Things
Experience of Art through the Lens of Self and Performance
Reconciling Rawls and Race
Persuading Desire
D. Hunter
A Philosophical Cure for a Cultural Sickness
Thinking about "Things": Heidegger's Inquiry into Things
Causal Decision Theory: Newcombs Problem and Backward Causation
Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence as a Transformative Cosmological Teaching
Arbitrariness and the Contingency of Belief
Constellated - Or Appendixed - ? Exploring Two Accounts of the Subject via Dispositional Realism and Deleuze and Guattari's Ontology of Machines
Ideal Theory and Real Politics Murray
A Neitzschean Account of Flourishment: Drives, Values, and the Significance of Perspectivism Panaioti
Nostalgic Language: A Phenomenology of Expression and Speech in Modern Techno-Capitalism Enns
Psychoanalysis and Subjectivity: The Symbolic Representation of the Abject in Religion and Myth Caruana
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Unpossessed Evidence and Steadfastness
Cognitive Penetration of Perception and Responsibility
D. Hunter
An Examination of Eleonore Stump’s Solution to the Problem of Petitionary Prayer Kraay
Seeing the Connection: Believing, Inferring, and Understanding
D. Hunter
The Puzzling Case of the Intoxicated Offender
Auto: The Ethics of Machine Learning Algorithms and Autonomous Vehicles
C. MacDonald
Rawls' Normative Concept of Legitimacy: Practical Implications for Indigenous Rights
Encountering Malick's Experimental Film Philosophy: To the WonderKnight of Cups, and Post-Secular Cinema
Explorations in Trauma and Memory: The Social Dimensions of Trauma
Exploring the Transparency of Belief
D. Hunter
Husserl and Levinas on the Other: A Controversy on Transcendence
Freedom, Others, and Temporality: Simone de Beauviour and Morally Free Action
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Dialectical Disagreement and Homonymy in Aristotle
Merleau-Ponty on Ontological Indeterminacy as the Very Possibility of Ontological Interrogation
Divine Silence and Heroic Sacrifice
Making Inwardness Visible: Using Hegel's Account of Art to Make Sense of Modern Painting
Feminist critiques of Rawlsian Liberal Toleration: Pluralism and Gender Equality Murray
Public Reason and the Epistemic Turn in Deliberative Democracy
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Theory of Mind: A Phenomenological Reconsideration Maclaren
Transcendence, Immanence, and the Escape from Being: Toward a Levinasian Critique of Nietzsche
Levinas and the Ethical Turn: A Nietzschian Critique and Response Caruana
The Experience of Home in Chronic Pain and Illness
Heidegger and the Messianic Caruana
The Problem of Promising and Resolving Against the Evidence: A Pragmatic Practical Knowledge Response
D. Hunter
The Place and Purpose of Enhancement
Intersubjectivity and the Problem of Analogical Appresentation Ciavatta
Toward an Interdependent Conception of the Self: Implications for Canadian Policy Reform
"The Tears That a Civil Servant Cannot See -  The Tears of the Other": Emmanuel Levinas' Political Contributions and the Question of Human Rights
Beyond Modern Atheism and Theism: Beyond the Limits of the Onto-Theological Conceptions of God and Faith
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


The Case against Realism: Presence-at-hand at Nature in Heidegger’s Being and Time.


A Phenomenology of Intersubjective Trust.


Kierkegaard Really is a Religious Writer: Caputo’s Foundering of Mystery.


Creating the Self: The Intersubjective Nature of Experience, Self-Development, and the Phenomenon of Play.


Philosophy, History, and Progress


A Feminist Response to Critiques of Sex Work: Drawing on Lived Experiences.


The ‘Will’ing Animal: Philosophical Trajectory of the Will in Relation to Nonhuman Animals Through Athur Schopenhauer.


Understanding the Virtual: An Ontogenetic Study.


Mind Wars and the Self-Rejecting Individual’s Struggle for Autonomy in an Intersubjective World


Speaking the World Into Being: The Nature of Expressive Speech in the Phenomenology of Perception.


Society and Alienation: Hegel and Marx on Civil Society and the State


Acknowledging Nonhuman Persons: Reconstituting our Conception of Personhood.


Haptic Conversations: Touch in Medical Care.


Incentives, Inequalities, and Self-Authorship: Can Market Democracy Save the Different Principle?


Fiery Spirits and the Temperate Man: The Importance of Hobbes’ Moral Psychology.


Worlds Apart: Marx, Marcuse, and Creative Engagement


 (En)countering Oppression: An Argument for Self-Skepticism.


Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Thor’s Paralyzing Principle: Defending Rowe’s A Priori Argument for Atheism


Derrida’s Typology: On the Status of a Deconstructive Logic


The Conclusion of Practical Reasoning

Hunter, D.

Spiritual Nomadism: On the Ethical Ideal of the Free Spirit in Human, All too Human


On Plato’s Concept of Reason


Reconceiving Consent in Relation to Pregnancy and Parenting

Wellington / Schwartz

Freedom as Menace: A Phenomenology of the Guilty Person


An Unlikely Pair of Emmanuels: A Comparative Analysis of Kant’s Moral Philosophy and Levinas’ Ethical Thought


Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Towards Global Justice: Access to Medications and the Need for Incentives


Challenging the ‘Hidden’ Assumption in J.L. Schellenberg’s Hiddenness Argument: An Exploration into the Nature of Divine Love


Political Ontology in Rawls vs Honneth: The Difference Recognition Makes


Nietzsche and Distance


Political Liberalism and the Potential for Political Equality in Canada


Merleau-Ponty and Animal being: Intentionality, Temporality, Self and World Articulation


Bayes and Base-Rates: Why a Probabilistic No-Miracles Argument is Successful


The Use and Abuse of Laughter for Life


The Puzzle of Assertion
D. Hunter
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Finding Identity Through Trauma

Maclaren / D. Hunter

The Open Theistic Multiverse


Reconciling Freedom and Contingency in Hegel’s Philosophy


Panpsychism and the Subject Combination Problem

D. Hunter

Collingwood's Philosophy of Art as a Basis for Virtue Aesthetics

E. Trott

Derrida’s Aporetic Ethics and the Urgency of the Impossible


Accommodation or Cure: A Synthesis of Neurodiverse and Cure Theory Recommendations for Autism Action


Disagreement and the Rationality of Religious Belief


You’re Not Alone in Trying to Be: An Essay on Subjectivity and Otherness Caruana
Defending the Purpose Theory of Meaning in Life Kraay
Perspective-Centred Relativism and Faultless Disagreement D. Hunter

The Encounter with the Stranger: Called to Responsibility

Emotion And Transformation Of Experience Maclaren
Heidegger and Levinas: Examining Technology and its Relation to Situatedness Ciavatta
Ridley and Risse on Nietzsche’s “Bad Conscience” as a Feeling of Guilt Caruana
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Tracking the Liberal Self: Frameworks, Immersion and the Political Individual


Modal Metaphysics and Dogmas of Philosophical Theology: A Response to Almeida


Reasons to Believe

D. Hunter

Psychopaths and Practical Knowledge

D. Hunter

The Phenomenology of Pain as a Shared Experience


Reconceiving Consent in Relation to Pregnancy and Parenting


A Phenomenological Analysis of a Case of Suicide


She’s Lost Control: Feminine Bodies and Iris Marion Young’s Communicative Democracy


Enactive Perception Maclaren
Learning Language and Becoming Ethical: A Phenomenological Account Maclaren
The Ability Condition Murray
Nietzsche’s Theory of Virtue: An Ethics Rooted in Health Rondel
Two-Way Powers and the Attribution of Agency D. Hunter
Title of Major Research Paper / Thesis


Freedom in Sartre and Merleau-Ponty


The Importance of Considering the Cultivation of Character When Evaluating Moral Dispositions: An Absolutist Argument for Why Aristotle’s Virtuous Man is the Most Admirable


Reconciling Realism and the Strong Programme


Being Called to Respond: A Study Into the Dangers of Viewing Evil Merely as a Form of Radical Alteriety


Evaluating the Fales/Gellman Debate on the Epistemic Status of Theistic Mystical Experiences


Can We Live with Cohabitation? An Analysis of the Commonsense View of Identity and ‘Ordinary Concern’

D. Hunter

Kingdom of Nature, Kingdom of Ends: Teleology and the ‘Two Standpoints’ in Kant


Learning in Merleau-Ponty


Existential Freedom, Oppression and Authenticity: Making Authentic Choices in an Oppressive Society. Maclaren