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New Voices Festival 2024

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Produced by Alice Zheng, Cassandra Pires, and Sofia Farahani 

Festival Production Manager, Jonathan Cestnick 

With the guidance of Jennifer Tarver

February 13th-16th, 2024 


Full of Honey

Visiting her brother in the hospital, Macey deals with grief and regret as her words induce recent memories of their past. Full of Honey explores the present and the unconscious, colliding through one melody and tethered relationship.

Director: Aiden Altow 

Playwright: Claudia Chiodo 

Rehearsal Stage Manager: Jess Morcombe

Calling Stage Manager: Bella Szpala 

Lyricists/Composers: Karim Butt, Aiden Altow  

Dramaturge: Nicole Kleiman

Sound Designer: Anna Simmons

Lighting Designer: Alex Grozdanis

Show Producer: Sofia Farahani 

Cast: Paris Sandford, Halle Tator 


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Under the Floodlights

Two lovers and the entity of evil. Study dates and English class. A late bus and a drug deal gone wrong. Placed in the heart of 2016, Under the Floodlights is a nostalgia-fuelled coming-of-age drama laced with poetic revelations.

Director: Alice Zheng

Playwright: Sean Chen 

Stage Manager: Liam Cox

Dramaturge: Austin White

Costume Coordinator: Nala Lendor

Set/Prop Coordinator: Quỳnh Diep

Sound Designer: Anna Simmons

Lighting Designer: Alex Grozdanis

Intimacy Coordinator: Roshahn Dhoré

Fight Coordinator: Ailsa Wilson

Show Producer: Sofia Farahani 

Cast: Arjun Kalra, Sam Domingues, Eddie Ally, Alex Pearce, Bo Gleave-Tan, Tara Nikravesh



On lunch break in southwestern Ontario, two construction workers seek truth regarding their perceptions of masculinity in culture, society, and themselves. An excerpt from a play in development, Tradesmen, explores what defines a modern man in the internet age; strength? control? mosh style? And asks the question, “how do we find validation?

Director: Austin White

Playwright: Sebastian Reimer

Rehearsal Stage Manager: Sarah Yeoman

Calling Stage Manager: Bella Szpala 

Dramaturge: Mya Wong

Lighting Designer: Maya Prashad

Show Producer: Cassandra Pires 

Cast: Nolan Byrne, Carson Kroeker



Peeling a Citrus Fruit

An immigrant father and daughter try to make sense of each other using their respective understandings of the past and the present. peeling a citrus fruit is a play where the concepts of language and communication are told through the laborious fruit that is the Orange. 

Director/Sound Designer: Diego O'Brien

Playwright: Nicole Kleiman

Rehearsal Stage Manager: Luis Zaldivar

Calling Stage Manager: Liam Cox 

Dramaturge: Mya Wong

Set/Prop Coordinator/Lighting Designer: Alex Grozdanis

Costume Coordinator: Ailsa Wilson

Show Producer: Cassandra Pires 

Cast/Cultural Consultants: Sofia Farahani, Karim Butt



What happens after we die? Inspired by the gravediggers from Hamlet, Hereafter is an investigative solo work about a gravedigger surviving the Black Death. Alone, with the endless task of digging, he looks for answers while grappling with the grief of the most fatal pandemic in human history.

Director/Dramaturge: Austin White 

Playwright/Performer: Evelyn Gray

Rehearsal Stage Manager: Kate Chubbs

Calling Stage Manager: Bella Szpala 

Lighting Designer: Niall Durcan

Show Producer: Sofia Farahani 


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In a waiting room, 21 years after her adoption, Paige collides with her birth mother, Louise. Orca is a play about blood, forgiveness, and unanswered questions.

Director/Set and Costume Coordinator/Lighting Designer: Naomi Kaplan

Playwright: Heather Thomas

Rehearsal Stage Manager: Sarah Yeoman

Calling Stage Manager: Liam Cox 

Sound Designer: Anna Simmons

Show Producer: Sofia Farahani 

Cast: Madigan Skene, Ailsa Wilson, Edan Leslie


A Christmas Choice

It’s Christmas time in New York City, and small-town girl Christina Miracle has to choose between chasing her ambition or love. Tasked by her boss to return to her hometown, Christina faces a crucial decision: will she seize her corporate dreams, or will she let love guide the way? In this excerpt of “A Christmas Choice”, the choice is now yours.

Director/Choreographer: Mya Wong 

Playwright/Assistant Choreographer: Naomi Kaplan 

Stage Manager: Bella Szpala

Dramaturge: Halle Tator

Music Director: Claudia Chiodo

Composer/Band: Claudia Chiodo, Hugo Huang, Dean Marcynuk

Lyricists: Naomi Kaplan, Nicole Kleiman

Costume Coordinator: Nála Lendor

Set/Prop Coordinator: Quỳnh Diep

Sound Designer: Daniel Lei

Lighting Designer: Joana Provido

Show Producer: Cassandra Pires 

Cast: Paloma Stewart-Ramos, Tia Sandhu, Karim Butt, Edan Leslie, Roshahn Dhoré, Nicole Kleiman, Hannah Phillips


The Candy Lady

Four Torontonians are stranded on the subway. No one knows what happened or how long they’re going to be there. Chaos ensues, unearthing the dynamics that lie beneath our city.

Director: Cassandra Pires

Playwright: Ailsa Wilson

Rehearsal Stage Managers: Yllana Williams, Paulina Tapia

Calling Stage Manager: Liam Cox 

Dramaturge: Sofia Farahani

Costume Coordinator: Hannah Dulong

Lighting Designer: Joana Provido

Sound Designer: Anna Simmons

Set/Props Coordinator: Quỳnh Diep

Fight Coordinator: Sebastian Reimer

Show Producer: Cassandra Pires 

Cast/Script Consultants: Boro Milosevic, Michhelle Otubu, Tia Sandhu, Miguel Gallego Meneses