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Desmond looks at the camera intently. His thick dark hair stands on his head to an angle. His beard is trimmed close to the face.

Desmond Lazar


Desmond Lazar (He/Him) is an actor/writer/director currently living in Toronto ON. He is inspired by stories where outlandish stakes are thrust upon regular everyday people, pushing them beyond the bounds of their daily lives.

During his time at XU, Desmond has originated the role of Ivan, in Cole Lewis’ new adaptation of The Seagull in partnership with Tarragon Theatre. He has also played roles such as Romeo (Romeo and Juliet), Vince (Tape) and Hal (Proof). Last year, Desmond wrote a play called The Fire which was given a live reading by Precipice Productions. Over the past four years, Desmond has had the opportunity to work with the likes of Tim Welham, Phillipa Domville, Marianne McIssac, Nicola Correia-Damude, Ivan Sherry Sheldon Rosen, Leah Cherniak, and Iqbal Khan.

Desmond is incredibly excited to begin working on a career in the arts, and he is grateful for the opportunities and tools the school has given him to help him in the coming years. 


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